Wednesday, May 15, AD 2024 5:48am

Pat Caddell: These People Have No Honor

Pat Caddell, Jimmy Carter’s pollster and a long time Democrat political operative, said it all last night on the Jeanine Pirro show on Fox  about the Benghazi coverup and the unwillingness of much of the Mainstream Media to cover it for fear that it will devastate the re-election prospects of Obama:

“been in the tank on this in a way I’ve never seen… I am appalled right now. This White House, this President, this Vice President, this Secretary of State, all of them, are willing apparently to dishonor themselves and this country for the cheap prospect of getting reelected…willing to cover up and lie. The worst thing is the very people who are supposed to protect the American people with the truth – the leading mainstream media…they have become a threat, a fundamental threat to American democracy and the enemies of the American people… these people have no honor… coverup is too nice of a word…”

At the tail-end of this presidential race we have two major scandals developing.  The first one is that of an inept and dishonest administration that failed to provide adequate security to our diplomats in Libya;  failed to send a military rescue in regard to the Benghazi attack that lasted for over six hours during which time they viewed it on a drone and had two former Seals, Tyrone Woods and Greg Doherty, on the ground giving live intelligence, resulting in the death of those two brave men;  and then lied about the whole thing to the American people, seeking to blame a video rather than acknowledging a successful terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9-11, and doing their best to cover up the facts of the attack and their non-response to it.  The second scandal is most of the Main Stream Media that have sought to ignore, as best they can, the biggest story of the year out of crass political bias.  As Caddell said, these people have no honor.


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Sunday, October 28, AD 2012 6:55am

Politics, The Golden Calf, Obama agenda for what … the UN?
No honor among thieves.

or Moses, The Law and the Land of milk and honey for His people.

Paul W. Primavera
Sunday, October 28, AD 2012 7:21am

It’s time to re-read Exodus chapter 32 as PM intimated.

Sunday, October 28, AD 2012 10:50am

[…] Pat Caddell: These People Have No Honor – Donald McClarey, American Catholic […]

Tim hennessy
Tim hennessy
Sunday, October 28, AD 2012 10:54am

Finally, someone who understands the press and how it operates has called the liberal press out for what they are Bias, untruthful and totally behind the election of Obama

It is truly sickening that Americans gave up their lives to secure the freedom we enjoy, one being freedom of speech, and this mass of reporters continue to hide the truth from the American people. their freedom is to act responsively, transparent but also honestly and this has not been the case for a long time

I salute Pat Caddell and ask that his voice become louder and that through his efforts the truth will come out and tell the American people what a bogus group of politicians, in this administration,and news corp we have and can call them out for what they actually are dishonest

Sunday, October 28, AD 2012 12:09pm

Many of the leading people in the MSM have direct relations with the DNC either through marriage or work background (e.g Dem staffer etc.). In addition their livelihood or at least their high incomes are based on Dem support as is the case with the public sector unions. They are there precisely because they are political operatives. Their lack of honor is not so much in bias, but not stating forthrightly they are tied to the DNC and only present news from that perspective. I give Mika Brzezinski some credit in admitting they get memos from the WH on how to present the news. In addition Daily Caller showed the direct connection between the leftist blog sites and the DNC. I also seem to remember several years ago it was discovered that TV execs had regular conference calls with DNC operatives.

Sunday, October 28, AD 2012 12:25pm

[…] The Video: (Via The American Catholic) […]

Sunday, October 28, AD 2012 1:04pm

Has everyone forgotten ANOTHER horrific cover up? FAST & FURIOUS? This administration has been the height of deceit, dishonor, lack of ethics, and willingness to do anything for continued power, fame and money. It is disgusting!

Sunday, October 28, AD 2012 2:09pm

God Bless Pat Caddell and his willingness to open his mind to truth.
Also, today on Chris Wallace I heard two Democratic governors say Libya should not be politicized, questions will be answered later…. They posited that asking questions about Libya is politicizing the issue— so dishonest. Stalling, obscuring the people’s view of this issue so that no harm is done to Hizonor – that is the real politicization of the deaths of those 4 men.

And speaking of positing– the out front woman on CNN posited an understood close-mindedness in her question to Ryan– ‘’given this information do you think you could become open-minded?

Sunday, October 28, AD 2012 2:13pm

excuse me, the obfuscators were Senators–not governors

Paul W. Primavera
Sunday, October 28, AD 2012 2:17pm

The godless liberals never hesitated to politicize George Bush being in a school with small children when 9-11 happened.

Don the Kiwi
Don the Kiwi
Sunday, October 28, AD 2012 6:34pm

Yes, this is apalling. The info that has emerged over the past week or so is very damaging to Obama; but I simply cannot understand how his desire to be re-elected is numbing his judgement. His lack of action and decision while, on real time live video, he could see the events unfolding just stuns me. But for the media to be silent also – what has America come to?
After Obama gets trumped, the citizens of the USA will have to deal to their media somehow, and ensure this type of subterfuge and cover-up is not repeated. Otherwise, goodbye free world. (except for isolated outposts 😉 )

Sunday, October 28, AD 2012 9:51pm

I think that the media believe that this administration can still pull off a
re-election, and that’s why they’re willing to risk a public spectacle of
their sellout. If the whores in the media felt that their darling president
had no chance of taking this election, it would behoove them to make a show
of being impartial truth-seekers, if only to save their own reputations from
the wreckage.

I hope, for the good of this country, that Mr. Romney not only wins, but wins
in such a landslide that Obama and his court eunuchs in the media cannot
spin any post-election confusion into chaos.

Joy Neeley
Joy Neeley
Monday, October 29, AD 2012 6:54am

This man has no integrity. He lies everytime his lips are moving. He is the one we need to be concerned about voter fraud. This man has become the president of the USA, to bring in a socialist nation. With the FEMA re-education camps and the loss of freedom of speech, this sounds more and more like Nazi Germany. He has people in high places who helped him to win so the one world government would come.

Monday, October 29, AD 2012 11:30am

Don the Kiwi-
How do we do it? The left will say we are trying to censor the press. We know that the msm is criminal in its disregard to be non-biased. So what is the solution to this problem in our era?

Monday, October 29, AD 2012 11:52am

Philip says “We know that the msm is criminal in its disregard to be non-biased. So what is the solution to this problem in our era?”

A spotlight and persistence will reduce the problem. This requires an attitude totally at variance with Repub SOP which is to wring hands and hope it goes away without saying anything. I think even they are beginning to see the media will not go easy on them however much the Repubs fawn and placate.

Historically the press was always partisan but it didn’t pretend otherwise. Just going back to that would be better. The public seems to be gradually wising up but the indolence of the Repubs has slowed the rate of change.

Monday, October 29, AD 2012 8:42pm

RM Nixon must be having a good laugh.

Monday, October 29, AD 2012 10:49pm

reporters like KYle Clark in CO are part of the answer

WK Aiken
WK Aiken
Tuesday, October 30, AD 2012 8:11am

Once reality comes a-calling, only the most zombie-like partisans will have any more use for the Lamestream. Simple free-market economics will take care of the rest. Network news viewership has fallen dramatically over the past 10-15 years and will positively plummet once the lies and distortions are brought to light. No more will need be done. I wouldn’t be surprised to see one or another branch of ABCNNBCBS abandon its evening news broadcast format and go to a web-based service where it can preach propaganda to its faithful, sometime in the next 3-5 years.

Tuesday, October 30, AD 2012 4:50pm

The main stream media in this country very seldom reports the whole story anymore. We get the revised edition, after it’s been flavored with their political bias. I digest their dogma just like that of the politicians…with a grain of salt and a healthy dose of skepticism.

Wednesday, October 31, AD 2012 8:35am

WK Aiken-
….free market economics…

Your right. The demand for snake oil will fall away. Good answer. Thanks.

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