Tuesday, May 14, AD 2024 10:47pm

Her Name Was Ashli Babbitt

From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent bear it away.

— Matthew 11:12




One of the few times you will likely hear her name:


The husband of 35-year-old Ashli Babbit told FOX 5 San Diego that he thinks his wife was killed in the chaos at the Capitol. However, he said he has yet to hear from authorities on the East Coast.

Officials have not yet publicly identified Babbit as the victim. In a news conference Wednesday, Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee said the woman was shot by one Capitol police officer with a service weapon after protesters breached the fencing at approximately 2:46 p.m.

She was transported to a local hospital where she died, Contee said.

The rioters stormed the Capitol Wednesday afternoon as Congress was meeting to certify Joe Biden’s election victory. Lawmakers have since reconvened to continue the process.

Husband Aaron Babbit said Ashli — a San Diego native who grew up in Lakeside — spent 14 years in the military between the Air Force and the D.C. National Guard. They now live in Ocean Beach where they’ve been for more than three years, he said.

Babbit said his wife went to Washington D.C. to take part in Wednesday’s protest, where she met up with friends. He said he sent her a status check message about 30 minutes before the shooting and never heard back.

“She loved her country and she was doing what she thought was right to support her country, joining up with like-minded people that also love their president and their country,” he said.

Babbit added, “She was voicing her opinion and she got killed for it.”


Go here to read the rest.  If she were a foot soldier of the Left you would be hearing non-stop about her for the next four years, as she was proclaimed a martyr in death.  Since she was on the Right, her death will be swiftly swept under the rug.  I do not regard her as a martyr.  I do regard her as an American citizen whose legitimate concerns at a stolen presidential election were ignored by the courts, censored by the Media and Big Tech, and betrayed by Republican politicians playing silly, and malign, political games, aiding and abetting the Democrat thieves by their complete fecklessness.  In short she acted out of frustration to make her voice heard, and she was killed for it.  Storming the capitol was folly and criminal, but it was done immediately after a year in which the party soon controlling the Federal government winked at and aided huge violence by Antifa and Black Lives Matter, establishing the precedent that violence works to get what you want in our system if you are on the Left.  If our immediate future is filled with political violence, the seeds were planted throughout the Trump administration by the resistance to him which began from the date he was elected.




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Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 2:39am

Agree with Tucker. Now expect various forms of rebellion to take place. The immediate future is ominous.

Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 5:15am

This is very sad. And the saddest part is she was not attacking her fellow citizens like the left we’re doing last year with their rioting, looting and pillaging. She was standing up to the politicians who created a farce out of what was meant to be a democratic election. God Rest her Soul and Bless her family.

Father of Seven
Father of Seven
Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 6:23am

Who didn’t see this coming eventually? The Left will never be satisfied, and it only understands raw power.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 6:53am

They wetted their collective knickers yesterday.

This morning, the fake news reports four dead.

You won’t see the liars/spin doctors scream about the racist police state killing of an unarmed citizen, or name it “The DC Massacre,” or write a song about it ala Cosby, Stills, Nash & Young – Kent State.

Chains and Slavery.

God’s Will.

Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 7:17am

McConnell and Pelosi pulled the trigger and now America can see that they have no reguard for the citizens, they only care about maintaining their power

Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 7:25am

I’ll pray for her soul and her family. Doesn’t change that, depending on where she was at the time, she was acting as an enemy of my country.

Steve Phoenix
Steve Phoenix
Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 7:43am

I think besides the blame where the writer rightly places it, the US federal and state judiciary both have a large share of the blame to shoulder, by their reflexive shutting out hearing any judicial review of the obvious multi-state election fraud that went on in the country November 3, and probably again in Georgia two days ago, and by their obvious rewriting of law the past four years to damage and handcuff Trump. How can one collect millions of mail-in ballots with no signature verification and, in large numbers of cases, no voter registration verification at all?

At the present, US judiciary system has become an active and willing instrument of the Left’s repressive techniques.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 7:49am

I’ll pray for her soul and her family. Doesn’t change that, depending on where she was at the time, she was acting as an enemy of my country.

Well, pin a cross and an American flag to your lapel! Thanks for sharing Pinko.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 7:50am

Doesn’t change that, depending on where she was at the time, she was acting as an enemy of my country.

Your commentary in the last several days has decayed from silly to obscene

Steve Phoenix
Steve Phoenix
Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 7:53am

Yet another thought that keeps recurring to me:

The deformed US media continually chortles its praise Of the US courts, especially the federal system, as it rubber-stamps case after case, thrown out without fair hearing. But the same vaunted US federal court system gave us the now-universally regarded appalling Dred Scott v. Sanford decision (1857) that all here know inevitably set the wheels turning to a bloody Civil War, and the same federal court system that for nearly 70 years told us “separate but equal” was “just law”,
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896).

Forget the media, but the federal court systems have forgotten that repressing the will of the people does not end well, and that even federal judges are not the ultimate authority.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 7:54am

The video of the Hart Senate Office building being stormed and occupied (funny, I don’t remember the media calling those protestors, rioters) ought to serve as a reminder that these things don’t just happen. They’re allowed to happen.

Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 7:55am

Well said.

Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 8:06am

There are a lot of people claiming online that Antifa thugs were bussed into DC yesterday, and that the Capitol Police let them into the building and stood aside while they raised Hell and were being photographed by what are alleged to have been professional photographers who came along with them. In other words, an Antifa photo-op. Speaking of photos, there allegedly are photos of some guy wearing horns cavorting around inside the building who looks much like an Antifa character seen often during the “peaceful protests” last summer. It’s being claimed that facial recognition software confirms they are the same man.
If all this is true, then things are even more seriously wrong than I already thought. But even if they are not true, the Deep State are laughing at us today.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 8:39am

If all this is true, then things are even more seriously wrong than I already thought.

In the next Red Dawn remake, the country will be occupied by Chinese “relief workers” under the aegis of the world health organization. The Wolverines will be fringe anti-government anti-vaccine domestic terrorists.

It will be a Chinese documentary film.

Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 8:42am

A John Sullivan was interviewed on CNN as a “witness” to the incident.

“Sullivan is the founder of the left-wing activist group Insurgence USA. He said he was not at the Capitol as part of the protest but did not specify what exactly brought him there.”


This is who John Sullivan is:


So what brought him there?….

Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 10:16am

Reading and thinking more about yesterday’s events convinces me that this was a set up that Trump walked into. I suspect that the goal now will be to discredit Trump as a future candidate.

Going forward we can expect that any conservative demonstration will be labeled as violent, there is also the likely risk that leftist professional agitators will shape events and the narrative. Federal law enforcement will be brutal and judicial system will persecute aggressively.

There may also be false flag events with FBI informants infiltrating groups that can be labeled as conservative and driving those easily influenced to cross the line with an activity that can be exploited with a show trial. The goal for this will be to attempt to sway public opinion and give cover to removing some of the protections that the constitution and bill of rights provides for citizens.

A free government requires that citizens resist an unjust government, but this resistance will have great risk and needs to be undertaken cautiously.

Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 11:38am

Shooting an unarmed woman, whom the police could easily have let come in through the door then arrested (or sent her on her way as they would have BLM rioter) is inexcusable. Besides, what halls were so sacred? All I see now is a place of liars, thieves, traitors, death-dealers, communists, i.e., Democrats. America is done, and we did it to ourselves.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 11:40am


This has been the fake news’ modus operandi for many years: Burning down and looting entire cities is “Largely Peaceful” when their pets do it Conservative speech is violence. Leftist violence is speech.

The fabric of your democracy was shredded when they stole the elections, including two GA senate seats.

We were babysitting and didn’t see much of it. My first thought was, “Those are not serious people.”

None dare call it “The Capitol Massacre.”

Serious people [with experience and training] do not operate against 800 police and 18,000 lying media douche bags.

Did you actually believe you live in a free country?

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 1:20pm

There won’t be “conservative demonstrations,” no revival of the tea-party. Just random acts of violence by persons unknown for no apparent reason.

Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 1:43pm

Suspicious of the FBI, DC Police and Capitol Police. These organizations monitor social media; have informants on the street; and have camera all around the city, especially around federal buildings. There had to have been some inklings of possible protests and counter protests on Capitol grounds. Hundreds of people walking/ running towards Capitol Hill and no law enforcement noticed?
PS. What a despicable thing to say about the deceased woman. There are real enemies of our country sitting in the chambers of the Capitol. Here’s a new one – $3M in aid from the Obama/Biden Administration to the ChiCom military lab in Wuhan where COVID 19 was created.

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Thursday, January 7, AD 2021 2:19pm

Tons of people who say “property doesn’t trump human lives” in response to BLM burning down businesses are saying “she got what she deserved for trespassing” in response to this.

Make no mistake, the battle lines have already been drawn. Many of your countrymen would be glad to see you dead for whatever excuse.

Friday, January 8, AD 2021 6:39am

Any comment on Brian Sicknick?

Friday, January 8, AD 2021 9:38am

How can we have a comment on a death were the only thing we know is he was injured during the protest?

Friday, January 8, AD 2021 9:55am

Don, you don’t have to argue a bad case. I can’t imagine you deflecting the blame like this in any other scenario. This is Ilhan Omar stuff – “some people did something”. No, it’s worse than that. It’s Jeremiah Wright stuff – the officer died because the chickens came home to roost.

Friday, January 8, AD 2021 10:16am

Sorry, I should have been clearer. I wasn’t thinking that Trump was responsible, but that the people who stormed the Capitol are responsible. Pat Buchanan once said, “the root cause of riots is rioters”.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, January 8, AD 2021 10:18am

but that the people who stormed the Capitol are responsible. Pat Buchanan once said, “the root cause of riots is rioters”.

Since three people died consequent to ‘medical events’ and we do not know what killed him in particular. this is an inane judgment.

Friday, January 8, AD 2021 10:39am

Not inane, but a bit premature. We know that rioters stormed the Capitol, then an officer died. It’s possible he committed suicide, or was injured in an accident unrelated to his job, or he engaged in a criminal activity which would have justified someone onhand taking his life. I guess I shouldn’t rule those scenarios out, but I think they’re unlikely. Any other scenario I can think of has the officer dying because of unjustifiable injuries received in the line of duty during a riot. How would some element of the rioters not be responsible, legally or morally?

Dale Price
Dale Price
Friday, January 8, AD 2021 11:15am

I have no use for the Capitol stormers–to the contrary, throw several sets of the 1911 Britannica at them.

And yet, we all know that if five rioters had died at a left-wing riot, the focus would be on the police. And not many would be talking about the fallen officer–hell, brutal attacks on the wrong kind of Congressman (Scalise) or Senator (Paul) have been memory-holed by those whose are now appalled by the right kind of Congressman or Senator being menaced by rioters.

Nevertheless, may God rest the soul of the fallen officer and deliver justice and comfort to those who mourn him. Prayers also for the dead rioters and their mourners.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, January 8, AD 2021 11:44am

It’s possible he committed suicide, or was injured in an accident unrelated to his job,

Again, three people died consequent to ‘medical events’, which doesn’t sound like an injury done to them. No clue why you don’t entertain the possibility for him, except that’s how you roll. The Capitol Police had four women on duty that day. Note, among the adult population at large, a man at the 70th percentile in height is the same height as a woman at the 99th percentile. I think the same holds true for muscle mass. The number of women suitable for hands-on protective services work (outside of women’s jails) is quite small and organizations gut their recruiting standards in the service of ‘diversity’. It’s not such a stretch that they might have a cop with coronary artery disease on patrol, even though he belongs in desk work.

Donald Link
Donald Link
Friday, January 8, AD 2021 3:29pm

If it had been a black man killed, we would see another riot today but from the left. Anyone surprised the shooter is not even identified?

Saturday, January 9, AD 2021 10:30am

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Art Deco
Art Deco
Saturday, January 9, AD 2021 11:20am

Did you catch that the Capitol Police has 2,300 sworn officers to patrol an area with a footprint of 2 sq miles? Do the math. That means they have an average of 500 on a shift of which perhaps 20% one might guess are supervisory and managerial personnel. So, 400 people to patrol that 2 sq mile footprint on an average shift. NB, you have in this country an average of about 140,000 police officers and 240,000 security officers on shift at any one time. So, the ratio of the public to protective services personnel on duty is typically 870:1. I believe the U.S. Congress employs about 28,000 people and the Capitol Visitor Center has the space for 4,000 tourists at any one time. So the ratio of the public to protective services personnel on patrol is 32,000 / 400 or about 80:1. So, on a typical day, they’ve got 11x as many protective services personnel for the population they’re watching than would be present in an ordinary locale. Your government at work.

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