Friday, May 17, AD 2024 11:31pm

Why the West is Bankrupt

Welfare Queen

John Hinderaker over at Powerline has a story from The Sun that helps explain why the West is bankrupt:

Ms. Belova could find work if she wanted to, but it isn’t worth her while. She is too well-educated, she thinks, to accept a low-paying job:  

She is careful to work fewer than 16 hours a week so that the benefits keep rolling in. But her wages boost her income to more than £400 a week.   On top of that she gets free childcare, fruit and milk vouchers — and even a clothes allowance for “job interviews”.   Natalija said: “It is a strange system in this country. Basically, the fewer hours I work, the more I can earn on benefits. But that’s the way it is and it is not my fault.”   She fell pregnant by an “on-off boyfriend” after her redundancy. Natalija said casually: “We decided not to stay together.”   She insisted she would be prepared to get a full-time job — but only if the salary tops £25,000. Natalija said: “I am a highly educated woman and I speak six languages. I would never apply for a supermarket checkout job or a cleaner.   “I am over-qualified. These jobs are beneath me. They are for people who don’t have the education I do.”



Go here to read the nauseating rest.  Ms. Belova is a Lithuanian immigrant to Britain.  Once she arrived there she got pregnant, leaped aboard the Welfare Train, and enjoys what appears to be a great lifestyle courtesy of the British taxpayer.  Her story is  a perfect symbol as to why the welfare states of the West are bankrupt.  The cause of our fiscal bankruptcy is our moral bankruptcy.  People have a duty to support themselves unless they are physically or mentally unable to do so.  Ms. Belova has no problem at all gleefully living off the sweat of others, which in other times would have marked her as a beneficiary of some form of slavery. Fiscal problems can be solved and if they aren’t they tend to resolve themselves in a financial crash.  Problems of moral bankruptcy are much more difficult to fix.

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Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 8:32am

When the working class is taxed to death what then?
Where will the over educated dependents go for their hand outs?
George Orwell was quit a visionary, unfortunately.

Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 9:20am

She is gaming a system she didn’t create. I blame her a little but the biggest blame lies with the voters themselves, and their total misunderstanding of human nature.

Alphatron Shinyskullus
Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 9:38am

And if she were not educated, she would point at that as a reason she couldn’t get a good paying job and support herself. Basically, any reason not to work will be accepted. As an insurance adjuster, I’ve seen judges award disability benefits to people contrary to the facts and the law, and in some cases manufacture facts in their legal orders to justify their ruling. I’ve even seen a guy who was videotaped on multiple consecutive days building a barn on his property be awarded permanent total disability benefits because he told the judge he was having a few good days, the pain was horrible afterwards, and his good days were so few and far between that he would be unable to maintain employment. He was then caught diverting the narcotic pain medications we were paying for. While we do win quite a few of those cases, invariably these people then apply for social security disability payments. Of course, these are a very small minority of claimants, but collectively they represent a very large drain on society. Most people want nothing more than to go back to work, but the ones who do not consume enormous medical and legal resources to obtain the golden ticket of disability payments. They don’t have to pay for their attorneys or their physicians under our current system, so why not?

You are right. This mentality is why we are bankrupt. Not content to siphon off the productivity of the current generation for political gain of politicians the financial gain of their supporters, we are siphoning off the productivity of my children and potential grandchildren for that purpose. In the name of protecting the weak, we have allowed in the malingerers.

The Church has made the unwise decision of partnering with the state in the charity business not realizing that the state isn’t about charity. It’s about power. And so what should be considered charity has been harnessed in the name of power. And now they wish to make it unrecognizable as charity. In the past, a relative would take care of a family member. We have destroyed the family as an institution across a large swath of society. Then the state steps in and makes people who would otherwise receive family assistance if they had an intact family, and makes them dependent on the state.

Mike the Geek
Mike the Geek
Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 10:20am

She “fell pregnant?” Holy expletive!

The young lady reminds me of a quote from a Russian pilot who defected -along with his Mig 25 – to the west some years ago. While having a shot in a bar while on a cross country trip (IIRC), he was told about the American welfare system. He responded, “All that time they kept telling us we were building Communism, and here the Americans have gone and done it!”

Quote may not be exact, but it’s pretty darn close.

George Haberberger
George Haberberger
Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 11:00am

I read the article that the link connects to. I can’t believe this woman is educated at all. She seems to be setting herself up for criticism. It almost seems like a parody. Doesn’t she realize how all this will sound to people who actually make their way through life by working everyday, doing whatever they need to even if they think it is beneath them?

Dr Stephen Lathwell
Dr Stephen Lathwell
Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 12:05pm

She is the wife of a Russian Billionaire Oligarch Leonid Rozhetskin. The point of the piece is to make you hate a section of society. The question is how much tax did she get to avoid for the article?

if you were real Catholics you’d find the idea of hating the sick, disabled and unintentionally unemployed abhorant.

Certainly you’re going to find out that Our Lord wont be impressed.

Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 12:05pm

That phrase “fell pregnant” threw me too. I just looked around on Google, and apparently it’s common in England and Australia.

Art Deco
Art Deco
Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 12:43pm

She is the wife of a Russian Billionaire Oligarch Leonid Rozhetskin. The point of the piece is to make you hate a section of society. The question is how much tax did she get to avoid for the article? if you were real Catholics you’d find the idea of hating the sick, disabled and unintentionally unemployed abhorant.
Certainly you’re going to find out that Our Lord wont be impressed.

Impugning other people’s motives is abhorrent.

Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 1:16pm

Stephen, I have no problem being a troll when I think it’s called for, but I don’t see anything in this article or thread that constitutes hatred for the needy. Maybe conservatives should be required to state it clearly every now and then: that unnecessarily living off the work of others is an injustice to both parties. But I don’t see how you could read any malice into this article.

Dale Price
Dale Price
Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 1:19pm

What any of that screed has to do with the article or my post is beyond me.

We live in a world where unchaining your id is a mark of passionate authenticity.

It’s actually nothing of the sort, and is annoying as Hell, but there you go.

Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 1:20pm

Doesn’t Catholic social teaching mention something about a preferential option for hot redheads?

Alphatron Shinyskullus
Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 3:02pm

Lathwell, I didn’t see anyone here talking about the sick or disabled except you. To the contrary, we were discussing people who are specifically NOT sick and disabled who are able to sponge off of society. In my work I pay out benefits to people who are sick and disabled, and I do so conscientiously. It is a known fact, however, that when you are offering money to the sick, disabled, and unemployed that the well, the able bodied, and the lazy will also line up to receive that money as well. The problem for society comes when the powers that be have chosen to cast a blind eye on that practice, and even encourage it. Do you propose that we continue to pay healthy people not to work?

Alphatron Shinyskullus
Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 3:13pm

I don’t think that’s the same person who was married to the billionaire. Compare pictures.

Robert A. Rowland
Robert A. Rowland
Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 4:20pm

The world is bankrupt spiritually and morally as well

Mrs. Zummo
Mrs. Zummo
Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 4:27pm

I was thinking of a career change. Thanks, Donald, for pointing me toward this amazing opportunity. Do you think I could divorce Mr. Zummo? Then we could live in sin and he could just be my baby-daddy? I’d get more benefits that way.

Elaine Krewer
Tuesday, January 22, AD 2013 11:58pm

I get the point of the story — the entitlement mentality and dependence upon government are sucking the life out of the Western industrial nations — but this particular case sounds kinda fishy to me and that photograph practically screams “staged.”

For one thing, why would someone who was genuinely trying to game the system and get away with it, plaster their name and face all over one of Britain’s best known tabloids unless they were 1) dumb as a box of rocks or 2) merely posing as a welfare cheat at the behest of the newspaper, in order to “illustrate” the story the newspaper wanted to tell? Kind of like the guests on “Jerry Springer” who turned out to be merely actors or actresses pretending to be lesbian ex-Nazis sleeping with their brother’s girlfriends?

Yes, I realize some people really ARE that dumb (like criminals who boast about their crimes on Facebook and Twitter), but since The Sun is a Rupert Murdoch tabloid with a history of sensationalism, I personally think this story needs some more fact checking before we all jump on the “isn’t it terrible!” bandwagon.

Wednesday, January 23, AD 2013 5:00am

I don’t know Elaine. Perhaps it is false. But I have plenty who come into my office who receive a boatload of benefits because they are poor. While making conversation with a number of them after Christmas, they talked about all the gifts they bought. In many cases the total could easily have added up to thousands of dollars per family.

Wednesday, January 23, AD 2013 11:08am

[…] Why the West is Bankrupt – Donald R. McClarey, The American Catholic […]

Marion (Mael Muire)
Marion (Mael Muire)
Thursday, January 24, AD 2013 3:35pm

The Wikipedia article on Leonid Rozhetskin mentions that some years before he (allegedly) disappeared into the United States Federal Witness Protection program, the billionaire had married a model by the name of Natalya Belova.

The New York agency Next features the portfolio of a Natalya Belova which may be seen at

Are they two different “Natalya Belova”s? In my opinion, emphatically, yes: it seems to me that the model featured on the Next website would have no trouble lining up a dozen top-industry bookings starting tomorrow. And the gal featured in this article’s illustration (above)? Not so much. She is cheerleader-cute, but not top-flight model material. If she ever decided she wanted to earn her own living, she would do well to stick with translating.

Thursday, January 24, AD 2013 3:35pm

“Fall pregnant?” Did she trip over her boyfriend?

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