Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 8:29am

Roe and Back Alley Abortions



The prosecution is ready to rest in the murder trial of the abortionist Kermit Gosnell.  Yesterday was the last day of testimony for the prosecution, and they ended with a tale that plumbs the absolute bottom of the sad chronicle of Man’s inhumanity to Man:

On the last day of testimony before the prosecution rests in  the murder trial of abortionist Kermit Gosnell, a former worker at Gosnell’s clinic testified that she saw one late-term baby who survived an abortion “swimming” in a toilet and “trying to get out.”

Kareema Cross, a “medical assistant” who worked at Gosnell’s Women’s  Medical Society clinic for four-and-a-half years, testified in a  Philadelphia court today, telling of the horrors of babies who survived  abortions only to have their necks snipped with scissors.

“Did you ever see those babies move?” asked Prosecutor Joanne Pescatore.

“Yes, once in the toilet,” said Cross.

The baby “was like swimming,” she said.  “Basically, trying to get out.”

Adrienne Moton, an employee at the clinic, then took the baby and   snipped the back of its neck while the mother was still in the room.

Cross told the jury that when Shayquana Abrams came into the clinic in July 2008 she was pregnant, “and she was big.”

“That was the largest baby I ever saw,” Cross said.

“Jesus wept!” is the only appropriate verbal response to that example of the horrific murder of an innocent child.  James Taranto of The Wall Street Journal, who has been absolutely on fire in regard to the Gosnell case, takes on one of the biggest myths of our time, that Roe did away with  the back alley abortion:


Why were these horrors allowed to persist for decades? Even if the infanticides had been concealed, there were ample other irregularities in the clinic’s operations, including filth, unsanitized instruments, unqualified staff and dangerously inappropriate use of drugs. When the clinic was finally raided in 2010, it was the result of a federal narcotics investigation.


Part of the reason for the regulatory failure was simple bureaucratic indifference or incompetence. Inspectors from the Pennsylvania Department of Health visited several times between 1979 and 1993, noted problems, and didn’t bother following up. But after 1993, the inspectors never reappeared until the 2010 raid. The reason was political.

In 1994 Tom Ridge, a pro-abortion Republican, was elected governor, succeeding the antiabortion Democrat Bob Casey. According to the grand jury, Ridge administration officials “concluded that inspections would be ‘putting a barrier up to women’ seeking abortions. Better to leave clinics to do as they pleased.” The new policy did away with all regular inspections of abortion clinics. Mr. Ridge’s lassitudinous approach was bipartisan, continued by his successor, Democrat Ed Rendell, who resumed the inspections only after the 2010 raid.

Prosecutors are seeking the death penalty for Gosnell and have already obtained guilty pleas from eight of his former staffers. The grand jury’s report should also be seen as an indictment of America’s post-Roe abortion industry. Its indifference—at best—to legal limits made possible the deaths of untold numbers of babies, lending credence to the argument that legal abortion is a slippery slope to infanticide.

Meanwhile, the claim that Roe v. Wade made America safe from back-alley abortion stands exposed as a cruel hoax, and a deadly one for women and children alike.

Go here to read the brilliant rest.  I have been active in the pro-life movement for four decades.  If God granted me the time,  I would fight this appalling evil for eternity if that is what it took.

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J. Christian
J. Christian
Friday, April 19, AD 2013 9:00pm

I still fear that the left sees this as nothing more than added reason to expand abortion rights: “See what happens when you stigmatize late term abortions?”

Paul W Primavera
Friday, April 19, AD 2013 9:01pm

I wish I could fight as you do, Donald. I am simply appalled and revolted. I get too angry to stand outside abortion clinics. I have to go to Adoration and pray. That’s all I can do. For crimes like this, God allowed the Assyrians and Bablyonians to plunder and burn Israel and Judea. What will He allow to happen to us? 🙁

Friday, April 19, AD 2013 9:36pm

I had an abortion years ago. I was afraid. I didn’t know then that I would be haunted forever?

If I met my baby in the afterworld, what should I say? “I could have been your mom but I was afraid? You could have lived and had A LIFE but I was afraid?”

What a worthless coward I am, contributing to the moral decay of this country. I wish i was dead.

Friday, April 19, AD 2013 9:41pm

I murdered my baby. Christ should not love me. Nobody should love me.

Friday, April 19, AD 2013 9:54pm

Do you know what I recall about my abortion? Not the abortion itself I was put under. It was after it was over. One of the PP nurses, or whatever they are, came around, made us stand up, and pulled our underwear and looked down to see if we were bleeding. ‘Oh, you look fine.”

Having some stranger look down my underwear was the most dehumaning moment…nothing, though, compared to what my poor baby went through.

Please, please, Jesus, please, have mercy on my soul.

Paul W Primavera
Friday, April 19, AD 2013 10:02pm


I was involved in an abortion long ago when I was in my apostasy and rebellion. I know what I deserve, especially since I had been taught the sanctity of life from the age of a child. But God in His mercy did not give me what I deserve – death. You see, that’s the reason for the Cross. He took that punishment on Himself, a punishment I deserve. I am still ashamed of what I did. I still cannot get rid of the feelings of guilt. And I still cannot stand outside of abortion clinics. Indeed, this is one reason why I get so mad at Obama and the abortionists – because I am angry at myself for my own failure. Yes, God will forgive you, but you have to forgive yourself. For me, Confession and Penance are gifts.

Friday, April 19, AD 2013 10:11pm

Donald, I want to tell women all day long that that baby is worth it! I would do anything to tell women to keep the babies (or give them up for adoption) and not abort. Do you know where Ican do this?

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Saturday, April 20, AD 2013 5:04am

What a terrible person Tom Ridge was for allowing this. Ridge was brought up Catholic. It is disgusting to see how many Catholic politicians in this nation have supported abortion.

The disgusting media, who I now ignore almost completely, has done its worst in ignoring this trial. God will have more mercy upon all involved who perpetuate this than I would.

Exiled, God’s forgiveness is not denied to you, but you must seek it and ask for it. Obviously you are a penitent person. Go to a priest.

Saturday, April 20, AD 2013 5:55am

I never had an abortion in a clinic, but I did have an IUD. I am guilty as others. Project Rachel has helped me. I know Jesus and the Father loves me, and I am forgiven, thank God.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Saturday, April 20, AD 2013 7:16am

The Apostles’ Creed finishes with, “I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the Forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.”

We are all sinners. I am worse than most.

No one is good except God.

I must, each day, prayerfully resolve to repent of my sins; to confess my sins, to do penance; to amend my life; and to do good works to glorify Almighty God through our God and Redeemer, Jesus Christ.

One step is to embrace humility and to recognize that I cannot do it without the grace of God.

Saturday, April 20, AD 2013 8:24am

Dear ExiledonMainStreet,
You are the beloved daughter of a Father who has loved you for all eternity and still loves you. No He cannot undo what has been done–He respects our decisions. However, He can repair the damage we have done and He can heal. The evidence is in your regret, sorrow and determination. Sylvia mentioned Project Rachel and I know you will receive help there and strength for the journey ahead: or call 1-888-456-HOPE (4673). You, dear child, are in my prayers. I hope to meet you in heaven.

Saturday, April 20, AD 2013 11:11am

even with massive amounts of support, and our kids being dearly wanted, each pregnancy has been terrifying; I have trouble imagining what it must be like without the kind of help I have.
There’s a reason most pro-lifers are less hard on the mother.

Please, talk to the various post-abortion support groups folks here have suggested. If you can, volunteer at crisis pregnancy centers. Speak up about the regret, if you can. If you’re in the New York area, I’ve heard a lot of good about the Sisters of Life. It looks like they’re connected to a network around the US and Canada.

God forgives. And a great thing about heaven, as I understand it, is that your child will understand.

Monday, April 22, AD 2013 12:02am

[…] Bombings – Fr. Dwight Longenecker, ICL™ Running the Race – Cate Roberts, Catholic Exchange Roe and Back Alley Abortions – Donald R. McClarey JD, The American Catholic The Higher Our Tech, the Ruder We Get – Tom […]

Monday, April 22, AD 2013 12:08am

[…] Bombings – Fr. Dwight Longenecker, ICL™ Running the Race – Cate Roberts, Catholic Exchange Roe and Back Alley Abortions – Donald R. McClarey […]

Monday, April 22, AD 2013 11:40am

@ExiledonMainStreet — there is forgiveness through Christ. You are a valued person and Christ loves you and wants to help you. I’d suggest investigating Rachel’s Vineyard ( in your area. There is real forgiveness and healing and they can help. Please consider reaching out to them. God bless you. We’ll keep you and your baby in our prayers.

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