Saturday, May 18, AD 2024 9:35am

Hillary Explains It All

A little bit of schadenfreude to start the day.  Hillary explains how she got the votes of the “good people”:


Sore loser and sour grapes does not begin to capture the shear fury that eats away at Clinton over her loss.  Looking in the mirror and realizing that she is gazing at the person who lost the election for her is completely beyond Clinton.  If Trump were attempting to devise a way to make Hillary suffer for 2016, he couldn’t have invented a more soul shattering reaction to her loss than Clinton has devised for herself.


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Tuesday, March 13, AD 2018 6:28am

It makes my day to see her tears of frustration and impotent rage.
To think that this unhinged harpy came > this close < to the
presidency is a sobering thought, as is the fact there's still a large
number of Americans who'd prefer Felonia von Pantsuit to have won.

Don L
Don L
Tuesday, March 13, AD 2018 6:44am

Hillary is just treading polluted water–hoping she can make it into the next presidential race….
It is hard to tell if she or Maxine Waters helps the GOP win more.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Tuesday, March 13, AD 2018 7:22am

She honestly looked good at Costco. It fit her. Her book signing campaign may have unearthed her true calling. An employee at Costco.
Honest work for the poor, little and confused lady would be a great change for her. Her dishonesty is epic. Costco Hillary! Costco and Hillary in 2018!

Mary De Voe
Tuesday, March 13, AD 2018 8:33am

The 60 million sovereign persons who Hillary is complicit in slaughtering in the womb would have put her into the office of president if she had not had them murdered. Divine Justice.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Tuesday, March 13, AD 2018 10:21am

Mary’s comment is fitting.
I believe it’s the future of the democratic party.
They are killing off their future constituents. LIFE Liberty and the pursuit of happiness…and it’s Life that they are destroying to falsely claim liberty and happiness for themselves. A very pitiful lot that party.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Tuesday, March 13, AD 2018 12:18pm

Each morning I thank God that she is not in the White House.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Tuesday, March 13, AD 2018 12:50pm

Honest work for the poor, little and confused lady would be a great change for her. Her dishonesty is epic. Costco Hillary! Costco and Hillary in 2018!

The Clintons have taken the post-Presidential buckraking to a whole new level. Absolutely Brobignagian. Before her husband was elected attorney-general of Arkansas, her legal career consisted of a brief stint as a staff attorney for the House Judiciary Committee, a position from which she was fired for cause. As for Barack Obama, I won’t run the tape again regarding his work life; the last defensible job the man had was working as a copy editor for a company which produced corporate newsletters on contract. John Edwards had a lucrative career in the law – as the classic ambulance chaser. John Kerry’s a satisfactory example of a man whose reputation has expanded – like a gas – to fill the offices in which he’s been ensconced. Then there’s Al Gore, the other industrial scale buck-raker, a legacy pol whose last normal job he vacated in 1976.

Dave Griffey
Dave Griffey
Tuesday, March 13, AD 2018 1:49pm

Unbelievable. Just when I think she can’t act any worse than she has, she surprises me. I spend my days teaching my sons not to act this way if they lose. I hope they don’t throw the former Democratic presidential candidate back at me.

Dc.Don Beckett
Dc.Don Beckett
Tuesday, March 13, AD 2018 2:38pm

And this banshee is coming to NZ for a visit, sponsored by the left wingers in our Labour (Democrat equiv.) party. I think most sensible kiwis will just ignore her, but the usual useful idiots will give her the adulation she craves.
And to boot, we are going to be graced (gag ) with the presence of Barack Obama in a month or so, and again, the sychophants are panting in expectation – Obama and our ex Prime Minister, John Key, are good friends, and they play golf together – so Obama is coming over “to play golf”. John Key has a holiday home in Hawaii, and Obama and he would meet and play golf there when he was on holiday.
What we need is another bloody great earthquake, and frighten them away. 🙂

Ben Butera
Tuesday, March 13, AD 2018 4:08pm

Blaming others is a sign of bad leadership.
I believe Obama did it. Don’t think George W. ever did. I think Trump will if things go badly.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Tuesday, March 13, AD 2018 9:19pm

Honest work for the poor, little and confused lady would be a great change for her. Her dishonesty is epic. Costco Hillary! Costco and Hillary in 2018.

Poverty? Absolutely. Her laissez-faire responses to the death’s of Ambassador Stevens, Sean Smith, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods was pure poverty of soul.
“What difference does it make?” Her undying support for abortion on demand
and brazenly state that “Religions must change their views on abortion,” reveals a small capacity for love of neighbor. Confusion reigns high in Hillary. Her excuses for her loss doesn’t include the simple truth. A truth that evades her. Enough American women would rather choose a real estate mogul over a fake professional public servant. She has time at night to ponder that truth.
Deplorable backwards thinking women helped bury her.

Thank God.

Kathleen Casey
Kathleen Casey
Wednesday, March 14, AD 2018 3:18am

Old news Ian ‘t she ? The dogs bark but the caravan passes on. We. Foged a bullet.

Kathleen Casey
Kathleen Casey
Wednesday, March 14, AD 2018 3:20am

Dodged a bullet.

Elaine Krewer
Wednesday, March 14, AD 2018 5:49am

“The 60 million sovereign persons who Hillary is complicit in slaughtering in the womb would have put her into the office of president if she had not had them murdered.”

I get what you’re saying, I’m as glad as anyone that Hillary didn’t become POTUS and I agree that she is a “nasty woman” in every sense of the word. However, I dunno that I would go so far as to place personal blame on her for EVERY single legal abortion performed since Roe (60 million), nor would I assume that every one of those aborted children would have voted for her if they had been allowed to survive.

Yes, I know Hillary very likely approves of all or at least the majority of those abortions, but in what sense is she, personally, culpable for ALL of them? Many of those abortions occurred under GOP administrations, including those of Reagan and Bush Jr., who were, at least relatively, pro-life. Does that mean THEY were personally responsible for murdering every child aborted on their watch? Is Trump personally responsible for every abortion being performed today? (I could see some unhinged liberal who found herself unexpectedly pregnant deciding to abort because she can’t bear the thought of bringing a child into the dark, dystopian world of “Trump’s AmeriKKKa”. Does that mean her child’s death is Trump’s fault? She’d probably say it was but that doesn’t make it true.)

As important as the office of POTUS is, I wonder if we (pro-lifers) sometimes place so much importance on it that we overlook other factors at play. The sad truth is that abortions occur no matter who is president and more than just voting for the “right” candidates (as important as that may be) is required to overcome this evil.

Mary De Voe
Wednesday, March 14, AD 2018 12:31pm

“As important as the office of POTUS is, I wonder if we (pro-lifers) sometimes place so much importance on it that we overlook other factors at play. The sad truth is that abortions occur no matter who is president and more than just voting for the “right” candidates (as important as that may be) is required to overcome this evil.”
Being complicit in homicide is being a murderer if only by giving consent. “Deep seated religious beliefs must be changed to accommodate women’s healthcare.” Hillary’s contempt for man’s free will and his conscience knows no bounds. This means that children born under Hillary Clinton’s presidency would come into the world as citizens without “their Creator”‘s endowed innate human rights as beasts of burden to the reigning politician.
When Hillary was not stealing the White House china, Hillary was carrying water for Satan , the first murderer.

Dr. Mabuse
Dr. Mabuse
Wednesday, March 14, AD 2018 3:32pm

She’s coming to New Zealand? The location for the Lord of the Rings movies! Say, could you take her on a tour of the Mines of Moria, and get her to descend that giant staircase? It may just solve our AND the Democratic Party’s problems in one go!

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Friday, March 16, AD 2018 3:25pm

The Hildebeast wanted to become President starting in her college days. it was the big thing in her life that she hoped for. It is why she hitched her wagon to Bill Clinton and stayed with him through all of his rotten behavior.

She has failed twice to become President. She is over 70 years old and in lousy health that the media is covering up. Now it is nearly impossible for her to become President. Her own party hates her now. She and Bill are out of the loop when it comes to dealing power and influence. In fact, she is a washed up nothingburger who never accomplished anything on her own and confused activity with accomplishment. My ten year old rarely accepts responsibility for the wrong things he does – or the right things he should do but does not…but the Clintons never did anything wrong in their adult lives. It was always someone else’s fault. Kenneth Starr, Bob Tyrrell, Newt Gingrich, the “vast right-wing media”, Barack Obama, and the worst of all, Donald J. Trump.

Like so many others, the Hildebeast underestimated Trump. I have said this before here. Trump’s pop culture persona was nothing more than Trump having fun. It did not and does not define the man and those who think it does are in grave error. Trump is able to communicate with people in a way the Hildebeast never could. Trump’s time on television developed his mass communication skills. His razor-sharp New York City tongue is almost never at a loss for words, which means he doesn’t have to read from a teleprompter. Hildebeast thought Trump was the weakest candidate to run against and found out that Trump considered her to be a run of the mill Washing-twit who could not successfully run a lemonade stand. Losing to Trump will gall Hildebeast to her grave. So be it. She covered up for the sins of Bill Clinton. Let her suffer for them for the rest of her days.

William P. Walsh
William P. Walsh
Friday, March 16, AD 2018 3:25pm

Hillary would have made a terrible President. She should most certainly blame herself for alienating so many ordinary people, and we should give credit to the essential good sense of the many ordinary people who voted against her. Beyond Hillary, consider that to no small degree did the election turn on the suffering through neglect, by liberal elites wealthy via world finance, to care about the ordinary working people “who cling to their religion and guns etcetera.” The Democratic Party no longer deserves to dine out on their long-lost reputation as the friend of the working man. It helps one understand how it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into Heaven. Perhaps it’s the Epicurean Materialism that comes with the package. But “with God, nothing is impossible. Happy Lent!

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