Tuesday, May 14, AD 2024 4:15pm

Signs That the Election Was Stolen

I believe the Presidential election was stolen by fraud, and I further believe that nothing will be done to redress this fraud.  Here are some indications that the election was stolen:

  1. Presidential bellwethers-Of all the  counties that have correctly predicted the outcomes of Presidential elections since 1980, only one remains.  All the others got this election “wrong”.  That is stunning and unprecedented.
  2. The House elections- Leading up to this November election, 26 Republican members of the House retired.  Normally you only see such a wave of retirements when a party believes it is going to be shellacked, and the GOP thought it was going to be shellacked in the House.  As a result, Republican recruitment for House candidates was lacking.  The Democrats were flush with cash.  Experts predicted the Democrats were going to gain 5-20 seats.  (Fox predicted 5-15 on the night of the election.)  Instead, it is the Republicans who are gaining circa 13 seats.  Of 27 races rated tossups by experts going into the election, 27 out of 27 were won by Republicans.  This was almost all due to the coattails of Donald Trump and the 74 million GOP voters he brought to the polls.
  3. The Senate-Almost all experts thought it likely the Senate would flip to Democrat control because of the very bad map the Republicans were defending.  Two seats face runoffs in Georgia, but the Republicans are favored to hold on.  Several key races were decided with the help of the coattails of Donald Trump.
  4. Legislative races-This was an important year since the new legislatures elected this year will control redistricting in most states.  The Democrats put endless money into flipping legislative chambers.  Instead, it was the GOP that gained circa 160 legislative seats, and the only legislature that flipped was New Hampshire, and it went from Democrat control to Republican.
  5. Gubernatorial races-The Republicans had a net gain of one.
  6. Success at the Ballot box-It is beyond odd for one party in a presidential election to be victorious at all other levels, yet lose the White House.
  7. Ohio and Florida-Ohio was a presidential bellweather since 1970.  Florida was a presidential bellweather since 1992.  Trump won both, but still lost the election.  The last Republican nominee to have this happen to him was Nixon in 1960, sixty years ago in an election clouded by suspicions of fraud.
  8. Presidential undervotes-Some voters will vote only for President.  Biden received an unusually large number, especially compared to undervotes for Trump, in key states of such undervotes.  If one is going to prepare fraudulent ballots, voting for President only is a time saver, and not voting for down ballot races reduces the chance for discovery, since Presidential race totals in a state have almost never been challenged historically, whereas down ballot race challenges occur much more frequently.
  9. Increase in Trump Vote-A sure path to victory for a president is to increase his vote total from the time he was elected.  Some Presidents do win reelection even while gaining less votes.  The most recent instance was Obama in 2012 who earned three and a half million votes less than in 2008.  Fortunately he was running against Romney who managed the feat of increasing McCain’s pathetic total by less than a million.  Votes are still being tabulated, but it looks like Trump increased his 2016 vote total by almost twelve million ballots, while Biden, a candidate who hardly campaigned, purportedly increased Clinton’s 2016 total by fourteen million ballots.
  10. Enthusiasm-By every measure, Trump voters tended to be very enthusiastic for him while Biden voters had little enthusiasm for him, most being motivated by opposition to Trump.  In Presidential contests usually the more enthusiastic side wins.
  11. Observers-In Democrat urban centers in key states, Republican observers were harassed, and sometimes locked out.  They were kept such a distance away, ostensibly out of Covid concerns, that they could not observe the actual ballots being tabulated.  As I have asked many times in my legal career:  If you have nothing to hide, why are you acting as if you have a great deal to hide?
  12. Slow down and stop in vote count-After Trump took the lead on election night, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, or rather their blue controlled counties, suddenly began to slow down and stop their vote counts, which did not resume until the wee hours of the morning.  It doesn’t take too much cynicism to realize that the Democrat powers that be in those counties were determining how many votes they needed to prevail.  Preparation for this was made in Pennsylvania with the Mayor of Philadelphia announcing, prior to election day, that Philadelphia would not begin counting mail in ballots until the day following the election.

I could go on at some length, but you get the point.  Life is full of anomalies, but pile up too many anomalies in one event and it doesn’t take 38 years practice as an attorney to recognize criminal actions.  This election was stolen from the American people, and that is just fine with the powers that be in our country.  Remember.

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Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Monday, November 23, AD 2020 5:24am

Agree, but I will “wait till the last dog is hung” before throwing in the towel. Barnes says a Trump win is a Hail Mary long shot. So let’s say our Hail Marys.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Monday, November 23, AD 2020 5:53am

This was Bernie Madoff and the Enron crooks on steroids.

There is no way in Hell Biden won.

We Know What They Did.

Biden is a crook. Should be in prison. He employed his son, Hunter, and Biden to sell his office.


T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Monday, November 23, AD 2020 6:54am

I’m so old!

I remember the guy in Boston, MA who wrote to the US SEC that Bernie Madoff was running a Ponzi scheme because he could see (as plain as the nose on your face) that no human being could possibly make each and every massively profitable trade, with no losers, every time, year in and year out.

Sure and you will find no evidence of fraud when you employ the fraudsters to investigate their selfsame frauds.

That’s like Bernie Madoff enjoying 20 years of pristine audit reports from his three-man, small family practice CPA firm working out of a store front in Rockland County, NY.

Meanwhile the Bush/McCain/Romney gang of globalist oligarchs masquerading as Republicans are calling for President Trump to throw in the towel. The Lord rebuke them.

Father of Seven
Father of Seven
Monday, November 23, AD 2020 7:11am

It is a fight worth fighting. If for no other reason, it continues to separate the wheat from the chaff. This election was stolen.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Monday, November 23, AD 2020 8:57am

Any links for the Biden undervotes? I am trying to sort out the wheat from the chaff, especially after Sidney Powell’s unfortunate implosion.

Monday, November 23, AD 2020 11:40am

The bellwethers and performance of other candidates are certainly odd, but I wouldn’t say they’re proof of fraud. I think of the Redskins correlation that held for a while. But numbers 8,11, and 12 stink to high heaven (or deep hell). And they do make the others more interesting.
More Hail Marys.

Monday, November 23, AD 2020 11:40am

Odd….no matter how many times I cut and pasted the address for this post to my email this shows up in blue:
Signs That the Election Was Stolen – The American Catholic (the-american-catholic.com)
I finally just typed the address in my email.

Nate Winchester
Nate Winchester
Monday, November 23, AD 2020 3:31pm
Art Deco
Monday, November 23, AD 2020 3:52pm

The attempt to keep Republican observers out, or have them seated far enough away so their observing was ineffective,

The ‘Republican’ Secretary of State in Georgia was complicit with this. That’s what makes me anxious about the run-offs down there.

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Monday, November 23, AD 2020 5:45pm

I think that there are enough people who are angry about this that we might force through actual election security reform.

However, if establishment Republicans were left to their own devices absolutely nothing would be done. If they had their way I would not be surprised to see even more blatant fraud the next time around. (Such as openly allowing votes to be cast for weeks after the election. Not just “if it arrives late but the postmark is good we’ll accept it” but “if you forgot to vote on election day feel free to stop by any time in the next two weeks and drop off your vote; no big deal.”)

Tuesday, November 24, AD 2020 8:23am

What’s lacking: any evidence that would persuade a court of what you say. What’s wrong: is Trump’s legal team grossly incompetent, or is there simply no evidence to present?

Rudolph Harrier
Rudolph Harrier
Tuesday, November 24, AD 2020 8:40am

Nice rhetorical slide from “evidence that would persuade a court” to “no evidence at all.”

Statistical anomalies, signed affidavits, the removal of observers and so on are all evidence. Is this enough to persuade a court, especially in conjunction with the evidence not yet presented? Well, that’s why we have a legal system. We’ll know once the evidence is actually presented before a court.

Donald Link
Tuesday, November 24, AD 2020 11:57am

Although it appears Biden will be president for the next four years, it would behoove the Republicans to keep thorough notes of his certain to be erratic performance in the event of a Trump rematch in 2024. Precedent favors him as in Jackson 1828, Cleveland 1892 and Nixon 1968. Something to think about.

Art Deco
Tuesday, November 24, AD 2020 12:16pm

it would behoove the Republicans to keep thorough notes of his certain to be erratic performance in the event of a Trump rematch in 2024.

I think in four years, Biden will have moved on to moderate cognitive impairment if he’s not there already, and you won’t see him in public places at all.

Nate Winchester
Nate Winchester
Tuesday, November 24, AD 2020 3:04pm

Agreeing with Art on this one. I’m still surprised Biden made it to election day. I’m really doubting he’s going to make it all the way through his first term.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Tuesday, November 24, AD 2020 8:12pm

I’ll take the over.

Wednesday, November 25, AD 2020 1:13am

Vote counting machines connected to the internet was an obvious sign of fraud. Viewed the interview of a computer engineer describing the set up in either Philly or Detroit. He said he has pictures and drawings.

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