Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 12:10pm

Pro-Life Demonstrator Assaulted By Professor

A department of feminist studies professor has been accused of going berserk after coming across a campus prolife demonstration that used extremely graphic displays, leading a small mob of students to chant “tear down the sign” before grabbing one of the signs, storming off with it, then allegedly engaging in an altercation with a 16-year-old prolife protestor who had followed the educator to retrieve it.

“Allegedly” for legal purposes, it was caught on video and is serious enough that the cops– who reportedly were going to poo-poo it off– got serious when they saw the video.

Also notable is that, at the bottom of the article, they mention that some students are claiming they feel unsafe.  Why?  Because there are people protesting the legal, at-will killing of unborn humans, with pictures and facts to back them up.  Not because teachers assault teenage girls with whom they disagree and from whom they have taken private property.


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Wednesday, March 12, AD 2014 2:52pm

The article I read indicated that the pro-life demonstrators were from a nearby Catholic college, and were not students at the college where the “feminist” professor – (who reportedly taught something like Black studies, “Queer theory” and “pornography” ) was “teaching”.
The demonstrators were holding up pictures of murdered babies, and that apparently makes the abortion crowd very very nervous.
Please someone let me know where I can go to hold up pictures of murdered babies and get the pro-murder crowd bent out of shape!

Mary De Voe
Wednesday, March 12, AD 2014 2:53pm

The professor…leading a small mob of students to chant “tear down the sign” before grabbing one of the signs, storming off with it, then allegedly engaging in an altercation with a 16-year-old prolife protestor who had followed the educator to retrieve it.” Unalienable civil rights to peaceable assembly and freedom of speech. Where is the ACLU on our tax money? Thank God for the video. An education is learning how to think, not what to think.This gorilla must be canned.

Mary De Voe
Wednesday, March 12, AD 2014 2:55pm

CatholicsRock! Most county and state fairs will not accommodate you, so start there.

Mary De Voe
Wednesday, March 12, AD 2014 2:57pm

CatholicsRock! P.S. Remember your video cam.

Wednesday, March 12, AD 2014 4:06pm

As far as I can tell, here is the original article:

Wednesday, March 12, AD 2014 4:14pm

I have searched Google for “Church Militant” “Angry Catholic” “Catholic Protest” and similar, but can not find a group or a Facebook or whatever where there is a bunch of Catholics who, like me, are eager to confront the baby murderers, the mass media, and the Catholic-bashers with the same nasty, in-your-face tactics that have been perpetrated on us.
Surely these people exist, but I can’t find them!
Never wrestle a pig in the mud, because you both get dirty, and the pig likes it. Well oink oink oink, I am ready to get down!

the Old Adam
Wednesday, March 12, AD 2014 5:24pm

There you have it. The university is the most closed minded institution in the country.

Wednesday, March 12, AD 2014 7:04pm

“The university is the most closed minded institution in the country.” Agreed.
More close minded than Cardinal Kaspar (not in the country I know)

Michael Paterson-Seymour
Michael Paterson-Seymour
Thursday, March 13, AD 2014 4:16am

I can well believe that “Santa Barbara law enforcement officials… are investigating the March 4 incident.”

Where I come from, taking another’s property by a sudden snatch or pull, is theft (the felonious taking and appropriation of property without the consent of the person to whom, it belongs, or in whose possession it is.) The case of a person having property taken from her forcibly, beyond a snatch, pull or mere jostling, or extorted from her by alarming menaces is robbery.

However, attacks by mobs or combinations of persons, in which property is masterfully carried off, and the lieges put in alarm is the much more serious crime of stouthrief.

Then, of course, there is mobbing and rioting, which consist in assembling of a number of people, and their combining against social order and peace, to the alarm of the lieges.

Thursday, March 13, AD 2014 5:03am

Foxflier – I do not believe that using the same tactics that have been used against American Catholics constitutes “illegal” actions.
“Immoral” – well – that is open to interpretation.
I stumbled across this site, and found something of what I am looking for. However, since the only thing most people here want to actually DO is sit around and whine, I am asking for direction to where I want to be.
Again, NO ONE here knows of a group of Catholics – like the heroic people who are the subject of the article you posted – willing to confront evil with a physical presence?
Fine, you whiners want someone else to do it? Here I am. If you people are unwilling to share your experience with a few keystrokes, I think you should all examine your motivations.

Edie Eason
Edie Eason
Thursday, March 13, AD 2014 10:57am

CatholicsRock – How about using a different, or additional, tactic to oppose the abortion-lovers? Hit ’em where it hurts – in the wallet! BOYCOTT all businesses that support Planned Parenthood (or as I call it, Dead Babies Are Us) and the so-called none-profits that donate to PP, AND the businesses that support these nonprofits! Go to these businesses , locally, and write to them both at the local and national levels and TELL them why you are boycotting them. You can get information from Life Decisions International (, and from Susan G Komen, a huge prop-abort entity, lists its donors on line also.

Mary De Voe
Thursday, March 13, AD 2014 1:31pm

CatholicsRock: Go see Joan Andrews Bell on youtube. She has what you need.

Thursday, March 13, AD 2014 3:36pm

Thank you Edie E. Good info

Tuesday, March 18, AD 2014 7:24am

[…] – Kevin M. Tierney, Cthlc Lane Oscar Romero in Rome – Carlos X, Spuer Martyerio Pro-Life Demonstrator Assaulted By Professor – Foxfier, TACatholic What are the Types of Evil? – Fr. Fortea, Catholic Spiritual […]

Wednesday, April 2, AD 2014 4:00am

[…] to Eugene Volokh at the Volokh Conspiracy.   A follow up to Foxfier’s post, go here to read it, about the Feminazi professor who assaulted a teenage pro-lifer and stole her sign.  […]

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