Tuesday, May 14, AD 2024 3:16pm

Pope Liberator

“My Communist colleagues decided that the Bishops ahead of Karol Wojtyla on the list of candidates were not good for the state, so they pushed Karol Wojtyla. The Holy Spirit works in mysterious ways.”

General Wojciech Witold Jaruzelski, last ruler of Communist Poland




In the era of Pope Francis, it is easy to become dispirited as the Church is misled by a man who often gives new depth to the word incoherent.  However, I firmly believe that Pope Francis and all his works are a mere blip in the history of the Church.  Future historians will recognize that the most important pope of this era was Saint John Paul II.  A new look at his role in the unraveling of European Communism is above.  It will be shown on various PBS stations in the weeks to come.  Go here to purchase it.


When we badly needed a great Pope, God granted us one.  Was he perfect?  No.  I regard his effort to do away with the death penalty as wrong-headed.  He was much too friendly with Islam.  His flirting with pacifism in the latter portion of his papacy was a great mistake.  However, he was the greatest Pope of my lifetime, a charismatic and strong champion of Christ.

(I have posted this list of his accomplishments before, but I think they need to be remembered as the years roll by.)

Here is a list of just a few of his accomplishments, although it will take centuries for historians to fully assess his almost 27 year-long papacy, but here are some of the events that I think they will note.

1.  He largely stopped the post Vatican II chaos-After Vatican II the impulse to transform the Church into an institution fully reflecting the current views of cultural elites in the West wreaked much havoc.  Paul VI, a good and holy man, drew a line in the sand with Humanae Vitae, but he lacked the stomach and the will to fight it out with those who would have transformed the Catholic Church into what the Anglican Church is now:  a dying institution, adrift from any allegiance to traditional Christianity, and fully in accord with the mores and beliefs of the secular elite of the West.  Many were rubbing their hands with glee after the death of Pope Paul, in confident assurance that a new liberal pope would complete the transformation of the Church into something akin to Unitarianism with fancy dress.  Instead they got John Paul II, a Polish fighter who had stood toe to toe with the atheist rulers of Poland and was not the least frightened or impressed by the forces that sought to neuter Christ’s Church.  The chaos and low morale of the Church could not be completely reversed in one papacy, but John Paul II began the process and made a huge amount of progress.

2.  Presiding at the Funeral of Communism-During World War II, both the Nazis and the Communists slaughtered a huge number of Polish priests, viewing them as deadly enemies.  How very right they were!  The Polish Church, in the midst of one of the worst persecutions sustained by the Catholic Church in the last century, never lost faith that the Church and Poland would both ultimately outlast the totalitarian regimes and emerge triumphant.  John Paul II was the embodiment of this robust confidence that Communism, like Nazism, was merely a brief historical aberration that could and would be defeated.  The rise of Solidarity was completely predictable to him, and his embrace of it made a crackdown by the Polish Communist regime, and its Kremlin puppet masters, impossible.  John Paul II and Ronald Reagan in the Eighties brought about the largely peaceful collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe and laid the groundwork for its collapse in the former Soviet Union.  The heirs of Joseph Stalin learned to their sorrow that the type of power wielded by a skillful and determined pope cannot be counted in divisions but rather in human hearts.

3.  Culture of Life-In the teeth of an overwhelming movement among Western elites to jettison the belief that human life is sacred, John Paul II rededicated the Church to that proposition and waged a long uphill struggle throughout his papacy against abortion and euthanasia.  Like Moses, John Paul II did not live to see the victory in this fight, but ultimately we will win, and his brave stand at a crucial moment in history will be one of the reasons why.

4.  Pope of the people-With modern means of transportation, a vigorous Pope can treat the whole world as his diocese by globe-trotting and that is precisely what John Paul II did.  In the Nineteenth Century, modern means of communication, the telegraph, photography and newspapers, were skillfully used by Pius IX to forge a personal contact between the Pope and average Catholics.  Pope John Paul II took this a step farther by bringing the Pope to the average Catholic.  A masterful stroke and superbly executed.

5.  Vocations-Pope John Paul II began the process by which the hemorrhaging of priests was stanched and laid the groundwork for the rebound we are now seeing in vocations to the priesthood in most of the Church outside of Europe.  Much needs to be done still, but without the efforts of John Paul II the situation now would be of truly crisis proportions.

6.  Theology of the Body-One of the crises of our time is the alienation between some men and women caused by rapidly changing relationships between the sexes brought on by modern life.  John Paul II addressed this in his Theology of the Body.  Go here for a good overview.  The exalted view of John Paul Ii of the love between man and woman in marriage of course ties in perfectly with his defense of the sanctity of life.  In many ways love was the central theme of the papacy of John Paul II.

7.  Centesimus Annus-With the collapse of Communism, in 1991 John Paul II released Centesimus annus, an overview of the mistakes of Marxism and the challenges that remained in a world where Capitalism now seemed supreme.  Go here to read it.  The most significant two paragraphs:

42. Returning now to the initial question: can it perhaps be said that, after the failure of Communism, capitalism is the victorious social system, and that capitalism should be the goal of the countries now making efforts to rebuild their economy and society? Is this the model which ought to be proposed to the countries of the Third World which are searching for the path to true economic and civil progress?

The answer is obviously complex. If by “capitalism” is meant an economic system which recognizes the fundamental and positive role of business, the market, private property and the resulting responsibility for the means of production, as well as free human creativity in the economic sector, then the answer is certainly in the affirmative, even though it would perhaps be more appropriate to speak of a “business economy”, “market economy” or simply “free economy”. But if by “capitalism” is meant a system in which freedom in the economic sector is not circumscribed within a strong juridical framework which places it at the service of human freedom in its totality, and which sees it as a particular aspect of that freedom, the core of which is ethical and religious, then the reply is certainly negative.

8.  Liberation Theology Rejected-In the Sixties and the Seventies of the last century, elements within the Church engaged in a strong flirtation with Marxism and the idea that the Kingdom of God could be brought about by class struggle and rebellion.  The idea was completely hare-brained, but it attracted quite a following.  John Paul II explained that the liberation that Christianity brought had nothing in common with the power grab the Marxists were seeking.  Go here for resources regarding the statements of John Paul II on Liberation Theology.

This list only touches some of the main features of the papacy of John Paul II, a papacy that will be discussed endlessly as the centuries pass.

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Sunday, June 26, AD 2016 9:05pm

I agree. In the end, not just Pope Francis but ALL who have departed from Christ, the source of life and wisdom, will be forgotten. He is but a “blip” in history.

When we fear the legacy of Pope Francis and his minions, we demonstrate our own lack of faith. This world was created b God for God’s good pleasure. We are but actors in the play.

Good, Catholic advice to take the long view.

Monday, June 27, AD 2016 3:22am

#4. Pope of the people.

His ability to engage the young and energize their faith in the numerous World Youth Days is worth noting. The image of millions of young people gathered together to celebrate LIFE in Christ will always be a cherished moment in the history of our Church.

I will always love this Pope.

At one time, St. Faustina, St. Maximilian Kolbe and St. Pope JPII were living in close proximity to each other. Powerful Poland!

Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus
Monday, June 27, AD 2016 6:52am

I think that both JP II and B XVI were great Popes. Like all men, however, they made mistakes: ingratiation with Islam, opposition to the death penalty, pacifism, internationalism, etc. Nevertheless, they were holy men and their overall theology was orthodox. Given the reign of the Marxist Peronist who currently occupies the Seat of St Peter, I long for the days when they were Popes.

Tuesday, June 28, AD 2016 1:36pm

I have real problems with people’s thinking about Pope Saint John Paul II. I can’t comfortably say that Christianity made any gains during his papacy. I mean, sure, some saints are heroic but unsuccessful temporally. Plenty of missionaries served as great examples of the Faith but were martyred without converting anyone. But if we’re judging a pope by the accomplishments of his papacy, I don’t see JPII as effective. He helped roll back an evil anti-Christian philosophy. But a majority of those under Communist domination at the beginning of his papacy were still under it at the end. And those who threw it off, did they see a revitalization of the Faith? Is the former Warsaw Pact more Christian than it was? I’m pretty sure it’s not more Catholic. Poland emerged well, but then again they’d always held onto the Faith. Some of the Eastern Orthodox churches have bounced back, although there are reasons to be skeptical. Overall, I’m very glad that Soviet Communism fell, but I don’t see John Paul as being comparable to the great figures of the Counter-Reformation.

It reminds me of a joke that recently appeared on this site, the punch line of which was, “when was the last time you ran into an Albigensian?”.

Tuesday, June 28, AD 2016 4:22pm

“I have real problems with people’s thinking of St. Pope John Paul II.”-Pinky

If your speaking about the Divine Mercy message from Saint Faustina and subsequently, Divine Mercy Sunday being celebrated the first Sunday after Easter as being hum drum or just more fodder for the faithless Catholics than your right to have a problem with people’s love for him. Since that love would be nothing more than hollow roadies worshipping a new king of pop.

If on the other hand you have problems with the tens of thousands who have found that pearl of great price through these newly accepted devotions brought about by the studious works of John Paul II and the misinterpretations that the Vatican held prior to his Holiness bringing in the true light of the works….well then I feel sorry for you.

Having been privileged to witness God’s mercy in the lives of four families who were at the deathbeds of their parent(s), and their faith come awake at the end of the chaplet and coincidentally at the end of their parents life is not why Saint John Paul is Great…but because of the sincerity and devotion to serve God well. Yes. These events came about because of live and obedience to following the prompts of the Holy Spirit.

Pinky. Your opinion is yours based upon your experiences and study. Mine too.
My study is ongoing in the rooms of the souls who are nearing death. My application is heart shared prayers, including the formal prayers of the Holy Rosary and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I’m not challenging your opinions, however I am witnessing the greatness of a man who Loved others first, only after developing a lively love for God through Mary Immaculate. His love for God and God’s love for him was confirmed on the day of his death.. Divine Mercy Sunday.

Just more….. coincidences?

God incidence is more like it.

Pope John Paul II wasn’t perfect by any means…but he was faithful to the end.

Tuesday, June 28, AD 2016 4:28pm

(… these events came about because of love and obidence…)

not live.

Wednesday, June 29, AD 2016 9:39am

I guess I’m mostly responding to Don’s point #2. It was a great success, but not a great spiritual success. John Paul had other great spiritual successes – I probably overlook his impact on vocations, which is an area where he may have proved himself an equal to the Counter-Reformers.

Wednesday, June 29, AD 2016 3:10pm

Please excuse my exuberance for defending my favorite Pope. I understand better your reply to Don’s #2.

One hidden and beautiful attribute to St. Pope JPII is his love for adoration of Christ. It changes people, their hearts and minds.

On Dec.2nd 1981 St. Pope John Paul II began perpetual Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the chapel in St. Peters Basilica in Rome. In his opening prayer, “Stay with us Lord,” the Pope urged all parishes to begin P.E.A. To date, 5,200 out of 20,000 parishes offer Adoration of either partial or perpetual in the US. Adoration changes people.

This, I believe , is one of St. Pope JPII’s greatest accomplishments. Spreading this practice.

Thanks Pinky for your opinions and your interesting insights too. I’m just a simpleton type of believer, but I am learning.


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