Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 12:38pm

Anti-Bullying Tzar Bullies Christians During Anti-Bullying Speech

Advisory to the video above due to strong language and high idiocy content.  Hattip to Jazz Shaw at Hot Air.  Dan Savage, anti-Christian bigot, homosexual activist and all around jerk, is the de facto anti-Bullying tzar of the Obama administration.  He was the featured speaker at a High School Journalism Convention where he was supposed to talk on anti-bullying initiatives in schools.  Instead, he decided to vent his extreme hatred of Christianity and Christians:

Barack Obama and Joe Biden may be having second thoughts about assigning Dan Savage as their de facto “Anti-Bullying Czar” this year. According to Fox News, the sex advice columnist – Savage Love – and gay rights activist who founded It Gets Better seems to either have a hard time understanding the definition of bullying or has some serious issues with irony.

Really? So you picked a raunchy sex advice columnist who publishes a column called “Savage Love” as your ambassador to help out at risk children. What could possibly go wrong? Well, here’s what can possibly go wrong.

As many as 100 high school students walked out of a national journalism conference after an anti-bullying speaker began cursing, attacked the Bible and reportedly called those who refused to listen to his rant “pansy asses.” …

Savage was supposed to be delivering a speech about anti-bullying at the National High School Journalism Conference sponsored by the Journalism Education Association and the National Scholastic Press Association. But it turned into an episode of Christian-bashing.

Rick Tuttle, the journalism advisor for Sutter Union High School in California, was among several thousand people in the audience. He said they thought the speech was one thing – but it turned into something else.

“I thought this would be about anti-bullying,” Tuttle told Fox news. “It turned into a pointed attack on Christian beliefs.”

Tuttle said a number of his students were offended by Savage’s remarks – and some decided to leave the auditorium.

“It became hostile,” he said. “It felt hostile as we were sitting in the audience – especially towards Christians who espouse beliefs that he was literally taking on.”

The speaker, in a supposed attempt to encourage young people to behave in a civil fashion toward each other, immediately launches into a diatribe against Christian values. When some of the students – particularly a few of the young ladies – become offended, he berates them and engages in hostile name calling. This is the keystone of the anti-bullying campaign?

Go here to read the rest.  Orwell would have loved this bunch.  Obama backs a deranged, foul mouthed bigot and bully’s effort to teach kids that bullying is bad and that they need to be tolerant.  Makes perfect sense!  This administration is good for little else, but it certainly is an inspiration for ironic black humor.  


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Saturday, April 28, AD 2012 4:26pm

Everything they do is ironic. If they say we won’t raise taxes, they raise taxes. If they say insurance won’t pay for abortions, then it will pay for abortions. It says keep our kids safe and then they select this bozo. Like the devil, keep a keen eye out for the opposite of what is presented cause it’s pretty sure bound to happen. Especially at 4:15 pm on a Friday night.

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Saturday, April 28, AD 2012 4:45pm

Call me crazy, but “Anti-bullying Tzar” sounds like a contradiction in terms.

Saturday, April 28, AD 2012 4:58pm

Mr Savage shows only a superficial reading of the Bible with regard his comments on slavery. Had he bothered to read Paul, he would see that Paul actually says “Masters, act in the same way toward them, and stop bullying, knowing that both they and you have a Master in heaven and that with him there is no partiality.”

He further has no understanding of the use of the word ‘slave’ for situations of the ancient era, because it was used to describe a wide range that included indentured servitude, like that of a butlers and maids in the modern sense, as opposed to the slavery practiced in the south. The ironic thing is his faulty reading was exactly what pro-slavery people used to justify their the malfeasance.

He would probably be surprised to see that Pope Eugene IV condemned slavery as early as 1435.

If Mr Savage wanted to get any traction on anti-bullying, he’d be better to tell student o turn to Mathew where Jesus says: But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

As well as Galatians 5:13 For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Saturday, April 28, AD 2012 5:00pm

Actually, I think the administration has more in common with what came after the Tzars, but that’s just the anti-Obama bigot in me getting loose.

Big Tex
Saturday, April 28, AD 2012 6:12pm

Love all the kids leaving. w00t.

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Saturday, April 28, AD 2012 6:37pm

I find it funny, although not surprising, that he omits the fact that the abolitionist movement was a Christian inspired movement. And tht in Paul’s letter to Philemon, he exhorts Philemon to treat Onesimus the salve as his brother in Christ and not a piece of property.

I woud also add that Christians go to great pains to say that mistreating someone be they homo, hetero, 90 degrees off center, in terms of their sexual preferences is wrong. There is a big difference between raising moral objections to behavior and “bullying”. If Mr. Savage would realize how much he and other homosexuals are used as pawns by the heterosexual left, he would rightly be calling them bullies.

Saturday, April 28, AD 2012 7:38pm

[…] Graphics: American Catholics […]

Matthew C. Masotti
Matthew C. Masotti
Saturday, April 28, AD 2012 8:40pm

I was thinking of writing to our President regarding this issue via the website, but the picture on the home page deterred me and suggested that not only may communicating with this President be fruitless, but that America may have a far greater problem at the highest level of government.

Pray…and one daily Mass at a time.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Saturday, April 28, AD 2012 9:59pm

This is Dan Savage. He’s a particularly disturbed crapweasel, and I don’t use the “disturbed” lightly.

If you’re trying to shake the stereotype of homosexual men as mincing, hyper-emotional, sex-crazed narcissists, you couldn’t do worse than Savage.

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Saturday, April 28, AD 2012 10:15pm

I wonder if he ever waxes on about all the bul$%^t in te Koran about homosexuality and how in Muslim countries homosexuals still get murdered for being homosexuals. How many noanoseconds would he last as Obama’s anti-bullyinbg after he made that remark?

Saturday, April 28, AD 2012 10:36pm

So, who did the vetting for this fine gentleman. Curious, indeed. Perhaps another Democrat

Sunday, April 29, AD 2012 4:56am

[…] Anti-Bullying Tzar Bullies Christians During Anti-Bullying Speech | The American Catholic […]

Sunday, April 29, AD 2012 5:14am

Another reason why the campaigner-in-chief must be ousted in November!

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Sunday, April 29, AD 2012 8:17am

Admonish the sinner.

You will not be getting into Heaven if you vote democrat.

Sunday, April 29, AD 2012 1:33pm

See how he gets the audience to laugh at the other kids behind their backs? Classic bullying. Everyone’s willing to be a bully when they’re taking on the “real” bullies. That’s why righteous anger is so dangerous.

Sunday, April 29, AD 2012 2:19pm

I never knew this pig Dan Savage actually worked for Obama, but it does make sense…

Sunday, April 29, AD 2012 6:39pm

Dale Price, I agree with you. Dan Savage makes my skin crawl. He is sleazy and frightening.

Sunday, April 29, AD 2012 7:20pm

Please remember that in criticizing Mr Savage’s remarks, that we must counter them in a loving manner, and not stoop to bullying him, President Obama, political parties, or those those who do not agree with our Christian faith. One may respectfully disagree without name calling.

That no child is bullied is noble goal. I too was bullied as a teen. But my Catholic faith was the rock that I clung too, for I knew that it taught love not hate. The message of that truthes of our faith should be the goal of our evangelisation.

Art Deco
Sunday, April 29, AD 2012 10:21pm

Responsibility for this travesty lies with the National Scholastic Press Association, whose Board of Directors is as follows:

Albert R. Tims, Ph.D., President
Director, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Minnesota
Committee: Executive (chair)

David J. Therkelsen, Treasurer
Executive Director, Crisis Connection
Committee: Finance & Investment (chair)

Peter Bobkowski
William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of Kansas

Timothy S. Dorway
Principal, Chanhassen (Minn.) High School

Linda Drake
Chase County High School, Cottonwood Falls, Kan.
Committee: Executive

Monica Hill
Director, North Carolina Scholastic Media Association,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Committee: Audit

Christopher J. Ison
School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Minnesota

Seth Lewis
School of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Minnesota

Samuel Terilli, J.D.
School of Communications, University of Miami
Committee: Finance & Investment

Alan Weintraut
Annandale (Va.) High School
Committee: Finance & Investment

Laura Widmer
Assistant Professor of Mass Communication, Northwest Missouri State University
Committee: Executive

You have to hand it to higher education. Every day they give you a new reason to take away their funding.

Free Thinker
Free Thinker
Sunday, April 29, AD 2012 11:13pm

Don’t any of you find it funny that you can’t refute what Dan is ACTUALY saying?

Your bible teaches that it’s okay to be violent towards homosexuals BUT it also says “don’t eat shellfish”. LOL!!!. It also says that if you mix fibers together while knitting you should be killed. Hmmmm.

Paul said to Phielomon (sp) pretty much “you’re a slave, you don’t have the right to be free”.

Monday, April 30, AD 2012 5:37am

Free Thinker,

Read this, then we can begin a more fruitful discussion:

Art Deco
Monday, April 30, AD 2012 5:56am

Don’t any of you find it funny that you can’t refute what Dan is ACTUALY saying?

While we are working on our refutations, why not answer a few other questions?

1. Why is it that this organization holds multiple annual conventions all over the country for youths who volunteer to produce high school yearbooks and newspapers? What is the purpose?

2. Where do they come by the funds to hold these? Is is parent funded?

3. Why would one need a keynote speaker?

4. Why would one select a foul-mouthed sex columnist to deliver said keynote speech?

5. Why is a convention of high school yearbook staff considered an appropriate locus for a comprehensively uneducated man’s discourses on Sacred Scripture?

6. Why cannot the knuckleheads who run the sponsoring organization and sat on the salient organizing committees manage a simple apology? The public statements that have made it into the record have been repulsive exercises in condescension (reason #47010 that academics are seldom the sort of people with whom a normal human being would want to associate).

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Monday, April 30, AD 2012 6:01am

FT: Can you edify us with a few Q’ran quotes?

And, your “heroes”: Pol Pot, Che, Mao et al were such nice guys.

The Holy Bible I’ve been reading says, among many other things, to love your enemies and pray for those that oppress you.

I just read “Romans”: there is nothing about assaulting gays. St. Paul warns against sexual immorality, because adulterers, fornicators, perverts likely won’t be getting into Heaven.

Just giving back to you what you gave above.

Monday, April 30, AD 2012 6:23am

I’m working on a post that examines the “Bible endorses slavery” meme, in all of its ignorant, know-nothing, decontextualized, idiotic unglory.

I’ll post it in a day or two.

Free Thinker
Free Thinker
Monday, April 30, AD 2012 8:26am

Okay – I didn’t know much about the shellfish. And that does kind of make sense. But be alittle patient with me. I live in a world, a time were there is none of this “ceremonial cleanliness”. I’m not saying that stuff is wrong…. it’s just a foreign concept to me.
But I will admit – it’s not as goofy as saying “oh yeah, and don’t eat any shellfish or we’ll kill you.”

Monday, April 30, AD 2012 11:34am

You know, I can’t find any references to Dan Savage having any connection to the Obama Administration. Hot Air calls him the “de facto” czar, which implies that he doesn’t have any formal connection. The article that Hot Air linked to doesn’t even mention Dan Savage. The president has been supportive of Savage’s “It Gets Better” campaign, but that’s it. I’m all for criticism where it’s warranted, but let’s not spread an internet rumor here.

Monday, April 30, AD 2012 11:48am

[…] Anti-Bullying Gay Bullies Christians – Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic […]

Mary De Voe
Monday, April 30, AD 2012 12:03pm

Swindle, lies, cheat, bait and switch, fraud, satisfaction not guaranteed, insulting and dangerous.
The attendees to the anti-bullying conference ought to demand their money back, as when, in the old days one went to a movie and was violated by vice, impurity, everything but the truth and joyful entertainment. God did not put any one of us on earth to be lied to. The attendees to the anti-bullying conference were not given the information to be able to end bullying or prevent bullying, but in fact were bullied. The attendees need to demand damages for their costs and time, as they were a captive audience being preyed upon. Don Savage needs to be prosecuted for truth in advertizing, and bullying. Fat chance as the bully-in-chief has discarded any semblance to truth, as Obama proceeds forward to “inalienable “ rights bestowed by the United Nations, extruded from the humanity of the human race and formed by the inbred conscience and freedom of other people, who, when they fall into enslavement to vice we, too, must fall, as long as it is called progress and proceeding forward toward the brink of extinction and into hell. Well, maybe not hell, Hell.

Monday, April 30, AD 2012 12:14pm

It’s got its own section on the “issues” drop-down of, under civil rights, explicitly as about homosexuality. Obama cut his own video. (as did a bunch of other gov’t officials)

My search for something like “Obama bullying savage” had this link as the #1 non-“did you mean this news story?” result, with links that I got the above information from.

Art Deco
Monday, April 30, AD 2012 12:14pm


I think anyone with common-and-garden sensibilities, ca. 1985, would have put a country mile between himself and Savage. That Obama lends his name to the “It Gets Better” humbug says something unpleasant about the institutional culture of the Democratic Party and the sort of bourgeois types Obama has been hanging with much of his life.

I will wager the origin of this rude business would be a homosexual in a crucial gatekeeper position in one the other or both of the two organizations sponsoring this conference. Every aspect of it is non sequitur at a convention of adolescent yearbook and school paper aficionados, but there lacked a critical mass of people on the relevant committees, on the staffs, or on the boards of directors to say “whiskey-tango-foxtrot” and put the kibosh on this. That does not say anything kind about the decency and seriousness of purpose of the adults involved. And you know what? This sort of thing has ceased to surprise.

Monday, April 30, AD 2012 12:40pm

I read the article that Donald linked to. Aside from the administration’s connections to the “It Gets Better” campaign, Dan Savage attended the White House once. That’s it. That being said, I agree that that’s one more invite than GWB would have given him.

Mary De Voe
Monday, April 30, AD 2012 1:30pm

Some parents tell me that their children attend these conferences and return home and their parents cannot recognize them, anymore. They are uncommunicative and like zombies. Kidnapping the souls of our children.

Scott W.
Scott W.
Monday, April 30, AD 2012 3:05pm

@Defender. The problem is that the anti-bullying movement is code, and not very deep code at that, for homosexual normalization. So when high-school student Brandon Wegner was wrote the “con” side in a same-sex marriage debate and got hauled before the assistant principal and berated and threatened for hours on end, that’s not the kind of bullying Savage and his ilk are interested in fighting.

As someone bullied as well (until I managed to stand up for myself), I know that bullying is one of those things that exists in unofficial culture so to speak. It takes place in the cracks and shadows where authority isn’t watching and can never really fully monitor. Thus, the new spate of anti-bullying initiatives are not going to be effective and frankly, it’s not hard to think that that is the way progressives like it. By being largely unsolvable, there is no end to the intrusive power that progressives can aggrandize and the ideological social engineering that can be imposed in the name of fighting it.

Scott W.
Scott W.
Monday, April 30, AD 2012 3:13pm

P.S. I recall in the 90’s the peak of Political Correctness college campuses around the country more or less instantly caving to a whole host of obnoxious leftist harassment policies. Invading the high schools and elementary schools has always been a little tougher with parents being close to the school and while they let plenty of junk in, they could circle the wagons when it got out of hand. Anti-bullying provides the Trojan horse progressives have been looking for.

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Monday, April 30, AD 2012 3:38pm

Dan Savage’s column is one of the most disgusting things I have ever read. Savage is no journalist. He is a radical, Christian-hating homsexualist extremist. His column is carried in those nearly worthless free weekly newspapers available in most cities (City Paper, Scene, and other screeds of garbage).

I am not surprised that the Obumbler Misadministration would hire this man. He has no business speaking to high school students in any official setting.

Monday, April 30, AD 2012 3:53pm

I guess the rest of us consider an administration raising funds for, devoting a section of the official White House website to and cutting multiple commercials for person and their themed cause to be a pretty solid connection. His campaign took the place of the “Safe School Czar” that got disowned because of the dangerous and nasty sexual stuff (including rape) that he’d promoted.

You are perfectly correct that his actions were those of a classic bully; I think I’ve observed here before that the folks on my “friends” list that are fastest to jump on this campaign are the same ones who bullied me in school.

Monday, April 30, AD 2012 4:18pm

@Scott W: I agree with you. That is why we as Catholics must take a high road, and stand up to this outrage while at the same time teaching our children to lead moral lives. Shall we stand aside while a gay student is bullied? Does this not make as as bad as the people in the story of the Good Samaritan?

Furthermore, terms such as ‘Obumbler Misadministration’, ‘this pig Dan Savage’, ‘disturbed crapweasel’ as used in some of the comments here in, only fan Mr Savage’s hatred, for they are as bad as his name called of ‘pansy-a**ed’. I do not expect people to refer to him or the President as angels, for you have every right to point out their errors. We must never stoop to the level that Mr Savage did in his presentation

Monday, April 30, AD 2012 7:01pm

Fox – My point is, if one of us gets into a debate six months from now and cites the statements of Obama’s anti-bullying czar, he’s going to look silly if the other guy fact-checks it. We’re the good guys, and that means we have to win our arguments with facts.

Monday, April 30, AD 2012 9:02pm

This is another one of Obama’s sleazy minions. They are getting bolder now because they feel that they can’t loose and momentum is behind them. I say bring it on. Don’t underestimate Christians and God…….Don’t underestimate true Americans either.

Monday, April 30, AD 2012 9:35pm

No, they are not as bad as Savage’s diatribes- for starters, because Obama and Savage are not a high school girls.
False equivalency doesn’t help.

and mine is that if someone wants to go “yeah, he invited the guy to the White House, dedicated the only subcategory on civil rights at the to his campaign and cut a ton of commercials, including one by the President himself, but they didn’t officially call him an anti-bullying czar!” then they aren’t going to bother with arguing in good faith. It’s like suggesting that you lower crime by redefining what’s a crime.

Tuesday, May 1, AD 2012 8:28am

: Consider, please, that ‘adult to adult’ name calling, a la ‘sleazy minions’ sends a message that teaches youth that at a peer to peer level such behavior is acceptable. Consider also that Mr Savage’s taunting of Rick Santorum via his Spreading Santorum website is then also acceptable social discourse,a nd not bullying. (I will not post the URL to this tasteless site and advise those who desire to gogle for it). Such things are unacceptable at any level.

I ask those who engage in name calling and other such actions this. If your teenage son or daughter came home and began railing about a fellow student as being a f_gg_t or a d_ke, or that he or she stood around and laughed while a student was beaten up for being gay, how would you react. What if your own son or daughter, who is heterosexual, was taunted in a similar because he was active in the arts or she was active in sports, was made the target of bullying, what would you do? Mr Savage’s approach to this, as shown by his actions and words, is totally wrong to be sure. However, we as parents and Catholics, must teach our children to ‘love the sinner hate the sin’. I feel that we don’t do this, if we ourselves fail to respect each other and those in authority, especially when disagreeing with their stances.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Tuesday, May 1, AD 2012 9:05am

“I ask those who engage in name calling and other such actions this. If your teenage son or daughter came home and began railing about a fellow student as being a f_gg_t or a d_ke, or that he or she stood around and laughed while a student was beaten up for being gay, how would you react. What if your own son or daughter, who is heterosexual, was taunted in a similar because he was active in the arts or she was active in sports, was made the target of bullying, what would you do?”

I’d be appalled and tell him or her to stop it immediately.

The trouble is, there’s a difference between taunting/bullying of children/teens and–yes–mere insult slung between adults. Like it or not, invective between adults is something of a given even within the long, rich history of Catholicism. It’s not to be used often, but it never has been abjured. Adults are expected to have thicker skin, and recognize that fact. It does not authorize extremes of behavior, but an insult-free world is not possible, and, if you want a free society, not even desirable.

Tuesday, May 1, AD 2012 10:24am

if you think that standing by when someone is assaulted is the same as an adult in a position of power screaming profane insults at a teenage girl is the same as adult-to-adult name calling is the same as derogatory but arguably accurate descriptions, I’d have to question your judgement.

What I would tell my girls to do would depend on what happened. Most likely, since they are my girls, I’d find out about there being physical bullying when I storm into the school to rip a new one from the administration that expels them for defense. It’s a family tradition. If they stood by when someone was assaulted, they’ll get a tongue lashing and guilt trip from heck– that is not acceptable.
Beyond that, response depends on details. I was taunted as a supposed homosexual all through high school and was borderline verbally bullied by a teacher. (borderline because she was within acceptable behavior between adults, and I responded as an adult) I derailed the physical bullying that probably would have followed on pure instinct when a guy grabbed my book bag and I not only caught up to him, but sent him rolling when I snatched it back.

I will teach them that a lot of bullying is simply pathetic losers using what ever power they have to make themselves feel better without having to work or risk anything. Those who spat on my uncles when they came back, the vandals who attacked the church in Portland, most vandals, fifty year old men who have to harass teens that disagree with them, even combox trolls and gankers. It doesn’t make it better, but understanding motivations is an important first step, especially since bullies generally style themselves as victims. (how conscious that styling is varies, though)

Art Deco
Tuesday, May 1, AD 2012 11:25am


Here we have two service organizations, one run by an amalgam of J-School professors and high school teachers and another run by high school teachers. They teach journalism – they surely knew of Dan Savage, who he is and what he is. Other than the crew who write for and edit The Village Voice, he might just be the most prominent denizen of the “alternative press” in the United States. In any case, he is easy to research. They invited him anyway. The invitation makes no sense whatsoever – except as a manifestation of the social tendency you see among ‘activists’ to parasitically colonize organizations and put them to work on behalf of their personal political propaganda. No set of ‘activists’ is more assiduous than the gay lobby about this sort of thing.

A second aspect of this is the sheer vulgarity of the man and the degree to which he manifests arrested development in the grossest way. There was no secret about this. He flaunts it. They invited him anyway. You can call it ‘declining standards of classiness’, but that is an anodyne way of putting it.

Given all this, I see in your wisdom that the problem here is that people use terms like ‘Obumbler Misadministration’ and ‘crapweasel’. Kindly learn to set priorities, and buzz off until you do. (That was not ‘name-calling’, by the way).

Tuesday, May 1, AD 2012 11:30am

: I do not feel that standing by when someone is assaulted is the same as an adult in a position of power screaming profane insults at a teenage girl. I do know first hand that word have the power to inflict as much damage though based upon personal experience. The verbal abuse I took as teen from my mother for being gentle, studious and kind, if not exhibiting somewhat feminine attributes, even through totally heterosexual, still haunts me to this day.

Can you tell me that using terms like ‘Obummer’ or ‘Democraps’ or ‘Libtards’ as seen in comboxes on Fox News is arguably accurate or even acceptable? Can you tell me that Rush Limbaugh’s demeaning description of Sandra Fluke, even if she met the dictionary description of the term, was acceptable?

My bottom line here is If a teenager or child see this done at home in adult to adult discourse, or peer to peer discourse, it will signal that it is okay to do amongst there own peers. The signal sent by Mr Savage to his allies is that it is okay to bully Christians because they believe in ‘bullsh_t’, just don’t bully us. Do we not send the same signal when we do the same Mr Savage or the President or Democrats because they believe in ‘bullsh_t’?

I shall not engage in such such discourse.

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