Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 2:27am

Cui Bono?


The lockdowns around the globe have served the interests of the government sectors and the big corporations they are in bed with.  Ordinary people, and their small businesses, have taken it in the neck.  Friends, for those people who control the lockdowns, this is a feature, not a bug.

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T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Saturday, January 16, AD 2021 7:08am

Soon, we will see whether or not it was ‘worth it’ [spitting into the wind] from economic and fiscal perspectives.

Frederick the Great knew it. He said, “He who defends everywhere defends nowhere.”

They needed to lock down at-risk populations, not everybody.

Ignore the propaganda. Their main purpose was to “Get Trump.”

It worked. They used the mail-in ballot scam to steal the election.

They’re the crazed dog that chases cars. They caught the car. What will they do with it?

Art Deco
Art Deco
Saturday, January 16, AD 2021 8:08am

I think you’re giving them too much Machiavellian credit. What we’ve learned is that ‘public health’ is a pseudo-profession like social work, chock-a-block with people who know nothing other than guild ideology. California public health officials are asinine in ways Virginia officials are not, so they advise the governor to do things like debar open-air activities. Some governors have more critical intelligence than others, so they’re willing to tell their public health officialdom to get stuffed. Meanwhile, while they were insisting children be cooped up at home even though COVID hardly affects them, they did nothing creative to reduce the risk to the elderly. Then when the vaccine appears, a CDC panel unanimously recommends we give priority to ‘diversity’ considerations instead of just vaccinating people under threat in birth order. Israel manages to vaccinate (w 2 doses) fully 70% of their population over 60 in the time it’s taken the US to get one dose to about 4% of our population (and not the elderly, but the hash-head collection of occupational categories governors and their staffs dream up). Britain’s in crisis now, and this country with a nation-wide ‘National Health Service’ still cannot deliver doses fast enough to get the vulnerable vaccinated before summertime.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Saturday, January 16, AD 2021 11:37am

Truth, Art Deco!

John Tierney, “During the 14th century Black Death [killed one-third of Europeans in four years], the public-health geniuses prescribed public self-floggings to end the plague, etc. Today’s public-health tyrants order less bloody but more stupid and more devastating forms of idiocy – LOCKDOWNS.”

China Virus Lockdowns Work!!!
The wealthy have never been more wealthy, while the lower half of America now owns only 1% of America’s wealth, down from 3% in 1989; and have never been more in debt.
Lockdowns forced eight million more Americans into dire poverty.
Weekly initial unemployment claims rose to 835,000, 730,000 was expected. Lockdowns Rule!
An eviction crisis is coming. Approximately 12,000,000 renters each owe more than $5,000 in past due rent. Just under one-third of US households are renters.
About 5.5% of home mortgage borrowers are not paying – in the US forbearance program.
Vacant NYC Offices/Commercial RE are wrecking the tax base.
Black Lives Matter! Almost half of black businesses wiped out by lockdowns. Minority students crushed by lockdowns.
UN Food Program Official warns that 270,000,000 people are Marching Toward Starvation In 2021.

Some ask, “Is there a tax China Joe can impose that will stop the China virus; or does that only work for climate change?”

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