Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 3:15pm

Doug Kmiec Jumps Shark

For Wales.



Richard Rich Doug Kmiec, who betrayed the pro-life cause in 2008 by endorsing the most pro-abort President in our nation’s history, is back in the news.  Following his resignation from his Malta ambassadorship, his 30 pieces of silver from Obama for his support in 2008, after being criticized in a State Department report for spending his time on private writing instead of his ambassadorial duties, Doug has apparently taken leave of his senses.  The Weekly Standard gives us the details:

Last week, Kmiec took to his Facebook page (where all the old folks go on the Internet these days) and announced that he’s running for Congress. Kmiec has targeted California’s 26th district, where freshman Democrat Julia Brownley won a reasonably narrow victory in 2012. The district had been represented by David Dreier for the preceeding decade, so it’s not crazy for Kmiec to think a Republican might have a shot to unseat her. But Kmiec isn’t running as a Republican. He’s running as an independent. Still, not entirely crazy. This is California, after all. Stranger things have happened.

No, the crazy comes when Kmiec explained to the Pepperdine student newspaper exactly why he’s running. He was inspired to run, he said, by Pope Francis. But don’t worry, his candidacy won’t make him some kind of congressional holy roller. Because, as he further explained, he merely sees the House of Representatives as a stepping stone to, well, let’s let Kmiec explain:

Kmiec said that if he wins the election, he would hope to be considered as an option to become the vice-president in Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. “I see it as an outside possibility. .  .  . The idea of running for Congress is to put myself in a position where I’m able to both lead in the interim while she’s running for president and be ready for greater responsibility should that be God’s blessing and his wisdom,” he said. Kmiec’s blog further explains how the U.S., in his opinion, is “Ready for Hillary.”

But is it ready for Kmiec, a Reagan Republican turned Obama booster who’s running for Congress as an independent so he can be Hillary Clinton’s running mate and then—fiat voluntas tua!—be ready for even greater responsibility should, you know, anything happen to Madam President?

The full scale of Kmiec’s ambitions suddenly comes clear. And they also cast into new light some of his other political decisions.

Go here to read the rest.  Ah Doug, at least Richard Rich got Wales and the Vicar of Bray had his vicariate.  For  your betrayal all you got was a brief ambassadorship to Malta before you were dumped.  You are yesterday’s news now, and no one is in the market for your bought and sold loyalty.  You have as much chance of being Clinton’s running mate as you do of being taken seriously by anyone with a scintilla of honor.  You are still good for a few laughs however.




Update:  According to Josh Blackman at his blog, things have been a bit strange for Kmiec on Facebook and Twitter for a while.  Go here to read the details.

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Micha Elyi
Micha Elyi
Friday, January 24, AD 2014 5:53pm

I once lived in what is now California’s 26th congressional district. I expect Kmiec will be Krushed after the June primary.

P.S. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles, in which Ventura County is trapped, should be broken up.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Friday, January 24, AD 2014 6:08pm

Kmiec’s marriage of 40 years ended in divorce last year. He is 62 years of age. I seem to recall that Sandra Day O’Connor’s husband began losing his reason at age 59 and Gov. Carroll Campbell at age 61. Something is not right with him.

Remember Jeffrey Hart, the retired Dartmouth English professor, erstwhile cog in Richard Nixon’s public relations apparat, and contributor at National Review? He went on a binge of conspirazoid musings conjoined to pseudo-Burkean ramblings during the period running from 2004 to 2008 which culminated with an endorsement of Barack Obama as the ‘real conservative’. As far as I can tell, the man has not published a word in nearly three years and has said very little in the last five years and change. You think maybe his children took charge of him?

Paul W Primavera
Friday, January 24, AD 2014 6:26pm

My only comment:

Asinus Maximus

No translation required.

Friday, January 24, AD 2014 8:00pm


The Ambassorship of Malta is worth about one piece of silver. Maybe he is trying to get the other twentynine.

Patrick Whelan MD PhD
Patrick Whelan MD PhD
Friday, January 24, AD 2014 8:20pm

Donald McClarey’s bilious ad hominem against Professor Kmiec–and the other comments that follow– is dense with conservative boiler plate and uncommonly weak with regard to any intellectual content. Conservatives wedded to the idea that President Obama is somehow “pro-abortion” will never acknowledge the data that now shows abortions falling significantly faster under Obama than under his Republican predecessor. Doug Kmiec is too much a gentleman to ridicule the errant musings of his conservative critics. But he is one of the country’s few great “public Catholics.” I think the kind of criticism of him that we are seeing in the blogosphere now fits squarely in the category of the blather described well by Jonathan Swift when he said, “When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him.”

Paul W Primavera
Friday, January 24, AD 2014 8:48pm

I am now confirmed in my previous assessment regarding the worthless of degrees from today’s Academia.

A more sterling example of Judas Iscariot than Doug Kmiec cannot be had. If this is American Catholicism then get ready for God to raise up sons to Abraham from the stones themselves.

As for Obama, he had best beware lest as he follows his predecessor King Manasseh in infanticide he also follows him into captivity. God’s justice will not be indefinitely delayed. God save the President from himself!

Friday, January 24, AD 2014 9:19pm

Patrick just admit you voted for a guy who doesn’t have a qualm about doctors crushing the skulls of preborn children at any point of gestation. You may have some impressive letters after your name, but you’re still slimy.

Friday, January 24, AD 2014 11:49pm

The Jonathan Swift quote used above can certainly be understood in the opposite of its intended use. Sad to see that the content of the post was taken as ‘intellectual’ divorced from any moral underpinning.

Mary De Voe
Mary De Voe
Saturday, January 25, AD 2014 1:43am

“When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him.”
I am not against him. I am only against the devil and the evil he does: enabling and supporting human sacrifice, Benghazi, unnatural cohabitation, leaving us without a prayer and at Christmas time, taxation without representation, overturning the will of the people, and legally castrating every American male, not to mention the lies about keeping one’s own insurance.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Saturday, January 25, AD 2014 12:20pm

Donald McClarey’s bilious ad hominem against Professor Kmiec–and the other comments that follow

Can someone tell the rheumatologist who ‘writes on medical ethics’ that the term ‘ad hominem’ does not mean what he thinks it means?

Saturday, January 25, AD 2014 1:11pm

Dr. Whalen states, ““When a true genius appears, you can know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in a confederacy against him.”
Amazing how full of yourself you are Patrick Whalen….so conceited and oafish in your craven effort to be counted among the politically correct that you betray your own Faith. Remember who you are and where you came from.
Mr. Kmiec’s support of an abortion advocate makes him no genius; merely a weak and little man lacking in the fortitude necessary to stand firm against those who support the horrific act of child murder that is abortion.
I stand proudly among those you label as “dunces” who oppose Mr. Kmiec actions ansd who are remarkably unimpressed by you.

DJ Hesselius
DJ Hesselius
Saturday, January 25, AD 2014 4:12pm

I keep hearing that “abortion rates are falling.” I looked at that website and I’m not exactly impressed by how much it has fallen. I also wonder if the abortion rates have fallen due to 1) increased abstinence/chastity among some populations,2) increase in infertility due to STDs and multiple abortions, 2) and aging population. Don’t get me wrong–the modest declines we’ve had is a good thing, but we’ve a l.o.n.g. to go for anyone celebrates. And yes, Obama is a very strong supporter of abortion.

Dante alighieri
Saturday, January 25, AD 2014 6:04pm

Normally I would say that Art may have been a bit out of line, then I followed the link in the update, and yeah, something is not right. I mean Kmiek has always been a social climber, thus why he took the CUA gig in the first place, but that’s just way out there.

-Paul Zummo, BA, Ph. D. PGK, DD

Elaine Krewer
Saturday, January 25, AD 2014 11:40pm

“I am now confirmed in my previous assessment regarding the worthlessness of degrees from today’s Academia.”

Fun fact: Kmiec has the somewhat dubious honor of teaching in the same law program from which former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich (long before Kmiec’s tenure) earned his law degree, and where Blago famously boasted of having only earned a C in his constitutional law class.

WK Aiken
WK Aiken
Sunday, January 26, AD 2014 10:52am

“the data that now shows abortions falling significantly faster under Obama than under his Republican predecessor. ” Hmm . . . an ever-quickening rate of falling abortion rates has anything to do with who’s in the White House? Harvard must have stopped teaching Logic 101 to its PhDs.

“There are more bears in the California woods that ever before, and look how much acreage is burning! We need to stop these pyromaniac bears!”

Paul W Primavera
Sunday, January 26, AD 2014 12:05pm

@WK Aiken:

PhD = Piled Higher and Deeper.

I have been a nuclear training instructor for decades and have received into my initial training classes the most abominably ignorant college degreed people from Academia to train. Give me a Navy nuke tech or operator any day of the week over arrogant self-filled PhD’s from today’s godless liberal Academia.

Monday, January 27, AD 2014 12:04am

[…] – Andrea Gagliarducci Forgiveness: Love’s Companion – Diane McKelva, Catholic Stand Doug Kmiec Jumps Shark – Donald R. McClarey JD, The American Catholic Salvation Outside the Church – Siobhan […]

Monday, January 27, AD 2014 7:19am

Just because Hilary is the early favorite does not mean she will even win the Democratic nomination. She has too little charisma and a long record with too many blemishes.

Deacon Ed Peitler
Deacon Ed Peitler
Monday, January 27, AD 2014 7:35am

I am suggesting that Doug Kmiec apply for the position of valet for Le Roi Soleil – His Royal Highness of the Kingdom of the Empire State of New York. They have much in common in their profound understanding of and practice of Catholicism. Kmiec, Obama, Sibelius, Pelosi, Brown, and the rest of their ilk would be laughable if they were not so dangerous. Recommended reading for this crowd: The Divine Comedy.

Mary De Voe
Mary De Voe
Monday, January 27, AD 2014 7:38am

“Just because Hilary is the early favorite does not mean she will even win the Democratic nomination. She has too little charisma and a long record with too many blemishes.”
That is what ambition without principle does. Hillary Clinton tried to steal the White House china with the presidential seal on it. I say “tried” because she was caught and made to put it back. Then there is Whitewater and Vince Foster, who committed suicide and then walked a quarter of a mile.
I know too many voters who will unabashedly vote for Hillary because she is a woman and another group who will vote Democratic because their grandparents and parents did. Any money in the campaign spent informing the people of their civil rights is well spent.
Then there is Bill Clinton who used the office of President of the United States to seduce women, Jennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky but not Hillary. If Bill Clinton did not want Hillary, why should I?

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Monday, January 27, AD 2014 7:40am

Patrick Whelan MD PhD:

Did your mother not-abort a “normal” whelp?

FYI. That would be an insult, imbecile.

Mary De Voe
Mary De Voe
Monday, January 27, AD 2014 7:44am

Patrick Whelan MD PhD: God will arrest him.

Monday, January 27, AD 2014 8:15am

Kmiec was a professor of mine and head of my law school for 1.5 years. He seemed…normal then, and poised to take the law school more Catholic, more conservative, and to stand boldly forth, etc.

Then he resigned 1.5 years in and went back to Pepperdine…almost 6 months after telling the faculty and students that he was there to stay. There were many rumors as to why that happened. Failure to get a judgeship, wife didn’t like D.C. weather, Pepperdine offered more money….who knows, in the end.

I am saddened that his life has taken so many problematic turns, and saddened still more that many of them can be laid at his own feet.

Jay Anderson
Monday, January 27, AD 2014 8:43am

The video “political ad” that the “genius” Kmiec produced has mysteriously disappeared. Here is how Josh Blackman describes it:

“Then came this surreal video with some eerie voices touting Kmiec as an “independent voice” in 2014. He is apparently also running for Congress in 2014 before being Hillary’s VP. (I don’t know how many campaign finance laws were ignored here).”

I saw the video before its untimely demise, and I can tell you that it doesn’t take a confederacy of dunces (or a Harvard M.D. and a PhD) to conclude that it wasn’t produced by someone in his right mind.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Monday, January 27, AD 2014 9:22am

Tragic. The man is not well.

Kyle Miller
Kyle Miller
Wednesday, January 29, AD 2014 11:13am

“The abortion rate has been declining since 1990, no thanks to pro-abort fanatics like Obama”

I wonder about these statistics. Abortion as has always been measured has gone done, but does that mean there are fewer abortions? There are so many ways to kill a child these days that I wonder if the victims of these new methods are counted. Example: The morning after pill is available over the counter. No doctor. No paperwork. How do you count those children not allowed to implant?

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