Tuesday, May 14, AD 2024 12:03pm

Male Priests Only; Can This Command of The Lord Be Disobeyed?

Before He ascended into heaven, Jesus commanded that only males were to receive His sacrament of Holy Orders – ordination as deacon, priest, and bishop. Before the first Pentecost, the birth day of His Church, Jesus commanded that only males, and not females, could receive His sacrament of Holy Orders.

With only the eleven remaining Apostles present, before His ascension, He ordered the Apostles to “go to the mountain” which He designated and there He said to them: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. “ (Mt 28:19-20).

Can the Commands Of The Lord regarding the male-only priesthood now be disobeyed ?

Males Only

The constant Church teaching on the males-only-priesthood Command Of The Lord, since the first century, is reflected in current Canon Law: “A baptized male alone receives sacred ordination validly.”   (Canon 1024; Code of  Canon Law, 1983). Papal teaching has always held, proclaimed and made clear what Pope St. John Paul II said in his apostolic letter, Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (May 22, 1994):

“Wherefore, in order that all doubt may be removed regarding a matter of great importance, a matter which pertains to the Church’s divine constitution itself, in virtue of my ministry of confirming the brethren, I declare that the Church has no authority whatsoever to confer priestly ordination on women and that this judgment is to be definitively held by all the Church’s faithful”

This statement by Pope St. John Paul is in accord with the conditions for an infallible statement and is clearly worded in such a manner.

Failed Ordination Attempts

A rebel bishop lays hands on a woman, says the words of the Sacrament of Holy Orders for deacons, correctly; says all the prayers, performs all the associated gestures and ritual. He then says, “I have just conferred on this woman the Sacrament of Holy Orders and she is now an ordained deacon!” A dissident archbishop lays hands on a woman, Jane Doe, goes through the required rubrics, says the mandated prayers and words, and does the stipulated gestures and actions, and declares, “I have ordained this woman to the priesthood. She is now Father Doe.”

To any of these fictional scenarios, add this: “But my bishops conference said this was legitimate, this is OK, this is valid, and that I can do this.” Or, purely hypothetically, fantastic as it may sound, ratchet this up a few more ecclesial notches, “But the Pope said this is in accord with his magisterial teaching and that now women can be ordained deacons and priests.”

The woman is not a deacon.   Why not?  Jane Doe is not Father Jane. Why not? The hypothetical episcopal and papal changes and validations had no effect. Why not?

What Actually Happened ?

To answer these ‘Why not?’ questions, beginning in the beginning is always a good place to begin.

History is important here.  Did the Church, after it came into existence on the first Pentecost, after it then received the Holy Spirit, did it form a Committee On Getting Grace To Flow from Jesus to His Christians? Did it hold a synod with 10% of the Apostles to create ways to bring God’s life to people ? Did this new Church develop rituals, signs, regulations, prayers, and rubrics for the Church ? Did the Church set all this out and make it subject to change in the future by a group of bishops, by a pope in concert with a council, or even by a pope alone?

The chronology in fact was this: in time, the sacraments came first, then the Church. Jesus made and gifted us with His sacraments before He ascended into heaven, before the first Pentecost. Before His Church was instituted, Jesus gave us his words, directives, instructions, laws, limitations, orders, His “commands,” regarding His seven sacraments, including His sacrament of Priesthood.

What Is a Sacrament ?

Catechisms have answered the question:  ‘What is a sacrament?’ :

Baltimore Catechism No. 1, 1885 A.D. : “A sacrament is an outward sign, instituted by Christ, to give grace.”

Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994 A.D. :  The seven sacraments are “this treasure from the Lord.” (1117). Quoting from the Council of Trent, 1547 A.D.: “Adhering to the teaching of Holy Scriptures, to the apostolic traditions, and to the consensus . . . of the Fathers,” we profess that “the sacraments of the new law were . . . all instituted by Jesus Christ our Lord.” (1114).

This is the clear and unambiguous teaching of the Church, including that of Vatican II: “ They [the sacraments] must always however be referred to Christ, from whom their effectiveness derives . . . Of themselves, they certainly express the effective will of Christ the Savior  . . ..  (from the General Catechetical Directory, paras, 55, 56, published by the Sacred Congregation for the Clergy,  in accord with the directive in the Vatican II Council’s Decree on the Bishops’ Pastoral Office in the Church). 

The Sacrament of Holy Orders

Two keys to understanding the Sacrament of Holy Orders from these definitions are: 1.  that Jesus made the sacraments; and 2. they are gifts to us from Him. As His gifts, the sacraments are not mere incidental unimportant signs that the Church now today can substantially change – the Church must take them as Jesus has given them. Pope Pius XII, in accord with the teachings of the Council of Trent, stated, “The Church has no power over the substance of the sacraments, that is to say, over what Christ the Lord, as the sources of Revelation bear witness, determined should be maintained in the sacramental sign.” (Sacramentum Ordinis, No. 5).

Through All Church History

Holy Scripture, the tradition of the Church, and the constant teaching of the Church for now almost two millennia is that Jesus commanded that only males would be His priests, that females can not be ordained bishops, priests, or deacons.


Only twelve males were selected by Jesus as the first Apostles. When Jesus said “He who receives you receives me,” He sent out only males. Only the twelve Apostles were present at the Last Supper when He instituted the sacrament of Holy Orders and, by His command, ordered them, and only them, to do what He was doing in remembrance of Him, to act as priests in persona Christi in re-presenting Jesus’s sacrifice to His Father.

Although some women witnessed to the Resurrection, Jesus did not make them Apostles. Only males were considered as replacement for the Apostle Judas. When, at the end of Matthew’s gospel, Jesus tells the remaining eleven Apostles that they must do what He has commanded, no women are present.

St. Paul, recognizing that in Christ there is neither male no female, still is inspired by God to write that what he is saying about order in the Church, including the male-only priesthood, is not simply his own personal opinion, a personal directive, or a church custom, but is a “command of the Lord” already in effect:

“Or did the word of God originate with you? Or are you the only people it has reached? If anyone thinks they are a prophet or otherwise gifted by the Spirit, let them acknowledge that what I am writing to you is the Lord’s command. But if anyone ignores this, they will themselves be ignored.(1 Cor 14:36-38).

Church Fathers

Throughout Church history, through and past the Middle Ages, the Church Fathers, scholars, and theologians uphold the Command of the Lord that women cannot be ordained as bishops, priests, or deacons. “Whenever the Church Fathers have occasion to speak, directly or indirectly, about ‘women in the priesthood,’ they reject it clearly and unanimously.” (Hauke, p. 425).

Two Milllenia

“In fact, ordination of women has been rejected in the Church with remarkable unanimity throughout two thousand years. This testimony is all the more impressive when – above all during the early period in Church history – it stands in contrast to existing ‘emancipatory’ trends. If women are ordained among the heretics or even if they only take on official teaching or baptismal duties, then such behavior is branded not only as a breach of Church discipline, but as heresy.” (Fr. Manfred Hauke, Women in the Priethood? Ignatius Press, 1988, p. 478).

“In sum, the Tradition has been so firm throughout the centuries that, as  Inter Insigniores, no. 8 notes, “the Magisterium has not felt the need to intervene in order to formulate a principle which was not attacked, or to defend a law that was not challenged. … each time that this tradition had the occasion to manifest itself, it witnessed to the Church’s desire to conform to the model left to her by the Lord.” [Inter Insigniores,  Declaration of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, On the Question of Admission of Women to the Ministerial Priesthood, 1976]. But of course such principles and laws have been challenged in the past thirty years. Hence, the recent Magisterium has had to respond, and it has done so carefully, patiently and firmly. (Mark Lowery, The Male Priesthood the Argument From Tradition,  https://www.ewtn.com/library/DOCTRINE/MALEPRIE.TXT.).

But . . .

All of the law, Holy Scripture, tradition, magisterial declarations, documents, treatises, reasoning, history,  teachings, and Jesus’s words themselves make no difference to those who now demand that women be ordained, first deacons, then priests, eventually as bishops, and finally, some day, a female pope. Their response to the Command Of The Lord that His priests will only be males and that women will not be priests is one of:

  1. There is no such Command
  2. There is such a Command, but it does not apply today
  3. There is such a Command, but it can be ignored
  4. There is such a Command, but it can be disobeyed
  5. There is such a Command, but it must be disobeyed
  6. There is such a Command, but it can and must be reinterpreted today
  7. There is such a Command, but a pope can countermand it
  8. There is [or is not] such a Command, and there are exceptions; there were female deacons, “deaconesses,” who were ordained; and there were female “apostles”
  9. Right, justice, social justice, equality, recent research, and/or good, and/or the changing times, demand that women be ordained deacons and priests

Full treatments of such positions, and the reasons that they are wrong, can be reviewed in detail in the Hauke and Lowery works cited above, and in Eamon Keane’s The Ordained Priesthood, at https://www.ewtn.com/library/PRIESTS/ORDAINED.TXT.


It is not possible to put in words this author’s debts to  Fr. Hauke, Dr. Lowery, and Mr. Keane – whose works are cited above – for the information and sources on the Command Of The Lord regarding male only priests. Of course, none of them is responsible for anything said here.

Why say it?  There was a time when the faithful heard that there was going to be a Synod on the Family, and what was expected was a discussion of glorious, sharing heterosexual marriage between a loving man and a loving woman, and the joys of children. In truth and reality, as it turned out, the event was explicitly a Sin-od on Virtuous Adultery and, by implication, a Sin-od on loving virtuous sinful relationships of all types. It was also a vehicle for the proclamation of new teaching, including that the reception of Holy Communion by continuing adulterous sinners is permissible, and that the  ecclesial community must “integrate” such ongoing, public sinners into the active life of the Church.

The faithful have now been alerted to what is termed a Synod ostensibly dealing with youth and “vocations.”  Based on how things have been going, it seemed  a good time to make clear that Jesus gave His Church a command that men alone will receive His sacrament of Holy Orders;  that women cannot and will not be ordained, priests, deacons, or bishops; and  His Church will never have a female pope.

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Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Wednesday, October 11, AD 2017 1:54pm

1st Corinthians 33b-34:

As in all the churches of the saints, 34 the women should keep silence in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate, as even the law says. 35 If there is anything they desire to know, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.

1 Timothy 2:8-14:

8 I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; 9 also that women should adorn themselves modestly and sensibly in seemly apparel, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or costly attire 10 but by good deeds, as befits women who profess religion. 11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. 12 I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve; 14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. 15 Yet woman will be saved through bearing children, if she continues in faith and love and holiness, with modesty.

Wednesday, October 11, AD 2017 5:28pm

I believe it was Paul, not Jesus who was the misogynist. It was Paul who demanded that women be quiet in church and be submissive, not Jesus. Kindly point out to me where in the first quote above, that of Jesus, it mentions the sex of his disciples at all.

Mary De Voe
Wednesday, October 11, AD 2017 8:11pm

Jesus Christ is the Revelation of God. The Person of God the Father is male as is the Son of God male as is the Son of Man male. The Mass is an unbloody remembrance of the sacrifice of Calvary where Jesus Christ, as the Son of Man, made reparation for mankind as a man. The same sacrifice is remembered before all ages. In eternity, Jesus is making reparation for men. “In persona Christi, in the Person of Christ, offering Jesus to His Father in heaven on the altar is an ordained priest who says: “This is my body”, This is my blood” no symbols.
If God, the Father, our Creator wanted a person to be a priest, that person would have been born a man and given a vocation to the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
Because Jesus Christ is still sacrificing Himself on Calvary, before all ages, “in persona Christi” must be the Word and Revelation of God.
For women to be fallaciously considered a priest damns the woman’s soul since it is a lie for her to say: “This is my Body”.
The Holy Spirit speaks to us in silence. To be submissive in silence is to obey God, the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier, as The Blessed Virgin Mary did her entire life. To refuse to be submissive in silence to obey God, the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier, one is in desperate need of the Sacrament of Penance.

Mary De Voe
Wednesday, October 11, AD 2017 8:20pm

“14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.” Eve ate the apple. As Eve’s husband and head of the family, if Adam had resolved to remain obedient to God, then Adam saved Eve. Adam’s offspring would be created in original innocence. So Adam blamed God for giving him Eve ad infinitum.

Steve Phoenix
Steve Phoenix
Wednesday, October 11, AD 2017 9:06pm

Well-done, Dr. McClung:

Especially lucid writing but in particular, the breakdown of 9 types of heretical, or just plain disobedient, responses to Christ’s command on cultic priesthood.

Michael Dowd
Michael Dowd
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 2:44am

My guess is that Pope Francis desires female priests and that he will do what he can to make it happen. And if it happened most Catholics would agree and say it is about time.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 3:25am


During this papacy, the false ordination of women is not happening with Vatican approval. Thanks be to God.
Caulk one up for Francis.

Mary De Voe
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 6:41am

Oct 12 Columbus Day It is not possible for Jesus Christ to commission a woman to say the words of Consecration for the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the Sacred Species: “This is my Body”, in persona Christi.
For a woman, any woman to pursue falsehood would be damning to her immortal soul for she will have abandoned her destiny, that is, to achieve the fullness of sovereign personhood in time and in eternity.
All sovereign persons are created equal in original innocence, endowed with innate, unalienable human rights in immutable likeness to “their Creator”. The human body grows to be who his immutable soul is created to be. God created them male and female. A man’s body responds to a man’s soul in likeness and form. A woman’s body responds in likeness and form to a woman’s soul.
In the beginning, that is, before time, a man who is called to the Holy Priesthood is formed in body and soul. This is not predestination, for the individual so called still has free will and must employ his freedom to accept.
Beauty needs no reason to exist.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 7:03am

Good morning Mary.

What about Mary our Mother, the Blessed Virgin? She would be the only one. Only woman.
The only one who could say, this is my body, since she consented to the Angel Gabriel’s tidings and Christ took her flesh to become his flesh. Mary De Voe, I’m just wondering about this fact. She would be the only one who could come close to being aligned in this way, but of course she chose humility, thank God.

c matt
c matt
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 7:32am

@Michael Dowd

On the bright side, if Francis were to allow women priests, it would at least provide a clear demarcation between the Church and the anti-Church. The only thing left would be for Julian Felsenburgh to make his appearance.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 8:02am


St. Paul was NOT a misogynist because he states in Galatians 3:28:

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

However, he rightly recognizes the difference between equality in dignity and equality in function, for he states in 1st Corinthians 12:27-30:

“Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, then healers, helpers, administrators, speakers in various kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?”

Furthermore, 2nd Timothy 3:16-17 states:

“All scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”

This includes Scripture written both by St. Paul on the functions of women in the Church, and by Sts. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John recording the words of Jesus during His earthly ministry. Indeed, since God the Holy Spirit is one with God the Father and God the Son, what the Holy Spirit inspired St. Paul to write about forbidding women to have authority in the Church over men is EXACTLY AND PRECISELY what Jesus Himself would have said.

NO womyn Deaconettes, Priestesses and Bishopresses, period. You want to serve? Then become a nun and mortify your ambition before the Cross.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 8:47am

From the archives of Archbishop Fulton Sheen;

Mary was not a priest. If her divine Son wanted women to be priests He would have made His own mother a priest. A woman is the symbol of the Church; and though Mary was not a priest, she was able to say the words of consecration as we priests can never say those words, because her body was giving life to the humanity of Christ. So she could say, as she bore Christ within her, “This is my Body, this is my Blood.” Mother of the Blessed Sacrament, pray for us

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 9:20am

Excellent, Philip.

But today’s post-modern, neo-pagan liberated womyn want to blasphemously say, “This is my body, this is my blood,” as they justify the torture by dismemberment and bloody murder of the pre-baby whom they have so willingly conceived by their sexually promiscuous style of life.

And then they demand to become priestesses.

Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 9:49am

The Greeks knew that women were generally better at religion, thus all the priestesses. (Scripture knows this too, and our own age does as well – look at the proportion of men to women at almost any Mass.) Our Lord wanted the more broken instrument to be used in order to show His own greatness.

Mary De Voe
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 10:02am

Good morning Philip:
“What about Mary our Mother, the Blessed Virgin? She would be the only one. Only woman.
The only one who could say, this is my body, since she consented to the Angel Gabriel’s tidings and Christ took her flesh to become his flesh.”
Absolutely not. Scientific DNA proves that the newly begotten, in this instance, Jesus Christ, has his own DNA apart from his mother and is an individual apart from his mother. Christ had one soul and two natures, human and divine. Christ’s DNA, like all human nature was close to his mother’s but several percent different.

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 12:19pm

The best argument to my mind for the male only priesthood is that it is Christ Himself who offers His Body and Blood as a perfect sacrifice to the Father, which we co-memorate in the sacrifice of the mass. It’s just silly to think a woman can act in persona Christi.

Although not as silly to some as it once was, now that the genderbenders have the bit between their teeth.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 12:59pm

Thank you Mary De Voe.
DNA differences. Interesting.
Eucharistic miracles, I suppose, is the evidence on identifying the DNA? Please pardon my lack of understanding in this.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 1:35pm

@Mark De Voe,

The only human contribution to the human DNA of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was the Blessed Virgin Mary. Therefore, biologically speaking, one would think that Jesus’ DNA would be identical to Mary’s DNA. However, Jesus’ 23rd chromosome pair was male XY and not female XX. So this becomes interesting because according to the following, apparently the father determines a baby’s sex, yet Jesus had no human father:

“The sex of a baby is determined by two sex chromosomes inherited from both the genetic parents. A baby will normally inherit one sex chromosome from the mother and one from the father. A woman has two X chromosomes and thus gives either of her X chromosomes. The father has one X chromosome and one Y chromosome, can give either his X or Y chromosome. The egg (from the mother) already contains an X chromosome. Therefore the sex of a baby is determined by the X or Y chromosome of the sperm cell from the father. A baby girl will result if there is XX, and a baby boy will result if the final arrangement is XY. It is possible to have an abnormal arrangement of sex chromosomes, however, this is very rare.”

If Jesus’ DNA then did differ from Mary’s in some aspect no matter how small, then the difference is as miraculous as his development as an embryo occurring from an egg not fertilized by a human father. I therefore suppose that we will never in this life completely understand the miracle of the Incarnation.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 2:02pm

@ Guest,

Christianity is NOT a pagan Greek religion. The gods and goddesses in the Greek Pantheon (Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, Hermes, Demeter, Artemis, Hephaestus, Hades, and all the rest) bear no resemblance to the Elohim Yahweh (the God I am that I am) who is Yeshua Hamashiach (The Anointed One, I am who saves) in Christianity. No Greek god or goddess became flesh and let himself or herself be murdered in sacrifice for the sins of humanity.

There is furthermore no resemblance of the Catholic and Orthodox priesthood to pagan Greek priests and priestesses with the sexual deviancy of religious prostitution. In fact, when ancient Israel and Judah practiced that sort of thing, God sent the Assyrians and Babylonians to deport them into captivity as divine punishment.

Now as to the greater proportion of women over men at Mass, and their participation in the life of a parish, if the Church had not been so feminized and emasculated, with patriarchy debased and made ignoble, then maybe more men would be there. But when I see altar girls and female lectors and only women running the show (contrary to St. Paul’s admonition that I cited in a post above), then frankly I don’t want to have anything to do with that parish. St. Paul wrote the following under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit:

“I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent.”

Yes, that means men have to step up and volunteer to be RCIA instructors and youth Catechism instructors and lectors and so on. And families have to instruct their male children to become altar servers in order to displace girls. Many things have to happen. But first the priest has to start preaching unvarnished Scripture no matter how many tender effeminate feelings get hurt. He has to preach, “No contraception, no fornication, no adultery, no sodomy, no lesbianism, no abortion.” But in some measure I think things like letting girls become altar servers (because of sentimentality – “oh, she want to help”) is what starts women into thinking they can become a priest (well, priestess, actually, but Jesus ordained no priestesses), and then the feminization of men begins, and from that the entrance of deviancy into the life of the parish.

Lastly, I agree that “Our Lord wanted the more broken instrument to be used in order to show His own greatness.” Thus St. Paul writes about his own self in 2nd Corinthians 12:9-10:

“…but he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities; for when I am weak, then I am strong.”

Whether man or woman, we should all have that disposition.

Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 2:42pm

You need a mystical understanding of the Mystical Body of Christ in order to understand the male priesthood. The relationship between Christ and His Church is said to be spousal. Christ is the Bridegroom and the Church is His Bride. When a husband and a wife enter into the one flesh union it is the man who enters into the woman. Likewise, in conception it is the male sperm that swims up to and enters into the female egg. It seems clear that the act of entering within is a male act. The male is the doer of intimacy. The female is the one who receives this intimacy. This explains why Christ came as a male, and why male terms like Father and Son are used to describe God, and why the Church is called Holy Mother Church. 
Because of the Hypostatic Union, Christ is One Person in two natures, divine and human. The priest acts In Persona Christi, in the person of Christ. In Holy Orders during the ordination the priest is configured to Christ in a very special way. As such, Holy Orders is in the image and likeness of the Hypostatic Union. The priest is the living icon of Christ. Consecrated women religious are considered to be brides of Christ.
The priest acts In Persona Christi during the Consecration. In the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist during the Consecration the Real Presence of Christ enters into and becomes one with the bread and the wine. Transubstantiation at its core is a male act. The Body and Blood in a similar fashion enter into the communicant. The Holy Eucharist is a sacrament that is permeated with Christ’s maleness, and gives us a foreshadowing of the final nuptial union that is described in Revelation.
Women don’t have to be priests to have an impact on the Church. We can begin with the Blessed Virgin Mary and the women disciples. There are many important women saints: St. Teresa of Avila, St. Catherine of Siena, St Thérèse of Lisieux, and St. Faustina for starters.
Any woman who thinks that she has a calling from the Holy Spirit needs to study the works of St. Teresa of Avila, who is a Doctor of the Church. She wrote extensively about prayer and mysticism. St. Teresa was also a reformer who sought to restore a spiritual focus to the Carmelite Order that had fallen into lax spiritual practices. St. John of the Cross joined her in this reform effort. They both met with considerable opposition to their reform efforts. St. John was taken prisoner, jailed, and flogged.
The arguments that are being made in an attempt to redefine the priesthood are very similar to the arguments being used in an attempt to redefine marriage.

Philip Nachazel
Philip Nachazel
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 2:55pm

Thank you Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus.
Your last two posts were appreciated.

Yes. Only male altar servers at Holy Rosary.
The young girls who make up our choirs add a level of holiness that all that one needs to do is close there eyes…and you imagine heaven has enveloped the chapel.
Especially at the TLM Mass.
They, the children, are remarkable.
This parish is extraordinary.
Our priest is uncommon.
How unfortunate for other parishes.

Mary De Voe
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 6:44pm

He (God) made them male and female. The soul of Jesus Christ was conceived as a male because Jesus was the Son of God. Jesus chose to be the Son of Man. Mary, The Mother of the Eucharist became The Mother of the Eucharist when Jesus crucified gave His mother to us.
Archbishop Sheen gives us the impression that Mary was qualified to be ordained but in her humility, Mary declined. Not so. Mary was not ever called to ordination. Mary could not be called to the priesthood because Mary is the fullness of womanhood, the only human being who could be Jesus Christ’s Mother.

Thank you
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus: I have heard many times what you have written but this is the first time I have been able to grasp and understand that XX is female and XY is male, and yes we do have Jesus Christ’s DNA and Mary’s DNA. However, Jesus Christ, the soul of Christ, like everyman’s soul comes to form the body. Mary gave Jesus Christ His human nature, His human Body and Blood. Anima Christi, Jesus Christ’s soul was begotten with His divine nature as the Son of God and therefore, Jesus Christ’s soul formed an XY gene, raising Mary to be the Mother of the Son of God.
This is most importance. The Name of God is “I AM WHO I AM” “I AM”, the Person of the Father. “I AM” the Person of the Son. “I AM” WHO “I AM” the Person of the Holy Spirit WHO is the love between the Father and the Son. “WHO” is the Person of Love.
“that” denotes a thing. A rock has a spiritual soul but no personhood made in the image and likeness of God in free will with a rational soul. A rational thing does not exist. Only spiritual persons exist and are addressed as “WHO”.
Lucifer is a person who disengaged his sovereignty, defiled his innocence and hated his Creator. Even still, the devil is a person. Tables and rocks are not persons. Metaphysical spirits and human souls with free will are persons. God does not contradict Himself. Lucifer’s personhood exists in eternal damnation.
Jesus Christ is the head of the Catholic Church, the saints in heaven, the just on earth and the suffering in purgatory. The saints in heaven and the suffering souls in purgatory have their destiny sealed for eternity. These souls live the true doctrines of the Church.
“The Anointed One, I am who saves.” Jesus’ very name is WHO He is: “I am WHO saves”
Respectfully submitted,
Mary De Voe

The Christian Teacher
The Christian Teacher
Thursday, October 12, AD 2017 7:44pm

Carolyn is asking the wrong questions. The question is not where Jesus forbade female ordination. The question is where did He authorize it? Men could not be ordained if not authorized. Where did Jesus validate that a woman could be ordained? He did no such thing. Although he gave very explicit teachings in many areas and said He was leaving the Holy Spirit to guide the Apostles into all truth. Jesus and the Holy Spirit did not shy away from breaking merely pseudo-religious/social barriers at any time it was needed. Yet He never indicated that women could be ordained.

I believe this is just another attempt not the Left to distort/destroy the correct image of God as He is–in our hearts & minds. If women can be ordained as priests then God, Himself, can be referred to as a “she” as gender becomes meaningless in spiritual things.

Mary De Voe
Friday, October 13, AD 2017 9:03am

I have thought long and hard and I have come to appreciate all the TRUTHS written herein. My thoughts follow:
OCT 13 Jesus Christ is the infinite Son of God. The Real Presence WHO graced the Blessed Virgin Mary is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, the infinite Son of God.
“He created them male and female” from Genesis speaks of mankind. Jesus Christ is the uncreated infinite Son of God. Jesus Christ was incarnated in the womb of Mary in Soul and Divinity, already WHO He is.
The import of this Holy Truth is that all souls of mankind needing creation by God to be incarnated at the fertilization of the egg by the sperm through procreation by man and woman, married, are male and female, as created by God male and female, to form the flesh of the person, body and soul, male and female.
Jesus Christ’s infinite Divinity as the Son of God, in the Hypostatic Union needed a Mother. Jesus Christ’s infinite Divinity as the Son of God, in the Hypostatic Union has His Father, God in heaven.
In this time when some are claiming to be other genders rather than WHO God created them male and female to be, the TRUTH is that God bestows a gender and endows the soul. The soul will bring forth an XX or an XY chromosome according to God’s plan.
Mankind is a “Come as you are party”

Mary De Voe
Friday, October 13, AD 2017 9:09am

The Holy Priesthood is the living in the life of Jesus Christ., nothing less than being Jesus Christ for mankind. No one is worthy to live the life of Jesus Christ without Christ calling us to Himself in His Sacred Heart. This is called a vocation. Not adhering to our vocation is called hell.

Saturday, October 14, AD 2017 11:43am

[…] The Times are Urgent & We Must Heed the Warnings of Our Lady – Msgr. Charles Pope, NCRg Male Priests Only; Can This Command of The Lord Be Disobeyed – G. McClung Ph.D., TACthlc Video: One of Rome’s Best Kept Marian Secrets – Edward […]

Mary De Voe
Sunday, October 15, AD 2017 11:20am

More thoughts on the Hypostatic Union:
The Immaculate Conception teaches us that the newly conceived human soul is the beginning of an individual human being.
The Incarnation teaches us that the newly conceived human soul directs or forms the human body to be who the person’s body is to grow to become.
Jesus Christ, Our Lord had one soul, the Anima Christi. Jesus Christ in the Hypostatic Union had two natures: human and Divine. Jesus Christ, in the Divine nature of His soul formed Jesus Christ’s human body in accordance with God in heaven, His Father’s will.
Our Lord, Jesus Christ is begotten of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. Our Lord, Jesus Christ is begotten of the Holy Spirit in His manhood. Jesus Christ is the infinite Son of God, uncreated, nor procreated as is necessary with man. Therefore it is indicated that all men’s souls direct the composition, growth, gender and generation of their finite human bodies.
The Blessed Virgin Mary was invited to bring the Christ Child into the human race. The Son of God said that it is His delight to be among the sons of men, even before the sin of disobedience of Adam. Jesus Christ loved us to the end. Christ’s love for mankind is eternal and perfect. Christ’s love for His Father is infinite and is the Third Person of the Trinity, The Holy Spirit, Who proceeds from the Father and the Son.
The Blessed Virgin Mary became the Mother of God through the choice of God. Mary enabled God to become man and to assume His human nature. The Holy Spirit is the form of the human body of Jesus Christ.

Dan Apache
Dan Apache
Monday, October 16, AD 2017 6:44am

Jesus NEVER commanded that only men should be priests, and the scriptures show that. The Middle East was, and is, a hellhole of misogyny except for modern Israel, which would explain why at that time only men were chosen, but Jesus knew that he was sending the 12 out to certain death and he didn’t want any women to suffer that, yet. But no words of JESUS support the men-only rule or the life-denying celibacy rule that Satan himself must have written.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Monday, October 16, AD 2017 8:41am

Dan Apache,

The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are ONE GOD. The Holy Spirit inspired St Paul to write that women are NOT to have authority over men in the Church, so NO Deaconettes, Priestesses or Bishopresses. Since the Holy Spirit is ONE with Jesus the Christ, that means that Jesus wants an all male priesthood. To believe and assert otherwise is cognitive dissonance.

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