Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 7:27pm

Senator Nelson Sells Out Unborn, Health Care Bill Heads to Vote

(Updates at the bottom of this article.)

Harry Reid was able to make huge concessions to the state of Nebraska and bought Senator Ben Nelson’s vote a la Mary Landrieu.  The vote seems headed to the floor with all 60 votes secured to impose on American’s draconian laws that would hike insurance rates and begin the downward slope towards European style socialism.

Nelson secured full federal funding for his state to expand Medicaid coverage to all individuals below 133 percent of the federal poverty level. Other states must pay a small portion of the additional cost. He won concessions for qualifying nonprofit insurers and for Medigap providers from a new insurance tax. He also was able to roll back cuts to health savings accounts.

What’s in the bill that I’m aware of?  I’ve broken down the Washington Post article almost verbatim below:

1.  States can opt out of allowing plans to cover abortion in insurance exchanges the bill would set up to serve individuals who don’t have employer coverage. Plus, enrollees in plans that do cover abortion procedures would pay for the coverage with separate checks – one for abortion, one for rest of health-care services.

2.  Instead of a public option, the final product would allow private firms for the first time to offer national insurance policies to all Americans, outside the jurisdiction of state regulations. Those plans would be negotiated through the Office of Personnel Management, the same agency that handles health coverage for federal workers and members of Congress.

3.  Starting immediately, insurers would be prohibited from denying children coverage for pre-existing conditions. A complete ban on the practice would take effect in 2014, when the legislation seeks to create a network of state-based insurance exchanges, or marketplaces, where people who lack access to affordable coverage through an insurer can purchase policies.

4.  Insurers competing in the exchanges would be required to justify rate increases, and those who jacked up prices unduly could be barred from the exchange. Reid’s package also would give patients the right to appeal to an independent board if an insurer denies a medical claim. And all insurance companies would be required to spend at least 80 cents of every dollary they collect in premiums on delivering care to their customers.

5.  Every American would be required to obtain coverage under the proposal, and employers would be required to pay a fine if they failed to offer affordable coverage and their workers sought federal subsidies to purchase insurance in the exchanges. Reid’s package would offer additional assistance to the smallest businesses, however, increasing tax credits to purchase coverage by $12 billion over previous versions.

There is much more in the bill that is even worse that I don’t have the time to spell out yet.

The immediate costs of the bill have been quoted as being within the original $848 million estimate, but that’s what lawyers and politicians say.  The more accurate prognosis would be at least twice that much, ie, meaning tax increases to come to make up for the expected funding shortages.

Besides possibly costing the Democratic Party control of both houses of congress and even the presidency in 2012, if this vote makes it through congress, thus begins the boiling frog syndrome.

The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death.

So as America begins to implement these socialist type of policies, there will come a point where as the years go by, we will not be able to discern our gradual ascent into socialism.  Within 30 years we may have a nanny-state where our lives are heavily regulated for ‘our benefit’ by an appointed elite.  Thus why I mention European style socialism.

Western Europe began their gradual ascent to socialism immediately after World War II which was accelerated during the turbulent 1960s.

Now everyone has cradle to grave coverage for broken toe-nails to government mandated two months vacations.  Job growth is so heavily regulated that Europeans leave their own countries for more laissez faire economies, ie, 250,000 Frenchman live in London alone because opportunities to start their own business and get jobs are abundant while Paris and the rest of France is turning into a museum.

When government French workers go on nationwide strikes to oppose the lengthening of their work week from 35 to 40 hours, they paralyze the nation.  Even if the measures are needed to keep France from falling apart, French workers have become lazy enough and self-entitled enough that they would rather see their children’s future mortgaged (that’s if they even have children), rather than work an extra five hours a week or even give up one of their eight (8) weeks of vacation time.

95% of American’s ancestors fled Europe because of job and food shortages.  We are Americans, not Europeans.

In my final analysis, I don’t know if conservatives and Republicans can take back congress, but if they do, are they able to roll back this draconian bill?

So if the vote makes it to the floor this coming week we could begin our sojourn towards socialism come Christmas.


To read the article by Shailagh Murray and Lori Montgomery of the Washington Post click here.


Update IDeal W. Hudson over at InsideCatholic explained the fallacy of no government funding of abortion.

The notion of “segregated funds,” of course, is nothing but an auditor’s trick.  Once dollars become part of a program they support the whole of the program, regardless in which column they are found.  As Family Research Council’s Tom McClusky said to in response to the new compromise, “Reid’s bill would force taxpayers to pay for abortions even if they opt out.”

Deacon Keith Fournier over at Catholic Online had this to say:

Deacon Keith Fournier describes this as Nelson’s “bag of silver.”  Fournier explains, “If Senator Ben Nelson actually sold his vote for a bag of silver for Nebraska then this has become a ‘Judas moment‘ not a ‘Thomas More moment’ and its implications are evil.”

Mr. Hudson wraps up his analysis saying that since “insurance companies so tightly regulated the plan becomes, in my opinion, virtually government run health care.”

For Deal W. Hudson’s article titled Sen. Nelson Caves In to Democratic Party Pressure on Health Care at InsideCatholic click here.

For Deacon Keith Fourneir’s article titled A Judas Moment? Did Senator Ben Nelson Just Sell his Vote for a Bag of Silver? at Catholic Online click here.

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Eric Brown
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 3:53pm

Senator Nelson said this, this morning:

“Let me be clear. This cloture vote is based on the full understanding that there will be a limited conference between the Senate and the House.

If there are material changes in that conference report different from this bill that adversely affect the agreement, I reserve the right to vote against the next cloture vote.

Let me repeat it: I reserve the right to vote against the next cloture vote if there are material changes to this agreement in the conference report. And I will vote against it if that is the case.”

I am not thrilled with his decision. I am happy that his mailbox is full and so is Senator Casey’s. But this is not a done deal. The legislation has to be reconciled — the slightest appeasement of liberals in the House can kill this thing in the Senate. Better yet, the abortion language is not going to fly well in the House. The first go round there were 64 Democrats to vote for the Stupak amendment and at the end of the day with 39 Democrats voting “NO”. To see this thing fail, there needs to be merely 2 upset Democrats to vote the other way.

This isn’t over.

Moreover, I am not surprised. Recent stories in the press suggest that Senator Nelson was being threatened. Maybe they were true. Maybe they weren’t.

Either way, hopefully this will not succeed.

Joe Hargrave
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 3:59pm


I think you’re absolutely right on this. I think Stupak and the pro-life Dems in the House will hold the line on this.

Donald R. McClarey
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 4:00pm

Let’s see. The Democrats, if they can pass this stripped down bill through the Senate, still have to convince the House Dems to scrap their much more ambitious bill. Then there will be a huge fight over the Stupak amendment.

If this bill passes it will then not be fully implemented until 2014, coincidentally, I am sure, two years after the Presidential election of 2012.

I do have to hand it to the Dems if they pass this for doing what I considered impossible. They have crafted a bill which is opposed by a majority of the American people, liberal Democrats and virtually all Republicans. They have all the signals known to political man flashing red and saying that this is a one way ticket to a crushing defeat in 2010. Passage of this bill will depress liberal Democrats, the base of the Democrat party, unify and inflame Republicans, and cause Independents to desert the party of the donkey en masse. Never has a political party in my lifetime labored so strenuously to implement a policy that guarantees them an extended vacation in the political wilderness. Democrats have nothing on Lemmings at the moment when it comes to survival instict.

Eric Brown
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 4:08pm

I am actually more surprised that Lieberman is voting “Yes.”

Actually I am shocked they killed the public option.


We have Republicans defending Medicare (since when?!) and Democrats supporting insurance companies offering national plans that do not have to adhere to state laws (what the…?)

Our Congressmen need to have their heads examined.

Eric Brown
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 4:10pm

Wait…how do they expect to get a bill without a public option through the House?

Joe Hargrave
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 4:19pm

lol Eric, good question. You already have some Dems who pledged to vote it down if abortion funding was scrapped… imagine what they will do with no public option!?

This whole thing is going to fall apart.

Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 4:21pm

I’m trying to understand the bill. So states will able to prohibit subsidized plans from covering abortion. In those states that will allow abortion coverage, individuals will be able to purchase abortion coverage on top of their regular coverage.

If that’s right, I don’t see what’s so objectionable. Sure, it’s not as good as barring coverage altogether but this is not bad. Those who want abortion coverage will have to pay extra for it. In practice, few would buy the supplemental abortion insurance.

Eric Brown
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 4:24pm

I am not sure if that’s how it works. I read something a moment ago suggesting people would have to send two checks — one for abortion coverage, the other for the whole policy. I think it is still account gymnastics.

I am not sure.

Eric Brown
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 4:27pm

I hope this helps, if you can get passed the pro-choice nonsense.

Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 4:33pm

So it depends on whether it’ll be the individual’s choice or the insurer’s choice. If the individual gets to choose whether to send that abortion check, this bill isn’t so bad. If everyone has to pay the same premium and the insurers segregate it, that’s unacceptable.

Need more clarity.

ron chandonia
ron chandonia
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 5:22pm

Any reaction from the USCCB on this one???

David Keller
David Keller
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 5:28pm

Your blog managed to list on google search for reaction to the health care debate.

As an Irish Catholic who use to be republican, its always distressing to encounter members of holy church who have been utterly beguiled by the evangelical right, I pray for such folks.

While the issue of abortion is a serious moral lapse in our society, the lies and deception of the GOP and evangelicals pose a more serious danger to both the republic and freedom of faith.

Pettifogging health care as an element of the debate over abortion is rank hypocrisy and not worthy of big or little C catholicism.

One can only hope other Catholics who have followed the disciples of the lie into the modern GOP tent will like Paul have their eyes opened to the reality they adhere to a political theology crafted by the Father of lies and promoted by his agents in the GOP.

Donald R. McClarey
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 5:36pm

Republicans as agents of Satan? Mr. Keller, it is never a good idea to blog drunk.

Art Deco
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 5:42pm

Mr. Keller would appear to be Gerald L. Campbell’s doppelganger.

David Keller
David Keller
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 5:55pm

When I stop Chuckling, Mr. McClarey I assure both lucidity and habitual tea tootling, Nor did I offer implication all republicans serve as agents of the diabolical any more than all members of the German Army were responsible for the Holocaust,

Art Deco’s reference to Campbell is pithy oh so pithy still I wish you both a merry Christmas

Donald R. McClarey
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 6:03pm

Well Mr. Keller, now we have Republicans compared to members of the Wehrmacht and the Holocaust. As I have said to some of my clients when they have committed some felony or misdemeanor sober, “I would prefer that you would at least have had the small excuse that you did this drunk”. And the merriest of Christmases to you.

David Keller
David Keller
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 6:34pm

Last one Donald, may I call you Donald? I’m in Phoenix and have to get ready as I prefer Saturday mass, Clients, felony? are you an attorney Don?

Funny if you are as I find it difficult to distinguish between modern republican leaders and lawyers, both have the tendency when they lack points of authority or a cogent argument to pound the table and besmirch the character of the opposing advocate.

Please trust me when I say unlike politicians, I will accuse directly when the occasion calls for it.

Oh I hear the GOP has invited the John Birch society back into the fold, yea that will help.

Really I try to treat all people as individuals worthy of respect but every time I hear Glen Beck or Sister Sarah Palin speak I think of Forest Gump, White trash is as White trash does, yea that’s going to cost a few hail Mary’s but it had to be said but at least the Merry Christmas was sincere

Donald R. McClarey
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 7:36pm

“both have the tendency when they lack points of authority or a cogent argument to pound the table and besmirch the character of the opposing advocate.”

I am an attorney. The legal saw you are recalling is that when the facts are against you, you argue the law, when the law is against you, you argue the facts, and when both are against you, you pound the table and abuse your opponent. Mr. Keller, as you called Republicans agents of Satan and compared them to members of the Wehrmacht during the Holocaust I would suggest that it is you who have been pounding the table. Of course we also have your charming White Trash reference.

As for the John Birch society, I can imagine few organizations with less significance for the Republican party. Back in the Fifties William F. Buckley wrote them out of the conservative movement after they accused Ike of being a Communist. Their influence on the conservative movement and the Republican party has been nil since then.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 8:53pm

Yeah, it’s Campbell.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 8:55pm

Oh, and Campbell’s referring to CPAC (not the GOP, but who needs facts when you have a hatchet?) having the Birchers as one of their many sponsors. They also have a gay lobbying group as a sponsor this year, so I wonder how he’d process that.

Donald R. McClarey
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 9:25pm

Well Mr. Keller or Gerald Campbell or whoever you are, I’ve deleted your last comment since it was an attempt to hijack this thread as part of your effort to convince people that Republicans are evil incarnate. Due to the content of your posts I am also banning you from this blog. Mere invective simply leads to futile combox feuds and we try to avoid that on this blog.

Elaine Krewer
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 9:45pm

“Passage of this bill will depress liberal Democrats, the base of the Democrat party, unify and inflame Republicans, and cause Independents to desert the party of the donkey en masse.”

I hope so, Don, but I wouldn’t count on it; never underestimate the ability of the GOP (particularly in Illinois, but this is true elsewhere also) to snatch defeat from the jaws of certain victory.

Donald R. McClarey
Saturday, December 19, AD 2009 9:57pm

In Illinois Elaine I grant you, although even here I think the Republicans will gain two house seats and make take the Senate seat. As for the rest of the country, I think the Democrats are in worse shape than they were in going into the 1994 elections when the Republicans took Congress

Reaganite Republican
Sunday, December 20, AD 2009 10:12am

This will go-down in history as but a Pyhrric victory where political costs outweigh the benefits to the Democrats… if people weren’t pissed at the power-drunk Dems before, they likely are now…

These tools like Nelson will soon regret the day they did this for Obama, he’ll pull all these fools right-over the abyss with him… and the coming GOP majority will rescind it anyway…

Sunday, December 20, AD 2009 1:42pm

At this stage there will be a bill with features somewhere between the House and Senate bills. Illinois will see the Dems pick up Kirk’s seat, the GOP pick up one, and even odds for the pro-choice Republican senate candidate beating the Dem.

Donald R. McClarey
Sunday, December 20, AD 2009 1:56pm

I see the GOP in Illinois picking up Halvorson’s seat, Bean’s seat and Foster’s seat. They will probably lose Kirk’s seat. I think they have a decent chance of picking up Hare’s seat also. Kirk is a pro-abort which is why I oppose him in the primary and will not vote for him in the general election.

Gabriel Austin
Gabriel Austin
Sunday, December 20, AD 2009 2:17pm

Eric Brown writes Saturday, December 19, 2009:
“Our Congressmen need to have their heads examined”.

I am at a loss to understand that a college education has failed to make an impression. A simple review of the behavior of Congress throughout the 19th and 20th Centuries would demonstrate that these behaviors are par for the course.

Senator Nelson was bribed. So also was Senator Landrieu. What’s new about the behavior of “our only professional criminal class”?

I suggest that we make a point of asking our senators if they voted for this “compromise” [lege sell-out. Think Munich] what they got for it for their states.

Gabriel Austin
Gabriel Austin
Sunday, December 20, AD 2009 2:22pm

It is curious to consider that this bill scheduled to be signed on the day of the Holy Innocents:
“Then what was said through the prophet Jeremiah was fulfilled: “A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more.”

Tito Edwards
Sunday, December 20, AD 2009 4:15pm

Very well said Gabriel for something so tragic and sad.

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