Tuesday, May 14, AD 2024 7:39am

Bear Growls: The USCCB

Our bruin friend gives us this dismal news about the USCCB:


The USCCB is throwing its negligible weight behind the Harris-Biden ticket with their new “Civilize It” program, which repackages their old “Vote for Baby-Killing Socialists or You’re Not Catholic” tract, a.k.a. “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship, a Call to Political Responsibility.”  Here. This is a link to all the cringeworthy, earnest videos about why the Democrat party needs the votes of real Catholics so it “can build the Kingdom of Christ on Earth.” In more languages than the golden record Voyager is carrying beyond the solar system.

This is old news, of course. Bear supposes the only thing new is how they’ve managed to get even worse at this. Like the Pope Videos, they’re not even worth ridiculing anymore. They’re simply irrelevant, as is the USCCB itself. Like all the Catholic media out there still obsessing on them.

They’re really hammering Hispanics, because no matter how many times Joe Biden plays Tequila into a podium mic and does Pee Wee Herman’s Big Shoe Dance, he’s underperforming with them.

The Bear called it last election and he’s calling it this time, too. Once again, it’s The Hair and the Bear. Not that we’ll have a functioning democracy after 2020, but the Bear has his own thoughts about all that. Perhaps for another time.

If you vote for Biden you’re a moron and a bad Catholic. “Civilize It” is an ironic tagline from the socialist fellow-travelers at the USCCB promoting the party that is trying to destroy Western Civilization before our very eyes. We all know what your smarmy plea really means. Catholics have heard a variation of that tired tune ever since Francis became the first Full-Metal Modernist Bishop of Rome. The virtue of charity is just another weapon for you. It means STFU if you aren’t with us. It means how dare you criticize your betters? It means shutting down debate.

Go here to read the rest.  A sad sign of the times is that absolutely none of us are surprised by this.  The Civilize It banality of the USCCB calls to mind this passage from GK Chesterton’s Everlasting Man:

There was a tendency in those hungry for practical results, apart from poetical results, to call upon spirits of terror and compulsion; to move Acheron in despair of bending the Gods. There is always a sort of dim idea that these darker powers will really do things, with no nonsense about it. In the interior psychology of the Punic peoples this strange sort of pessimistic practicality had grown to great proportions. In the New Town, which the Romans called Carthage, as in the parent cities of Phoenicia, the god who got things done bore the name of Moloch, who was perhaps identical with the other deity whom we know as Baal, the Lord. The Romans did not at first quite know what to call him or what to make of him; they had to go back to the grossest myth of Greek or Roman origins and compare him to Saturn devouring his children. But the worshippers of Moloch were not gross or primitive. They were members of a mature and polished civilisation, abounding in refinements and luxuries; they were probably far more civilised than the Romans. And Moloch was not a myth; or at any rate his meal was not a myth. These highly civilised people really met together to invoke the blessing of heaven on their empire by throwing hundreds of their infants into a large furnace. We can only realise the combination by imagining a number of Manchester merchants with chimney-pot hats and mutton-chop whiskers, going to church every Sunday at eleven o’clock to see a baby roasted alive…

I am glad that the Apostle of Common Sense did not live to see the millions of infants sacrificed each year with the full support of the powers that be in our society and with the increasing support of the powers that be in the Church.  May God forgive and stop them, and may we never cease in our efforts to defend the innocent who are slain in their thousands each and every day.


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Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Thursday, September 17, AD 2020 4:35am

Bear’s is a rationale that the un-holy USCCB is badly in need of exorcism and prayer. They have gone completely insane. That’s what happens when the devil is followed.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Thursday, September 17, AD 2020 5:32am

That’s been their dodge for decades.

I once saw a quote attributed to an ancient Saint John Chrystostom, “The floor of Hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.”

Bart Simpson’s intelligence would be insulted by this nonsense heterodoxy.

Thursday, September 17, AD 2020 6:06am

In 1962, Archbishop Rummel of New Orleans excommunicated (NOT denied communion, but actually excommunicated) three prominent local Catholics who publically opposed integration of parochial schools. The USCCB is more afraid of bad press releases than the late Archbishop was of the Ku Klux Klan.

Thursday, September 17, AD 2020 7:03am

It’s not honorable, but they may be trying to protect the churches they’re responsible for; the Republicans won’t try to destroy them. The Democrats will– well, more so than already.

The Bear
Thursday, September 17, AD 2020 7:10am

Thank you, Doctor McClarey. The Bear’s ephemeris is, like the Bible in the hands of a Modernist, or the Constitution in the hands of RBG, a living document. Go “there” to see the additional single argument that skewers, Phineas-like, the whole lot of them in flagrante delicto. And a couple more good growls. The Bear is always best in the morning after a cup of joe and before the Office of Readings and Morning Prayers have taken his edge off.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Thursday, September 17, AD 2020 7:12am


Thanks. I was unaware of that.

Some Catholics are more equal than others.

This [I think] highlights the absence of canon law excommunications of national abortion pushers like Biden.

For 2,000 years, the Church has taught abortion is murder.

Excommunication means nothing to Biden’s CCP handlers.

Thursday, September 17, AD 2020 7:48am

If that is their motivation then they are stupid beyond belief.

No kidding.
I suffered through the “if someone is really nasty to you, you must be extra super nice to them” BS in school. Not only did it not work, but it actively punished people who did the right thing.

It doesn’t have to be an intelligent response to be a valid one– sadly, they’re mostly old enough that they absorbed the idea that the Democrats are the nice ones, that nice means without conflift, and that nice is the same as good. (It isn’t.)

It’s exactly the same pattern as their response to crime. Oh, we feel so sorry for the victims– now let’s “help” those doing the harm, by making sure they face no consequences, and even remove the defenses of their chosen targets.

Chris Griffin
Chris Griffin
Thursday, September 17, AD 2020 10:27am

I agree with the article completely except for the last line… “May God forgive and stop them”.
why should we pray that God will forgive them since they haven’t repented? Gospel of John said IDO NOT SAY TO PRAY FOR ONE COMITTING SIN UNTO DEATH. Why not – because God does not listen to prayer for those whose hands are full of innocent blood.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Thursday, September 17, AD 2020 11:33am

The USCCB is more afraid of bad press releases than the late Archbishop was of the Ku Klux Klan.

IIRC, it was ‘Judge’ L.H. Perez he excommunicated, and I don’t think it was for opposing integration per se; Perez was a very vituperative character. (Between 1945 and 1982, the number of people in the Southern United States killed by klavern members qua klavern members was 16, all of them in Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, and Georgia. I doubt the Archbishop was too concerned about klavern members).

Thursday, September 17, AD 2020 5:02pm

I find it impossible to be sympathetic to the bishops. If I, bad Catholic that I am, still believe Catholicism to be the religion God intended, and strive to defend it whenever I can, try to live it however poorly, then there is no excuse for these men. They have gone to seminary (God help them), been ordained, taken vows. Some of them must have had good intentions, but when they found out all the cool kids were laughing at actual Catholicism and doing something else, they bailed. They went along.
Now, we have demons worshipped over the bones of St. Peter by our own pope. Bestiality displayed in huge photos in a Catholic Church, and a woman adored as she is lifted on a litter at the altar, while a Pachamama bowl is brought to the holy altar of God.
And yet Catholics just kept on, acting as if we still had a Catholic Church, we kept the pretense going. So why would we imagine his hirelings would be anything better. Sorry, I don’t mean to go off on a tear, but the pope, the Cardinals, and the bishops, are why America and our world is collapsing into such madness. If they had stuck to Catholicism, it would never have happened. Now we will all pay. These men are secularists at best, friends of Moloch at worst. Some of them are Communists, many of them are Democrats. Some are Freemasons. Occasionally there is a standout, God bless them. But not enough to make a difference.

Margie Ryan
Margie Ryan
Saturday, September 19, AD 2020 10:16pm

Ahhh just found your page. Great faith, prefect grammar, super articles. At 86 I’m having a ball staying at home, giving orders, and getting reading treats from some Catholic web sites.Just don’t understand why so many Religious and lay Catholics refuse to heed or believer the Mother of God’s Fatima warning about the hierarchy’s deception and betrayal.

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