Tuesday, April 16, AD 2024 12:11pm

Jihadis Welcome


It often seems to me that most Catholic clerics could care less about the ordinary Catholics they are supposed to be shepherds of.  Case in point:  mass immigration of Muslims.  I wish I could say that Robert Spencer is wrong, but his observation of the feckless policy of the Catholic Church in this country regarding Muslim immigration is on target:


The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is calling for the U.S. to take in 100,000 Syrian refugees this year alone.

The Conference shows no sign of knowing or caring that the Islamic State said last February that it would soon flood Europe with as many as 500,000 refugees. Or that an Islamic State operative recently boasted that, among the flood of refugees, 4,000 Islamic State jihadis had entered Europe. Or that the Lebanese education minister said there were 20,000 jihadis among the refugees in camps in his country.

Or that 80% of the migrants who claim to be fleeing the war in Syria aren’t actually from Syria at all, or that German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said the Islamic State is sneaking into the country with the refugees and is active in the refugee camps. Why would these “refugees” think they had to present themselves to Europe, which has welcomed the refugees, with false pretenses unless they had nefarious intentions?

Meanwhile, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is, as Ann Corcoran of Refugee Resettlement Watch points out, “NOT advocating to save the persecuted Christians of Syria through this program.” Instead, bishops such as Robert McManus, Kevin Farrell, Jaime Soto, and others are moving to silence those who speak about the Muslim persecution of Christians, and about the Islamic doctrines mandating warfare against and subjugation of Christians.

Go here to read the rest.  Catholic bishops in this country, and to a large extent around the world, are wedded to an imaginary world in which the magic word “dialogue” solves all problems.  They would rather see a great many of us dead than give up this dream world, and actually help ordinary Catholics deal with the threat that radical Islam poses.  In the aftermath of the Regensburg lecture on faith and reason by Pope Benedict on September 12, 2006, in which the Pope in an academic lecture quoted, rather than agreed with, the opinion of a Byzantine Emperor that the new things brought by Mohammed were evil and inhuman, including forced conversion, and the Islamic world exploded in wrath and murder, then Cardinal Bergoglio said “Pope Benedict’s statement[s] don’t reflect my own opinions…. These statements will serve to destroy in 20 seconds the careful construction of a relationship with Islam that Pope John Paul II built over the last twenty years.”


We are led by blind guides indeed.

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Saturday, October 17, AD 2015 11:09am

And let us lay down our guns to a troubled lame duck. Poor president can’t stand the school shootings ANY longer!

Smells bad doesn’t it!

Why the Department of homeland security purchased billions of ammo…(?)


Barack Hussein Obama…
a name that will go down in infamy!

Paul W Primavera
Saturday, October 17, AD 2015 11:51am

Philip, they are getting neither my rifle nor my Rosary nor my Bible except from my cold dead hands. I am proudly a clinger to gun, Rosary and Bible. Remember the Mexico of Plutarco Elias Calles. Remember the Maccabean brothers and their Seleucid overlords. My motto is: Long live Christ the King.

Saturday, October 17, AD 2015 12:17pm

Viva Cristo Rey!
If my blood is shed for the greater glory of God Almighty so be it.
What is sixty years compared to eternity?
The blood of many a martyr has produced countless conversions for Jesus Christ.
From St. Steven to present day Christian’s being murdered by Isis, in their trust of God many have and will come to the splendor of Truth.

Protecting one’s family is righteousness.
If jihad Jim storms in he will be met with resistance.

Saturday, October 17, AD 2015 12:31pm

Regarding our porous borders and the casual attitude both this administration
and the USCCB have towards border security, I have but one question: why are
we keeping up this playacting at ‘security’ at airports now? If the federal government
is going to throw in the towel and let drugs, refugees, ISIS-masquerading-as-refugees,
and who knows what else slosh over our increasingly fictitious borders, then why
must someone’s grandmother still take off her shoes, be patted down, and submit to
having TSA photograph her naked? Why the scrutiny for us, but not for them?
It’s almost as if we citizens were the ones they were afraid of.

Penguin Fan
Penguin Fan
Saturday, October 17, AD 2015 12:47pm

The US Government should cut off all funding for any Catholic entity. The Church built schools, hospitals, colleges, churches, orphanages and operated them all without a dime from Uncle Sam.
The USCCB can deny Catholic history at its own peril. Pelayo, Rey San Fernando, Charles Martel, Queen Isabel the Catholic, Don Juan of Austria and Jan III Sobieski showed how to deal with Islam. The USCCB is weak.

Saturday, October 17, AD 2015 1:20pm

Penguins Fan.

You are right!
Cut it all off.
They are weak.

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Saturday, October 17, AD 2015 2:00pm

Again, I’m glad that years ago I stopped giving $$ to the US bishops.
Don’t you people understand? These are the least of your brothers. They hate you. They rape young boys. They mutilate female genitals. They behead Christians. They murder bomb innocents. They fly jumbo jets into tall buildings.
Makes you wonder: on whose side are they?
They say you can’t go around kicking in doors and rounding up 11,000,000,invaders. But, they would kick down 83,000,0000 Americans’ doors to take away your arms.
The only response to such uber stupidity: “Screw you.”

Greg Mockeridge
Greg Mockeridge
Saturday, October 17, AD 2015 2:32pm

“Catholic bishops in this country, and to a large extent around the world, are wedded to an imaginary world in which the magic word “dialogue” solves all problems. ”

Ever notice those who preach “dialogue” the loudest are the ones least likely to actually practice it? When comes to issues like immigration and capital punishment or similar matters, the bishops are about anything BUT dialogue!

Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 12:16am

This policy reflects the notion following Vatican II,
which was promoted throughout The Catholic world
that all religions are equal. I believe they called it
ecumenicalism, or one world religion. The old bigoted
principle of the one true Church which offended the
anti-Catholic political left as a supremacist world
view had to die with Hitler and Mussolini.
Of course, some Christians will suffer a violent death at the
hands of the Mohammedans for the grievous sins of
the old intolerant church during the Crusades. Nevertheless,
Christians will have to accommodate the Mohammedans
as the world moves forward to the realization of the
international left’s dream of a one world religion.

Michael Paterson-Seymour
Michael Paterson-Seymour
Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 2:17am

In France, one frequently hears the neologism, « beurgeoisie » ; from the Verlan « beur » = arabe, it refers to the growing number of successful, middle-class people of North African descent, people like Mustapha Ourrad, copy editor of Charlie Hebdo, killed in the massacre of 7 January 2015.

One thinks of Fadela Amara, a Muslim, who when she was Secretary of State for Urban Policies described fundamentalism as something clung to by a minority through ignorance and isolation in ghetto communities that will vanish when they are given better opportunities of intellectual enlightenment and of acquiring elementary knowledge in history and the sciences. “For this generation,” she declared, “the crucial issues are laïcité, gender equality and gender desegregation, based upon living together in harmony throughout the world, and not only in France” She hailed the Jules Ferry laws, making education at every level free, obligatory and lay.

Again, there was the vigorous defence of the headscarf ban in schools by another Muslim woman, Rachida Dati, as Minister of Justice (garde des Sceaux): “the laïcité of state schools is not restricted, in the case of pupils, to respect for their freedom of conscience: it imposes a duty of restraint on pupils in their behaviour, since they find themselves in a place pertaining to the public sphere. Pupils’ freedom of conscience, which is an internal freedom, in no way gives them ‘the right to express and manifest their religious beliefs’ in educational institutions, for that involves external acts which improperly introduce religion into the public domain of the school.”

Then, there are grass-roots activists, like Sihem Habchi, of the Muslim women’s movement, « Ni Putes Ni Soumises » [Neither Sluts nor Door-mats]. In a forceful attack on “multiculturalism” she has demanded “No more justifications of our oppression in the name of the right to be different and of respect toward those men who force us to bow our head.” She opposes state support for religious schools, citing the Law of 9 décembre1905: the Republic does not “recognize, salary or subsidise any cult.”

There is a dialogue taking place and extremist voices are by no means themost prominent.

Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 3:24am

Well there goes the theory that they only care about immigrants to fill the churches that have been emptied by their laxity and bringing of the faith down to level of the world.

Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 3:28am

Fish rot from the head down, but free nations rot from within their very own bowels.
Freedom and a lot of the faith both appear constipated these days.

Stephen E Dalton
Stephen E Dalton
Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 7:21am

These idiot bishops who want these Muslim immigrants so badly should be forced to move out of their houses in nice neighborhoods, and plopped into one teeming with Muslims! That might make a large number of them go Charles Martel in a hurry!

William P. Walsh
William P. Walsh
Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 9:15am

Sometimes I think the virtue of Prudence gets lost in the shuffle of our good intentions.

Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 10:12am

What do you expect when a Catholic Pope kisses the Koran; and yet people claim he is a Catholic saint and a “great” one at that?
Now who is fooling who?
The same Catholic pope went further and prayed that St. John the Baptist should protect the heretical religion that is Islam.
Now what do you call that?

Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 10:33am

The Sephardic Jews can go to Israel, but where do the Christian Arabs and Africans go who are being brutully persecuted? For the US – the persecuted should enter first. All others stand in the long line.

Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 10:49am

BTW not a single muslim will be served except by the blood of the Lord Jesus, and faith in his saving power.

Mary De Voe
Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 11:08am

“Christians will have to accommodate the Mohammedans as the world moves forward to the realization of the international left’s dream of a one world religion.”…based on the human being, man, as being infallible and infinite. In other words, Jesus Christ, Whom we have crucified. Our lady of Victory, pray for us. Our Lady of the Rosary, pray for us. Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us.

Mary De Voe
Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 11:17am

“The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is calling for the U.S. to take in 100,000 Syrian refugees this year alone.”
The let the USCCB take them into their homes,…and the capital murderers. Equal Justice.

Penguin Fan
Penguin Fan
Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 11:37am

Cpola, would you please give it a rest? You have a grudge against John Paul II. He has faced judgment for his sins. John Paul II restored the Most Holy Name of Mary to the Church calendar after Paul VI suppressed it in “honor” of Nostra Aetate.
Cpola, did you live in Poland during WWII?
I thought not.

Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 11:50am

From Spencer’s concluding sentence:
“As the bishops enrich themselves off the flood of refugees pouring into the United States, they can congratulate themselves that no one, not even the “flock” they have betrayed, will hold them accountable for what they have done.”

Plenty of us have about had it with their wishy-washy ways on life issues, the over-emphasis on non-citizens when many of us are in dire straits and cannot receive help from our own Church, and especially so on the acquiescence to the ACA, which has financially ruined many a regular pew sitter. (Not to mention the lack of backbone on fighting the contraceptive mandate! Ugh!)

Other than not contributing (which I cannot currently do anyhow), how does one, or the flock, “hold them accountable”?

Paul W Primavera
Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 11:51am

I agree with Penguins Fan. Pope St JP II made a mistake in kissing the Koran. That said, I wish Francis were half the Pope that JP II was. I pray that JP II may be declared a Doctor of the Church.

Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 12:56pm

cpola: On the page that you suggested was this statement “It has been prophesied, that if the desecration of the Sunday after Easter Sunday, by the demonic devotion brought forward by an impious female, is not repented of, the sword of Justice will not depart from Rome and its environs.” I take it that the impious female is St. Faustina and the demonic devotion is Divine Mercy Sunday. That page is unreal.

Paul W Primavera
Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 2:07pm

How is St Faustina impious? Never mind. I don’t want to know. I read too many lunatic ravings from liberal progressives without going so far the other way that I will have come full circle to insanity. PS, I love my Divine Mercy Diary. It ain’t the Bible, but it’s tons better than anything I have ever written. 😉

Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 2:38pm

Paul, I don’t know. That was a quote from popeleo13.com. The author is very anti-St. Pope John Paul II, esp about the possibility of him being named a Doctor of the Church.

Sunday, October 18, AD 2015 8:10pm

Saint Pope John Paul II the Great!
cpola…He faced down the oppression of the communist party in Poland, the ark I believe it is called, a church that was against the law.
Polish faithful brought in stones from country land and erected this Church despite threat’s from govt. He WAS NOT AFRAID!
Kissed a Koran. Big fricking deal.
Look at the Life of this man!
Shame on you cpola.

Monday, October 19, AD 2015 1:29pm

The Koran says Jesus did not die on the Cross.
The Koran says Jesus did not resurrect from the dead.
The Koran says Jesus is NOT the Son of God.
Now why would a Catholic Pope kiss such a book?
How can any Catholic regard such a pope as a saint?
The veneration of the Koran by a Catholic Pope is blasphemy that cries to Heaven for vengeance. And that day is coming.
We shall all be witnesses.

Monday, October 19, AD 2015 1:36pm


If Saint Pope John Paul II the Great fruits are rotton because he kissed the Koran, then the hundreds of thousands of people he helped into Holy Catholic Church are rotton too, according to your logic.
Go suck an egg!

Penguin Fan
Penguin Fan
Monday, October 19, AD 2015 5:14pm

Cpola’s fixation on the kissing of the Koran is tiresome. The Church faithful has to put up with Kasper, Marx, Daneels and others of their ilk and cpola keeps dragging up John Paul II and the Koran.
Please go away. Nobody here is impressed with you.

Tuesday, October 20, AD 2015 5:37am

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you traverse sea and land to make a convert, and when he becomes a convert, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.”
(Matthew 23 v 15)
Phillip, I rest my case for now. But I will not rest till I see the eyes of faithful Catholics opened to the lies of the past 50 years.

Tuesday, October 20, AD 2015 6:51am

Great cpola, aka “The De-Evangelist.”
Maybe your opinions will help to cease the increase in vocations to the priesthood.
Maybe you’ll turn potential converts away from Holy Church. Maybe you’ll get your eternal rewards, and wonder why YOU are in the smoking section.
Much to ponder.

Tuesday, October 20, AD 2015 12:12pm

Many many people made the mistake of identifying Islam as a religion of peace, even as a great religion. The relativistic malaise of the twentieth century certainly sickened the Church along with the rest of the world. B16 tried to call out Islam and got smacked down hard.

I guess John Paul 2 did a lot of wonderful things, but also made some mistakes about Islam, the extent of sexual sin in the priesthood and probably ecumenism.. God rest his soul.
Even though he was a very holy man, I do think many mistakes were made during the time of JP2 pontificate,
The credibility of the Church in naming saints took a big hit with the naming of John 23. Made it all look political…no miracles that I know of.
I don’t agree with cpola, but know he has a right to his opinions and to express them.

Tuesday, October 20, AD 2015 12:17pm

Guest said
From Spencer’s concluding sentence:
“As the bishops enrich themselves off the flood of refugees pouring into the United States, they can congratulate themselves that no one, not even the “flock” they have betrayed, will hold them accountable for what they have done.”
….anyhow), how does one, or the flock, “hold them accountable”?
I wonder that too,Guest. maybe Canon lawyer Peters knows if we laity have any recourse?

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