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Occupy Wall Street Goons Spit on Sailor

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Paul W Primavera
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 7:29am

If the Fleabaggers do this now “when the wood is green” (so to speak), then what will they do “when the wood is dry?” In fact, what will they do should Obama get defeated in ’12?

Stephen E Dalton
Stephen E Dalton
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 8:19am

I think it would be a good idea for the Coast Guard to show up at OWS with billy clubs and soap and literally clean up the mess these fools are making!

Joe Green
Joe Green
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 8:54am

Meanwhile, in other news, compensation for the chief executives of America’s biggest corporations soared 28 percent in 2011 from last year on average, according to a new report.
As millions of Americans remain out of work and Social Security recipients continue to receive no increase in payments, is it any wonder that people are taking to the streets? As oil companies reap billions in obscene profits and other big companies pocket billions without paying taxes (GE), the Republicans aim their heavy guns on the most defenseless of all citizens: seniors who depend on Medicare and Social Security to merely survive.
Old but true: The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and it’s business as usual in America.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 8:56am

By the way, I served in the Navy and a little spit never bothered me. We used to shine our shoes with it.

Paul W Primavera
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 9:05am


When you reference General Electric above, remember that one of Obama’s biggest supporters is Jeff Immelt, CEO of GE and former head of its Health Care Division. He is pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage. Under his leadership MS NBC (while it was owned by GE) ended up being the unsolicited spokesperson for Obama during the ’08 election.

BTW, Father Philip Powell at “Domine, Da Mihi Hanc Aquam” revealed the identities of the big bucks people who are supporting the fleabaggers on Wallstreet, in Boston and elsewhere. The usual wealthy liberal progressive Democrats show up:

Limo Liberals who support the Occupy Wall St Circus:

#1 Yoko Ono Net Worth – $500 million.

#2 Russell Simmons Net Worth – $325 million

#3 Roseanne Barr Net Worth – $80 million*

#4 Deepak Chopra Net Worth – $80 million

#5 Kanye West Net Worth – $70 million

#6 Alec Baldwin Net Worth – $65 million

#7 Susan Sarandon Net Worth – $50 million

#8 Michael Moore Net Worth – $50 million

#9 Tim Robbins Net Worth – $50 million

#10 Nancy Pelosi Net Worth – $35.5 million

Joe Green
Joe Green
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 9:35am

Yeah, I know, Paul, about Obama and his GE pal. A pox on both of them. Why is this a “circus” rather than legitimate protest? From the founding of our nation, the people have always had a right to redress their grievances. From the Declaration of Independence:

“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

That’s strong language. Sounds close to sedition if uttered in today’s vernacular would likely land someone in jail.

Paul W Primavera
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 9:43am


What the Tea Party is doing is what you pointed out, “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” Tea Partiers want Obama’s corporate socialism and Chicago gangsters gone (and preferrably in jail).

What the Flea Party is doing is entirely different. They have their Red Flags, their Class Warfare signs and posters, their socialist chanting, etc. Their aims are NOT the destruction of despotism but the advocacy of a nanny government that will give them everything they want. These fleabaggers generally reject authority, especially that of Christianity (the Church in particular). They want Caesar as their god to take care of them and give them iPad and iPods and the other wondrous computerized machinery of Apple or Microsoft while they do nothing to support themselves. They are spoiled little brats who have defecated on police cars, harrassed those in uniform and generally made a mess of everything. The most they deserve is 39 lashes.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 9:56am

Use of labels such as “flea baggers”, “the “Flea Party” does not advance your argument. And as far as a “nanny state” is concerned, seems to me that the Wall Street fat cats and the multimillionaires are the ones who have been miking the public teat all these years.

One, however, could take comfort in the words of Jesus: “Woe unto ye that are rich! for ye have received your consolation.”

Paul W Primavera
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 10:09am


I stand by the description “flea baggers.”

A friend of mine goes on further at a different forum to describe the relationship of lilly white rich liberals and their advocacy for this flea bagger rioting. In this case, RINO Bloomburg is involved.


So Mayor Bloombergs live-in girlfriend sits on the board of Brookfield, the company that owns Zuccotti Park, the place the Fleabaggers have set up camp. Is this part of the reason that the Mayor backed off his threat to have the Fleabaggers removed? Maybe they (Brookfield) don’t want too much attention for some reason and they applied some pressure.

But wait, there’s more! (

Brookfield just got a green business loan, one of the last to do so, from the administration in the amount of $135.8 million. Heather Podesta, the sister-in-law of John Podesta owns the lobbying firm that represents Brookfield. John Podesta is the director for the Center For American Progress, which is funded by…wait for it…GEORGE SOROS!!

Dante alighieri
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 10:17am

Meanwhile, in other news

Why change the subject Joe? It’s okay that these degenerates spit on people because some CEOs make a lot of money? You’re justifying bad behavior through the use of a non sequiter. Shame on you.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 10:26am

These are the same rats as their VC-sympathizer predecessors.

I served in the USAF in the last years of the Vietnam War. A few times I was traveling on orders in civ airports. No one spat on me. If they did, I was taught to respect my uniform. There would have been violence. Of course, I was six feet and 185, and I don’t lisp.

Michael Walsh: “About the only thing the Tea Party and the unwashed rabble occupying Zuccotti Park have in common is their deep loathing for the financial and political nomenklatura who precipitated the economic collapse of 2008 and — thanks to their massive campaign donations to Obama — have emerged unscathed while the rest of us suffer. Any other resemblance is purely coincidental.”

Friday, October 14, AD 2011 10:58am

Though it seems some are quite enamoured with OWS:

Joseph D'Hippolito
Joseph D'Hippolito
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 12:27pm

The fact that someone in the OWS crowd is flying a Che Guevara flag says all you need to know about this bunch….as did the Viet Cong flags that flew during anti-war protests in the 60s.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 12:47pm

Paul, shame on me? Equating the spitting of someone in a protest is akin to getting a flea bite on the Bataan Death March. A hideous act, but where’s your perspective and memory? Juxtapose big bosses making nearly 30 percent more while the layoffs go on and the Wall Street continues to suck the lifeblood out of the economy.

A trillion in TARP money and Wall Street payoffs, engineered by both parties, to bail out Goldman, AIG and six banks who had set aside $170 billion in bonuses to be divvied up by a few at the top while 15 million were stranded on the unemployment lines.

How soon we forget?

Paul W Primavera
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 1:10pm


Wasn’t it the Obamanation of Desolation who insisted on all those corporate bailouts? And isn’t it Obama who is being shielded by those fleabaggers protesting against the very corporations whom Obama bailed out? And isn’t it the rich lilly white liberal actors, actresses and other malcontents of wealth untold who are financing and otherwise supporting the fleabaggers?

For a different point of view, read this:

I am all for cutting the umbilical cord of corporate socialism between the Obama administration and his croonies in big corporations like GE. We can start that by voting him out of office, and then giving these neo-hippie miscreants defecating on police cars the 39 lashes they deserve, followed by cold showers with lots of soap.

Dante alighieri
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 1:18pm

Joe, I find it irritating when people change the subject because it makes their side look bad. This isn’t a post about the worthiness of TARP or the bailouts (although as the other Paul noted, it’s Obama who promoted them), but on the behavior of the crowd. So yes, shame on you for excusing disgusting behavior.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 1:28pm

Yes, Paul, read carefully, I said “both parties” so Obama was in on it as much as anyone. When people are angry, the often do despicable things. Spitting, defecating and all the other reprehensible actions are deplorable.

But where is the outrage when American taxpayers are continually raped and when so many suffer due to corporate and individual greed?

I remain a staunch conservative on social issues — abortion, sexual morality, etc. — but this country was built on dissent, best expressed and effected through peaceful and non-violent means not by an unruly few who cross the line.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 1:32pm

Paul, “disgusting behavior” has a broad range of applications.

Paul W Primavera
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 2:14pm

“But where is the outrage when American taxpayers are continually raped and when so many suffer due to corporate and individual greed?”

Joe, you forgot politician greed and lust for power, which historically exceeds all the rest, Robespierre, Hitler, Stalin and Mao all being outstanding examples.

Interestingly, the fleabaggers seem to support exactly those kinds of people. Why am I NOT surprised.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 4:01pm

“I remember my youth and the feeling that will never come back anymore – the feeling that I could last forever, outlast the sea, the earth, and all men; the deceitful feeling that lures us on to joys, to perils, to love, to vain effort – to death; the triumphant conviction of strength, the heat of life in the handful of dust, the glow in the heart that with every year grows dim, grows cold, grows small, and expires – and expires, too soon, too soon – before life itself.”

from “Youth”, a short story, by Joseph Conrad

Joe Green
Joe Green
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 4:36pm

Paul, how easy and simplistic it is to point the finger of blame at history’s famous individual villains, ignoring the masses who followed and enabled them. I would recommend Eric Hoffer’s True Believer to see how mass movements such as religions, fascism and communism gained traction by drawing adherents willing to sacrifice themselves and others for the future goals.

Paul Primavera
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 5:03pm

“…see how mass movements such as religions, fascism and communism gained traction by drawing adherents willing to sacrifice themselves and others for the future goals.”

Exactly correct. And that’s Obama’s national socialist Democracy and the fleabaggers.

Paul W. Primavera
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 5:51pm

I would wager that as long as Lenin, Stalin and Hitler controlled the money, they really didn’t hate it all that much. What they hated was someone other than them doing the controlling. Oh yeah – those evil capitalists.

Mike Petrik
Mike Petrik
Friday, October 14, AD 2011 9:35pm

Stop your lies. The myth about GE not paying taxes has been debunked over and over again. Facts matter, even if they may not fit your silly narrative. The “reporter” who broke that story mis-read GE’s annual report. A stupid mistake with legs apparently.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Saturday, October 15, AD 2011 12:06pm

Mike, no doubt new versions cooked up by the rewrite boys at the Ministry of Truth.

Elaine Krewer
Saturday, October 15, AD 2011 4:20pm

Report from the field, sort of: I stepped outside about an hour ago to watch an “Occupy Springfield, Illinois” rally march through downtown. The line extended for a full city block or more, and I’m not good at crowd estimates, but I’m going to guess 500-1,000 people participating. Mostly white middle class looking folk, middle aged and younger, including kids in strollers, carrying signs with slogans like “End the Fed” and “Money (Does Not Equal) Speech” and “Stop Media Censorship,” etc. They kept chanting “The people, united, will never be defeated!” and some were beating on drums, but, didn’t see any screaming or altercations or anything at all threatening. (Personally I think the St. Patrick’s Day parade/bar crowd is more dangerous than these people.) The whole thing was over and everyone appears to have dispersed by 4 p.m. with absolutely no public disorder of any kind.

Seems to me that, outside of major cities like NYC, Boston, etc., the Occupy crowd is mostly young middle class folk looking for an easy outlet for their frustration with the general state of the economy, and not looking to attack anyone personally. However, they do need to be aware that their movement, such as it is, is being coopted elsewhere for more sinsister purposes.

Mike Petrik
Mike Petrik
Sunday, October 16, AD 2011 9:50am

I’m a tax lawyer. The NYT errors were explicated ad nauseum in all manner of serious tax journals. Stop your lies.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Sunday, October 16, AD 2011 10:42am


A layman would not understand the complex differences between generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and tax accounting/The IR Code (credits; timing, temporary, permanent differences; deferred tax assets/liabilities; etc.) in a corporation’s financial statements.

Plus, if it serves the agenda it’s not a lie. I think journalists glory in their omissions of the truth as they tirelessly advance the narrative.

Mike Petrik
Mike Petrik
Sunday, October 16, AD 2011 12:40pm

All true, T, and fair enough. And laymen are not likely to realize that in general those differences favor revenue collection. GAAP errs on the side of making sure a company does not deceive investors by overstating income, whereas the IRC errs on the side of making sure that a company does not deceive the IRS by understating income. There are exceptions, of course, but that is the general theme. It is true that some industries (oil is the easy example) benefit from being able to deduct expenses they pay faster than what ordinary accounting might allow and faster than other industries can, and this type of benefit is certainly open to criticism. But the criticism more appropriately should focus on horizontal equity (i.e., a comparison with other corporate taxpayers) rather than vertical equity (a comparison based on ability to pay). In the end how much corporate income tax a corporation pays is truly not all that relevant for vertical equity purposes, and its horizontal equity analysis is best limited to comparisons with competitors. The corporate income tax is a puzzling creature. Its economic burden is necessarily a mystery in that it falls on some unknown (and unknowable) admixture of shareholders (through reduced returns, as though they should be reduced any further these days), consumers (through higher prices), and employees (through reduced wages). The distribution of this burden is based on many market variables that are fluid and impossible to assume or plan for in confidence. In other words, it a tax that progressives love notwithstanding the random distribution of its economic burden. Very strange, actually. This is not to say that corporations don’t impose social costs that they should pay for (e.g., the trucking industries effect on road wear and tear), but such costs (particularly when netted against social benefits) bear no relation whatsoever to the corporate tax burden (very high in the US), and should sensibly be borne regardless of profit just like any other cost.
Finally, it is true that earnings of CEOs of major corporations high by historic standards. Much has been written about this, and there are many causes including (i) the structure and practices of corporate comp committees and (ii) the move a couple decades ago to tie comp more to stock performance. But as generous as such payments can be, their impact on a company’s bottm line is typically not all that material. I do think that criticism of CEO pay may have some merit, but that is a discussion for another day.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Sunday, October 16, AD 2011 1:57pm

Mike, what does a tax lawyer do, tax lawyers? I don’t like being called a liar. As a lawyer, the irony is rich, indeed. (apologies to Don McClarey, the only lawyer I know capable of uttering truths now and then.)

Mike Petrik
Mike Petrik
Sunday, October 16, AD 2011 2:40pm

I never called you a lawyer. I asked you to stop repeating lies.
To answer you question, I work very hard to ensure that my clients do not pay any more tax than they are legally obligated to. My clients are large corporations. I am proud of my work. My clients behave honorably, and I have never known them to utter or repeat lies. Lawyers are like anyone else, unfortunately, some honorable and some not. But the lawyers I work with I very honorable. You seem to think that corporations are duty bound to pay whatever you think is just — not what the law requires. Such arrogance is unbecoming.

Joe Green
Joe Green
Monday, October 17, AD 2011 8:03pm

GE and taxes? Let’s set the record straight:

So much for paying the 35% corporate rate.

Mike Petrik
Mike Petrik
Monday, October 17, AD 2011 10:21pm

GE works hard to save costs at every level, thereby benefiting consumers and investors, and preserving jobs. Tax expenses are no exception. Unless you can show that they are doing something illegal or immoral then what is the point of your innuendo?

Joe Green
Joe Green
Tuesday, October 18, AD 2011 8:02am

Mike…”GE works hard …” employing more than 1,000 lawyers whose sole job is to find ways to avoid tax liability… GE works hard to cut its U.S. payroll by thousands while its hypocritical CEO boss sits on a job-creation council … GE works hard to manufacture weapons of mass destruction, filling its ever-growing till by billions with Pentagon money… GE works hard to lobby Congress for every tax break, loophole and under-the-table, deal-cutting maneuver to make sure the defense contracts never nauseum

Dante alighieri
Tuesday, October 18, AD 2011 8:40am

GE works hard to manufacture weapons of mass destruction,

Goodness gracious, you mean they manufacture weapons? Why has no one reported them to the UN?

And still nothing illegal or immoral in any of the litany reported by Joe. But, whatever mean Joe Green can do to obfuscate the main point of the post.

Mike Petrik
Mike Petrik
Tuesday, October 18, AD 2011 10:52am

Agreed, Paul. It never ceases to amaze me how passionate liberals are about supporting a tax whose economic burden is unknown and arbitrary. I assume it is grounded in the assumption that the burden rests predominantly on the rich, but really that is all it is, an assumption. There is actually very little basis for believing that. The best one can say about it is that it might be true; or not. There is a reason conservatives are so often quick to accuse liberals of forming opinions based more on emotion than reason.

Saturday, October 22, AD 2011 9:33pm

[…] flag & war memorials, embracing communism, getting Nazi endorsements, the anti-Semitism, the spitting on people, the mindless chanting, promoting sexual perversions, faking injuries, abusing local business […]

Sunday, October 23, AD 2011 5:25pm

[…] (gegenüber Kindern) exhibitionistisch betätigt, Nazis umarmt, Antisemitismus verbreitet, Leute bespuckt, lokale Geschäftsleute missbraucht, Gratisversorgung verlangt? – Der US-Abgeordnete […]

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