Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 9:01pm

The Militant Secular Left Shows Their Cards, Proving That The Tide Continues To Turn Toward Catholicism

The militant secular left thinks they have won a victory with President Barack Obama’s “Accommodation” with regard to the Health and Human Services (HHS) Mandate ordering religious based institutions to provide contraceptives, sterilizations and the morning after abortion pill. Some of the left couldn’t contain their glee, one guest on MSNBC described President Obama’s move as “brilliant.” In their distorted thinking they surmise that since not all Catholics adhere to the Church’s teachings, especially on birth control, they can cause a split in the Church.

First of all, the militant secular left continually cites the Guttmacher Institute’s polling, which is about as accurate as the daily pronouncements of Syria’s Bashar Assad. Secondly, it is one thing for Catholics to go against the Church’s teachings, it is quite another to say they are proud of it and want more Big Government telling them what they and the Catholic Church to do. The sheer nuttiness of this was illustarted in a discussion which occurred on Sean Hannity’s the Great American Panel seen on Fox News last week. One of the participants Jehmu Greene told fellow panelist Andrea Tantaros that without birth control she wouldn’t be here. When the incredulous Tantaros wondered how that could logical be, Greene went on a tirade that demeaned women who have children and or decide to work at home.

For years the militant secular left has treated pregnancy as a disease and families as inconvenient truths interfering with their own narcissistic ends. Powerhouse television shows like Sex and City helped to illustrate this point. Katharine Jean Lopez of the National Review wrote some time ago how disgusted she felt seeing men demeaned as objects in the Sex and City movie, the very treatment feminists have railed about for years.

However with the narcissistic Sex and City lifestyle comes another reality playing out in the streets of Athens, Greece and soon to come to a city or country near you in the western world. The declining birth rate means the youngest among us will have to eventually have to pay for a culture that aborted or contracepted itself into oblivion. The generous benefits demanded by those cultures, especially from the militant secular left can only last so long. As the old saying goes; “The problem with Socialism is eventually you run out of other people’s money.” The ancient Greek world gods who hailed narcissism and hedonism and whose lifestyle was proselytized by the Epicureans seem as irrelevant as ever as the pall of smoke hangs over the Acropolis, a fitting metaphor for what the militant secular left has wrought.

Thankfully the Catholic Church, whose regenerative seeds were planted by Pope John Paul II’s Springtime of Evangelization which continues in earnest under Pope Benedict XVI, is now bearing fruit. This harvest comes via the leadership of younger more orthodox minded priests fresh out of the the seminary as well as the recent ecclesial appointments (bishops, archbishops and cardinals) who are speaking out like never before against a government mandate which is such an anathema to the United States Constitution. This is evidenced by dioceses and parishes across the land denouncing the HHS Mandate. In addition, the rise of younger nuns like the Nashville Dominicans and the Sisters of Mary of the Eucharist are growing by leaps and bounds all the while their rebellious liberal counterparts haven’t seen a postulant since the Carter Administration. 

However, we can’t quite leave this topic without giving a nod to Pope Paul VI. Though his pontificate was rocked with much of the same turmoil that came out of the 1960s and 1970s, he did prophetically write in his encyclical Humanae Vitae of the hedonistic problems that could be a result of the pill. In addition he wrote of the demonic ends that would come from abortion, and last of all a demographic winter that would come as a result of all of this.

The mainstream media seems either intentionally deceptive, clueless or woefully ignorant of all of these matters within the Catholic Church. While the numbers of Catholics and Evangelicals continue to grow, the media’s favorite liberal churches continues their statistical l freefall. I have written about all of this for some time and now it seems the appropriate time to release my next book. It is now looking like May as the release date for the follow up to  The Tide is Turning Toward Catholicism tentatively entitled; The Tide Continues to Turn Toward Catholicism. The major problem I am facing is sending my editor updates as this whole political and religious drama unfolds. The book will be available through Catholic Word, a consortium of Catholic publishers whose publishing presence is increasing as many other publishers are decreasing.

Finally in our own way we need to educate the faithful that the Catholic Church continues to grow and strengthen as she has done every other time she has been under attack. Jesus promised us that this would be the case (Matthew 16:15-20) and so it is. Sadly the Church sometimes loses her way when times are good, because we often become a part of the world. Jesus warned us that though we must be in the world, we must never be of the world. Thankfully, because we are heeding His words the tide continues to turn!

Dave Hartline

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T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Monday, February 13, AD 2012 11:00am

November 2012 cannot come soon enough!

Here is additional evidence (as if it were needed) that one is repreating oneself when one uses the words liberal and idiot in the same sentence.

This rank stupidity is the reason the economy continues to flounder and why government should be limited so that it can inflict limited harm on us.

With his talents, Obama ought to be on an urban street corner dealing “three card monty.”

Monday, February 13, AD 2012 2:45pm

T. Shaw – but instead liberalies are letting the executive branch play monopoly in the WH with other people’s money and no rules because cheating etc. is easier. The jail corner says send someone you don’t like directly to court. The community chest cards are awards for using racist and bigot on opponents.
What a waste.

Monday, February 13, AD 2012 6:34pm

Blogrolled at POWIP.

Monday, February 13, AD 2012 6:40pm

[…] RELATED – Read the whole thing! at the American Catholic. Finally in our own way we need to educate the faithful that the Catholic […]

Monday, February 13, AD 2012 9:34pm

Regarding – The Militant Secular Left Shows Their Cards, Proving That The Tide Continues To Turn Toward Catholicism
Published Monday, February 13, 2012 A.D. | By Dave Hartline

I agree with everthing the writer has said, but I have trouble with one thing.
Are we willing to fight as hard for the living child after birth as we are for the child in the womb? Are we willing to provide a higher level of education, of health care, of food and housing OR do we prefer to pay in the back end when the unwanted, uncared for, fatherless child becomes a miscreant; someone on drugs, alcohol or at least in poor health or pertetuates more unwanted pregnancies…
I would rather put the same energy and money to providing the programs the child would need to be a caring, involved citizen rather than a fatherless child in a broken home with little love and education. I hope to see Catholics turn a cheek and start realizing that if we want to lower the abortion rate holistically, the best way to do it is to educate and provide the necessary programs so woman don’t find themselves in an unwanted pregnancy to begin with. It does start at home, but the home alone will not win the battle…we must help, with love.

Tuesday, February 14, AD 2012 4:03am

[…] The Militant Secularists Shows Their Cards – Dave Hartline, The American Catholic […]

Tuesday, February 14, AD 2012 8:02am

“In their distorted thinking they [the Militant Secular Left] surmise that since not all Catholics adhere to the Church’s teachings, especially on birth control, they can cause a split in the Church.”

The split is already present in the Church in America, and has been since Vatican II. Many “liberal” Catholics feel more animosity toward the Church, and her Bishops, than they do toward the militant secularists who oppose the teachings of the Church. Obama is merely using that split in an attempt to secure his political base for 2012. You may think this will not work, but many “liberal” Catholics, in the end, will side with Obama versus the Bishops.

I hope I am wrong, but the political calculation that Obama has made may work. Those who oppose his HHS mandate, did not vote for him in 2008 and will not vote for him in 2012. However, many on the Left who voted for him in 2008, who have recently had serious doubts about Obama, will now be MORE inclined to support him in 2012, not less inclined. It is a classic divide-and-conquer electoral strategy, based on the very theological and ideological split that already exists in the Church.

President Obama is merely exploiting what already exists. Again, I hope and pray that I am wrong, but he may very well succeed in exploiting the divisions that already exist in the Church.

Tuesday, February 14, AD 2012 9:47pm

[…] In my previous article I noted the striking metaphor of the pall of smoke hanging over the Acropolis in Athens caused by rioting Greeks who could no longer pay for their extravagant lifestyle. They are merely the first example of a culture that has aborted and contracepted itself into oblivion, prophetically predicted by Pope Paul VI in his encyclical Humanae Vitae. Big Government had the answers and their Epicurean ancestors had the lifestyle that seemed oh so appealing. However in reality they couldn’t pay the bills because charged with the simple mission of reproducing they felt it too complicated of a task. […]

Tuesday, February 14, AD 2012 10:21pm

I think the joke is on the Left–because the mandate is not only unconstitutional but also illegal; see this long article: It made me realize the mandate really was an assault on the Catholic Church–and a stupid one, blatantly violating the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, for no rational reason because contraception IS readily available. You wonder whether the most powerful man in the world ever listens to the numerous lawyers he has available (never mind the people in his inner circle who give him contrary advice, like, in this case, Joe Biden and Bill Daley). I think many Catholics will still vote for Obama, but hope and believe fewer than in 2008, and I hope that people of other faiths will stand and work with us in turning him out of the White House.

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