Wednesday, April 17, AD 2024 10:55pm

PopeWatch: Cardinal Caffarra



Carlo Cardinal Caffarra has uttered words that every Catholic should heed:



“To Catholic faithful who are confused about the Doctrine of the Faith concerning marriage, I simply say: ‘Read and meditate upon the Catechism of Catholic Church nn.1601-1666,’” Caffarra said. “And when you hear some talk about marriage — even if done by priests, bishops, cardinals — and you then verify that it is not in conformity with the Catechism, do not listen to them. They are the blind leading the blind.”

Go here to read the rest.  The Faith is bigger than anyone except Christ.


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bill bannon
bill bannon
Friday, July 15, AD 2016 5:27am

He is speaking well but his audience is small and not the laity of the fourth century that sided with Athanasius. Mass going Catholics (Pew) support Clinton over Trump 57% to 38%….and only 59% of them see gay acts as sinful…so….so much for the Holy Spirit breathing through Romans chapter one against gay acts…even for Mass attendees.
To the Cardinal’s concern…60% of Catholics in general say that both cohabiting couples and remarrieds without annullments should receive Communion. …and that’s less nuanced than Card. Kasper the friendly ghost.

bill bannon
bill bannon
Friday, July 15, AD 2016 6:21am

You’re probably correct for huge modern groups who befriend the surrounding culture. Cardinal Newman however in his account doesn’t so speak about there being a small part of the laity as faithful in the 4th century….and he included their parish priests as part of their strength in the fourth century while calling the laity unlearned but faithful which means they could not defend the true faith in words as you say to a theologian but they held fast to the truth in a simple summary form….” in speaking of the laity, I speak inclusively of their parish priests at least in many places…the governed were preeminent in faith, zeal,courage,and constancy….the unlearned and the weak constitute her ( the Church’s) real strength.”
Small groups like Amish and Hutterites can be that passionate minority of yours unto themselves when they do not befriend non religious culture….being incorrect on just war but very correct against gay marriage etc. and with divorce rates that are small. They can have scandals as in South America and rapes by Amish men using animal sedatives but that was a rare breach and those men are in prison in Paraquay or Uraquay.

Friday, July 15, AD 2016 7:01am

St. John Vianney didn’t fall into despair when he first arrived in Ars. We already know we win this. This message from Carlo Cardinal Caffarra is a reminder we are not alone.

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Friday, July 15, AD 2016 7:23am

“Faith is bigger than anyone except Christ.”
That is because Jesus is the author and fiinisher of our Faith – see Hebrews 12:2 – this verse of Sacred Scripture is imprinted on the wall to ceiling crown at St Ann’s Catholic Church here in Charlotte, NC.

Friday, July 15, AD 2016 9:21am

Bill– before you get too worried, notice that they sampled 577 “moderate” to liberals (You’re familiar with the argument over if Obama is a moderate or a right-winger? Seriously made up here, lost a friend because he thought he was “far right” because he argues Obama is a centrist, which made me a total wacko-bird.) vs 389 “conservatives.”
My sister would identify as “conservative,” and might even claim to be a weekly mass goer (she isn’t, but she’d like to be, so that should count….) and she is… well, in line with the “conservatives” on TV. IE, we almost had a blow-up because she insists that there is nothing political about putting lesbian couples into kids’ movies. That’s not controversial at all, all decent people are OK with homosexuality, y’know?

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Friday, July 15, AD 2016 2:46pm

“When it comes to religious movements throughout History, passionate minorities, and often minute minorities, are always the movers and shakers. Thus it has ever been, and thus it will ever be.”

When it comes to movements period, religious or otherwise, such is the case.

Michael Paterson-Seymour
Michael Paterson-Seymour
Saturday, July 16, AD 2016 4:44am

Donald R McClarey wrote, “Most of the laity couldn’t have explained the Arian controversy back then with a sword to their throats.”

Indeed, but as Newman himself observes, “Theological dogmas are propositions expressive of the judgments, which the mind forms, or the impressions which it receives, of Revealed Truth. Revelation sets before it certain supernatural facts and actions, beings and principles; these make a certain impression or image upon it; and this impression spontaneously, or even necessarily, becomes the subject of reflection on the part of the mind itself, which proceeds to investigate it, and to draw it forth in successive and distinct sentences… Now, here I observe, first of all, that, naturally as the inward idea of divine truth, such as has been described, passes into explicit form by the activity of our reflective powers, still such an actual delineation is not essential to its genuineness and perfection. A peasant may have such a true impression, yet be unable to give any intelligible account of it, as will easily be understood. But what is remarkable at first sight is this, that there is good reason for saying that the impression made upon the mind need not even be recognized by the parties possessing it. It is no proof that persons are not possessed, because they are not conscious, of an idea. Nothing is of more frequent occurrence, whether in things sensible or intellectual, than the existence of such unperceived impressions. What do we mean when we say, that certain persons do not know themselves, but that they are ruled by views, feelings, prejudices, objects which they do not recognize? How common is it to be exhilarated or depressed, we do not recollect why, though we are aware that something has been told us, or has happened, good or bad, which accounts for our feeling, could we recall it!”

He goes on to say, “Moreover, it is a question whether that strange and painful feeling of unreality, which religious men experience from time to time, when nothing seems true, or good, or right, or profitable, when Faith seems a name, and duty a mockery, and all endeavours to do right, absurd and hopeless, and all things forlorn and dreary, as if religion were wiped out from the world, may not be the direct effect of the temporary obscuration of some master vision, which unconsciously supplies the mind with spiritual life and peace.”

Saturday, July 16, AD 2016 1:56pm

If one fall into the sewer, it is best to raise one’s head above the much to breath. That is what the Cardinal is warning all who would listen to do.

Saturday, July 16, AD 2016 1:57pm

above the muck, obviously.

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