Tuesday, May 14, AD 2024 8:38am

Thought For the Day



No matter how badly you think of the FBI, you have merely scratched the surface of its corruption.  I doubt it can be reformed.  Time to start anew with a new organization and no current employee of the FBI should have any role in it.


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Father of Seven
Father of Seven
Thursday, September 16, AD 2021 5:54am

Hey Director Wray, how about the truthful explanation? No one asked you for a “good explanation”. We just want the truth. Crickets.

Thursday, September 16, AD 2021 6:19am

Somebody paid some big bucks to cover this up.

David WS
David WS
Thursday, September 16, AD 2021 6:56am

Nassar is a creep no doubt.

Somethings missing. In addition to the FBI did these young women tell their:
Father? Brother? Uncles?

In my family that Dr. would’ve had to go into witness protection.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, September 16, AD 2021 7:37am

I agree with you about the FBI generally and it looks here like they botched an investigation which was within their current bailiwick.

That having been said, I would want to know why we should have a federal police service investigating sex crimes outside the realm of inter-state trafficking in vice. If I understand correctly, this Dr. Nassar molested his charges during office visits. Ingham County, Michigan has a sheriff’s department. You’ve got municipal police in East Lansing, a security service on the Michigan State campus, and a state police. If Dr. Nassar molested students during games out of state, the police in Ingham County could collect affidavits and forward them to the local police at those sites and provide assistance to those out-of-state departments as needed.

Thursday, September 16, AD 2021 7:39am

I’m not at all surprised. Since the late ’80s the FBI went from accepting only lawyers and CPAs as qualified to be agents to basically anyone with a degree. Also “diversity”…
Did you ever hear of the play/movie “Angels in America”? It’s a homosexual glorifying work, by Tony Kushner, written during the height of AIDS. But closeted homosexuals were evil, so it portrayed the FBI and other federal agencies as loaded with evil or misguided closeted homosexuals, and open homosexuals as saints. So the FBI stopped hiring from Mormon schools (Mormon lawyers, CPAs and other educated were highly recruited, because they’re very loyal to America) and started recruiting Ivy liberal arts majors. Same with other Federal intel agencies. The quality of agents have plummeted every since.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, September 16, AD 2021 12:34pm

Since the late ’80s the FBI went from accepting only lawyers and CPAs as qualified to be agents to basically anyone with a degree.

Why would you want only lawyers or CPAs?

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, September 16, AD 2021 12:36pm

Tick Tock: 117 hours and no clarification or qualification from the Bush Center. Lots of encomiums to immigrants, though.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Thursday, September 16, AD 2021 1:16pm

Of course, they fear and loathe ordinary Americans.

The deep state’s tacit mission is to advance numerous special interests at the cost of ordinary Americans.

President Trump had to be destroyed – he was “blowing their cover.”

Like every other corrupt, sordid thing wriggling around in the DC Swamp [including the John Boehners, the Bushes, the Cheneys, the Romneys, the Paul Ryans, et al], the FBI serves whatever their bosses perceive as their interests not the interests of the American people or The US Constitution.

What we have today is government of, by, and for the special interests. We the people are sucking hind teat.

Trump was our only hope – and it was a forlorn hope at that.

It is human nature to fear and loathe those from whom you are stealing and those who you are perennially harming.

Bush is too much of a simpleton not to blurt it out.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, September 16, AD 2021 4:03pm

That was Hoover’s policy. He wanted educated men as his special agents at a time when a college degree was a rarity, especially in law enforcement. The law background helped special agents understand the often complicated relationship between state and federal jurisdiction. The CPAs gave the FBI the skills to investigate white collar aspects of crime, i.e. the nailing of Al Capone on tax evasion. Agents were often Catholic or Mormon, Hoover having a preference for both groups as special agents.

The question is why he was allowed such a policy in contravention of the usual standards and practices in recruiting and promoting federal civil servants. I’ve read one funny story about Hoover the recruiter. He reviews a new class of recruits, then goes over to some of his aides and says ‘get rid of the pinhead’. Not knowing what to do and not in the habit of asking him questions, they go back to the locker room, search the lockers, identify the recruit with the smallest hat size, and escort him off the premises.

There were if I’m not mistaken about 12,000 law degrees issued in 1928, at a time when young adult birth cohorts had a population of around 2.8 million. Mighty narrow segment of the population to which to limit your recruitment given that formal training in law is seldom thought necessary for police officers.

A neighbor of ours was a civilian employed in Army Intelligence during and after the war. He had occasion to speak with FBI agents making inquiries during his time as a federal employee. He thought the term ‘flatfoot’ was earned.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, September 16, AD 2021 4:31pm

He had enough on FDR to send him to prison if push came to shove

For what?

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