Saturday, April 20, AD 2024 9:00am

Riot Queen

Riot Queen

We last encountered Darlena Cunha when she wrote a column in the Washington Post in which she complained about feeling judged when she went to pick up government handouts in her Mercedes.  Go here to read about that unintentionally hilarious foray into obtuseness and entitlement.  Now she speaks up in Time Magazine in favor of the rioters and arsonists in Ferguson, Missouri:

When a police officer shoots a young, unarmed black man in the streets, then does not face indictment, anger in the community is inevitable. It’s what we do with that anger that counts. In such a case, is rioting so wrong?

Riots are a necessary part of the evolution of society. Unfortunately, we do not live in a universal utopia where people have the basic human rights they deserve simply for existing, and until we get there, the legitimate frustration, sorrow and pain of the marginalized voices will boil over, spilling out into our streets. As “normal” citizens watch the events of Ferguson unfurl on their television screens and Twitter feeds, there is a lot of head shaking, finger pointing, and privileged explanation going on. We wish to seclude the incident and the people involved. To separate it from our history as a nation, to dehumanize the change agents because of their bad and sometimes violent decisions—because if we can separate the underlying racial tensions that clearly exist in our country from the looting and rioting of select individuals, we can continue to ignore the problem.


Go here to read the rest. I doubt if privileged princess Cunha has ever had property of hers destroyed in a riot, let alone been assaulted or raped in one.  Not surprising.  The people who tend to be injured in riots, or see their property destroyed or stolen, are the ones who live there.  That certainly was the case in Ferguson where the majority of businesses burned to the ground were minority owned.  In a riot the mask is suddenly ripped off civilization and woe to anyone where the riot occurs who has anything that the criminals, who always take advantage of riot conditions to engage in an orgy of destruction, desire.  Of course, Ms. Cunha doesn’t give a damn about the honest people who can see a life’s work go up in flames in a night by hoodlums.  She  isn’t concerned about her or her loved ones ever being such victims, since she assumes, probably correctly, that the well policed and completely secure upper class neighborhood she resides in would never be subject to a riot.  Thus she can write a column appreciated by other white left wing loons like her, secure in the knowledge that only poor Blacks and Hispanics and Whites will ever bear any consequences from the understanding she wishes to promote for mass politically correct lawlessness.  I hope Ms. Cunha never reaps the whirlwind she seeks to sow, but if she ever does she will certainly have earned it.

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Stephen E. Dalton
Stephen E. Dalton
Sunday, November 30, AD 2014 7:40am

This woman is the ‘intellectual moron’ type that Daniel Flynn writes about in his book “Intellectual Morons”. People like Darlena Cunha set up a rigid ideological idea or system in their heads (riots are a necessary part of the evolution of society) but they refuse to see the reality that their ideas bring about. It scares me that a main stream magazine like Time would give this silly twit the time of day. Years ago, only a communist rag would print garbage like this.

Mary De Voe
Sunday, November 30, AD 2014 7:59am

The video of Michael Brown stealing the box of cigarillos and assaulting the shopkeep needs to be continuously played on the marque in Times Square until the rioting stops. Not one of the rioters would want to be robbed and assaulted, not even Darlena Cunha. Inciting to riot is disturbing the peace and against the law as someone might be injured.
“Ms. Cunha doesn’t give a damn about the honest people who can see a life’s work go up in flames in a night by hoodlums.”
That is what Hitler did to those who dared to be prosperous shopkeepers. From whom does she think the government gets the tax money to give away? Deadhead thinking. Cunha and now the Times magazine enjoy the power to cause riots, since they cannot produce something good.

Penguins Fan
Penguins Fan
Sunday, November 30, AD 2014 9:54am

Stupidity knows no bounds and cannot be fixed. People who read and write for such publications as (Behind the) Time(s) and the Washington Compost inhabit their own little world where logic and common sense do not exist.

Brown was a thug. His behavior before being shot bears this out. The rioters are idiots. Their sole source of anger was that a white police officer shot a black man. Black men kill other black men every day and the rioters care not.

bill bannon
Sunday, November 30, AD 2014 10:27am

. When in my twenties, I taught art for four years in Newark. I took deep in the ghetto black kids on weekends to the nicer world outside Newark including the Jersey Shore during the summer. I put a very rough, already Catholic black girl from public school into a Catholic school, paid her tuition inter alia and had to tutor her almost nightly so she could keep up and I took her and her two female cousins to Mass on Sundays in a neighborhood where I was jumped by four black guys but escaped in a telephone truck. One girl had no attendant parents and lived with Grandma who took her from a wild living daughter and the two cousins were from a father who was dealing very cheap heroin with a gang all of whom were doing heroin and often downstairs from where I was tutoring the one girl. An abbot from a contemplative monastery told me not to turn them in because their level of dealing would be replaced in a day, a Newark detective on the street told me to carry a pistol illegally after four thugs strangled a man in that neighborhood….an old priest at the end of my mission work told me wisely… ” what you are seeing is too much for your heart and soul…think about leaving”.

What I will say about Ferguson is that little truth is reaching through the tv. Four armed blacks protected one white business in Ferguson because that owner once gave them work. That kind of black man is more numerous than tv will state and thug blacks are more numerous than the tv or Al Sharpton will ever state. The good and bad are more numerous than one thinks. In your house if a huge man who broke in …is unarmed and moving toward you, you can shoot him…because he is coming toward you for that gun you’re holding….not for any other reason. I think Wilson perceived forward movement in the head down angle and Wilson did the rational….did the due act. Should Ferguson also have strong taser weapons in each car as a mid point between peeper spray and pistols. I think so. Wilson’s description of his gun jamming by the way is one more anxiety for all cops who might feel safer with 8 shot revolvers with moon clip reloaders. The revolver can move on from a dud bullet and doesn’t jam.

bill bannon
Sunday, November 30, AD 2014 11:00am

Here is the link to a different kind of black hero…I use Van Morrison’s words from Tupelo Honey about men like this…. ” men with insight, men in granite, knights in armor intent on chivalry”….

T. Shaw
T. Shaw
Sunday, November 30, AD 2014 3:05pm

And, I don’t hate anyone. But, I agree with Ann Coulter (not a fan, quoted at “Never Yet Melted”):

“The riot in Ferguson reminds me, I hate criminals, but I hate liberals more. They planned this riot. They stoked the fire, lied about the evidence and produced a made-to-order riot. Every other riot I’ve ever heard of was touched off by some spontaneous event that exploded into mob violence long before any media trucks arrived. This time, the networks gave us a countdown to the riot, as if it were a Super Bowl kickoff.

“From the beginning, Officer Darren Wilson’s shooting of Michael Brown wasn’t reported like news. It was reported like a cause.”

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Sunday, November 30, AD 2014 5:43pm

“It scares me that a main stream magazine like Time would give this silly twit the time of day. Years ago, only a communist rag would print garbage like this.”

Time magazine as a whole has been pushing Socialism and Communism for years!

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Sunday, November 30, AD 2014 10:40pm

Bill Bannon: re your commentary on your time spent in the inner city school:

I had similar experiences teaching in the inner city. When I have expressed similar things on this site, I have even had someone indicate that I did not know what I was talking about. Those who have never lived or worked in these areas do not have a clue about how things really are. I know that I never dreamed a world like that existed anywhere in the US until I had to drive through those neighborhoods & work there for 3 years.

Barbara Gordon
Barbara Gordon
Sunday, November 30, AD 2014 10:44pm

The “Riot Queen” would not survive a week in such an area because she is simply too stupid and thin skinned. Those who are surviving in such areas are too busy dodging bullets and looking over their shoulders to write articles for Time magazine.

Elaine Krewer
Monday, December 1, AD 2014 6:41am

“I hate criminals, but I hate liberals more. They planned this riot. They stoked the fire, lied about the evidence and produced a made-to-order riot. Every other riot I’ve ever heard of was touched off by some spontaneous event that exploded into mob violence long before any media trucks arrived. This time, the networks gave us a countdown to the riot, as if it were a Super Bowl kickoff.”

I also am not normally a fan of Ann Coulter, but in this case, she nailed it. The media coverage of the grand jury announcement — timed perfectly for prime time TV — was probably very much like what one would have seen in the Roman arenas just before the lions were let loose. Do not forget, also, that the federal (AG Holder), state (MO Gov. Nixon) and local (STL Co. prosecutor McCulloch) officials primarily responsible for encouraging or allowing this to happen are all Democrats.

Elaine Krewer
Monday, December 1, AD 2014 7:25am

Also, I was willing to give Cunha the benefit of the doubt on her “driving to get food stamps in a Mercedes” column. I am NOT cutting her any slack on this one. I guess she has proven herself to be an entitlement mentality twit after all.

You all have probably noted the further devolution of followup “civil disobedience” actions into harassing Christmas shoppers and, in the case of one protest in Seattle, hounding a children’s choir to tears. I would love to write a comedy sketch in which Ferguson protesters march to the North Pole, hold a die-in at Santa’s workshop and demand that Christmas be canceled. Call it “The Year Without a Santa Claus, 2014”.

bill bannon
Monday, December 1, AD 2014 7:41am

If looter’s (or their mom’s (if minors)) pay check or public assistance check were garnisheed by Federal statute for rioting, until businesses were recompensed…..riots would wane. If prisons had constant ten hour work days for restitution to victim families, crimes would decrease. As long as prisons are hangouts similar to the city block, we lose. The Church should be at the fore front with an encyclical about restitution via prison labor. She is not. We are posing for the media as the uninquisition….like the uncola. So we just note fleetingly….what prisons can’t do…hard things. We do not suggest positive hard things like labor with equal force if at all. The Nobel jury is watching. CNN is watching. We are the uncola.

Mary De Voe
Monday, December 1, AD 2014 11:31am

If they cancel Christmas they must also cancel Black Friday and all other gift procuring holy days.

Monday, December 1, AD 2014 6:15pm

[…] the gallant soul of Mr. Begic even now be enjoying the Beatific Vision.  Perhaps the Riot Queen, go here to read all about her, could explain to the widow why her husband had to […]

Ernst Schreiber
Ernst Schreiber
Monday, December 1, AD 2014 11:44pm

Wilson’s description of his gun jamming by the way is one more anxiety for all cops who might feel safer with 8 shot revolvers with moon clip reloaders. The revolver can move on from a dud bullet and doesn’t jam.

Or maybe it’s an argument against Glocks –and other double-action-only semi-automatic self-loading pistols.

Tuesday, December 2, AD 2014 9:22am

Most semi-auto pistols have a disconnector that prevents the gun from firing if the slide is pushed back even slightly. So if the gentle giant had his hand on the officer’s gun this probably pushed the slide out of battery. Unfortunately even with a revolver, grabbing the cylinder can be enough to prevent the gun from cycling, so carrying a revolver would not guarantee the gun would fire in this scenario.

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