Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 7:27pm

Why No One Trusts the Mainstream Media

Naked partisanship, raw ignorance and insufferable arrogance come to mind.  It would also help if most of them were not manifestly incompetent at covering the news.



Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving.

David Burge a/k/a Iowahawk


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Tuesday, November 7, AD 2017 1:07pm

Back in June of this year, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas caught a
CNN producer speaking about his network’s biased narrative re: Trump
and Russia. Unaware he was being recorded, the producer said “It’s
a business… All the nice cutesy little ethics that used to get talked
about in journalism school, you’re just like, thats adorable. That’s
adorable. This is a business. Trump is good for business right now.”

What’s telling is that the mainstream media greeted this cheerful
admission of bias and narrative manipulation with nothing more than
a yawn. It changed nothing, because our mainstream media couldn’t
care less about the state of its credibility. It is, after all an industry
where “journalists” like Brian Williams, Dan Rather, Glenn Thrush, and
all those reporters caught up in the JournoList scandal– all of whom
have been exposed committing egregious violations of those ethics
so ridiculed by the CNN producer– all of those presstitutes are not only
still called journalists in good standing, but their careers are flourishing.
There is neither the mechanism nor the resolve to banish the
untrustworthy. The CNN producer was right: ethics are absurd in
the infotainment industry that passes for journalism today.

The always-cogent Daniel Greenfield over at Frontpage just wrote
an excellent essay on the real business of today’s MSM: “story
laundering”. An excerpt: “The media is trying to cash in on the
institutional legacy of the corporations that bear the old names, but
have no functional resemblance to what the news business used to be.
Today’s media isn’t the news business. Its outlets report the news only
to the degree that they have to. And when they do, they rely on viral
stories or rewriting an original report. The media’s real business is
serving as a clearinghouse for narratives. These clearinghouses
operate out of major urban power canters. They know next to nothing
about much of the country. And they don’t care. It’s why they didn’t
see Trump’s victory coming.”

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Wednesday, November 8, AD 2017 5:17am

So true. And why Trump and Steve Bannon have the right strategy, i.e., the enemy is the MSM.

Wednesday, November 8, AD 2017 5:46am

It’s the age-old issue of ethics in journalism, not to mention, the ethics (or lack of) displayed by the MSM on a global scale. I’m not even sure it’s still taught as a subject in University? I think they teach them to just “get the story”, any story, as long as it is an attention grabbing headline- true or not. Online, it’s called click bait- misleading headlines to ensure it arouses enough interest so the viewer clicks on the article.

On the topic of ethics and as a matter of comparison: Physician assisted dying is a big topic in Australia at the moment, with the government trying to pass a Bill to legalise Euthenasia in Victoria. A study in 2007, found that over 35% of doctors who were requested to assist a terminally ill patient end their life, actively assisted those patients (even though they are bound by the Hippocatic Oath). If this is the level of ethical and moral care displayed by our medical profession, what would you expect from journalists.

It’s just a sign of the times.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Wednesday, November 8, AD 2017 6:28am

Paraphrasing Mark Twain: If you don’t pay attention to the media, you are uninformed. If you do, you are misinformed.

In no time, they flushed down the memory hole the June 2017 attempted massacre of GOP Congressmen.

Facts do not matter.

The truth is that which advances the left-wing agenda.

It all makes sense when you presume that they are propagandists – professional liars – whose chief tools include (but are not limited to) ad hominem, distortion. exaggeration, fabrication, false equivalence, logical fallacy, omission, outright lying.

That goes equally apples to the so-called Academy.

John Schuh
John Schuh
Wednesday, November 8, AD 2017 11:25am

We tend to forget the obvious: People are born, grownup, live their lives and die. Humanity is like a living river. One never meets the same people twice. The people who were ten in 1945, as I was, are not the same as the people born in 1925, nor those born in 1965, or 1995. Yet we all live together, and because we are different we miscommunicate. The study of generational differences is truly rare. I once read a book that traced such differences from 1700 to the present. I learned that the generation of Franklin was less religious than that of Sam Adams. Sam was more religious than John. Jonathan Edwards was the grandfather of Aaron Burr. Our Founding Fathers were of mixed generations, but in general less religious than that of the previous leadership. But the generation that followed Jefferson was one of the most religious in our history. The revolutionary generation tended not to attend Church. Their grandchild ALL belongs to some “denomination” of another. Lincoln was suspected of infidelity because he did not belong to a denomination while every other politician did. The Civil War was enflamed by religion. The South became religious for the first time because of the revival meetings that were as common in camps of the new sport of baseball. Stonewall Jackson’s men were especially affected by this. The victorious North became less religious after the war, because of the elites had grown fat on war profits and had now not greater cause then their own pocket books. The huge grove on wealth, the brutality of the war, the spread of social darwinism, the endemic political corruption, made the postwar generation less religious. The churches began too lose control even of their own colleges. So in our own time. it is smart to expect that the indifference of todays’;s generation may also be a passing thing.

Monday, November 13, AD 2017 10:33am

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