Sunday, May 19, AD 2024 7:08pm

Grassroots Push for Democrats for Life

Here is a blog I wrote for this is the website for Florida Democrats for Life organization- If you are a Democrat and pro-life you should seriously consider joining the National and State chapters for Democrats for Life. There is a lot of freedom for you to bring your ideals and ideas into these growing organizations. I believe it is mostly a waste of time trying to turn Democrats into Republicans or vice versa- there is a philosophy of governance that pulls deeper than individual issues- even big issues like abortion.

Republicans call their view- “limited government” whereas I see it more as “limited responsibility” to a point that is contrary to the natural role of governance when it comes to ensuring the common good. For philosophical reasons I think people find a connection to a political party, and that is harder to change. To change from pro-choice to pro-life, it is actually an easier conversion to make. I believe that more Democrats will convert to pro-life, if the discussion takes place with fellow Democrats, not with Republicans who are prone to complete demonizations of the Democratic party.

I readily acknowledge big disconnects with the modern Democratic party on some major issue fronts- but I don’t see the Republican Party as being more closely aligned with my ideals when it comes to the philosophical underpinnings of how to regard the role of State in pursuing the universal common good. Both parties are major basket-cases, in my humble opinion. But I am going to continue the work of reforming the Democratic Party, the Pro-Life Movement, and American Politics- I can’t do it alone, but all I can do is develop and follow my conscience, so that I can continue looking forward to meeting Jesus Christ Man-to-man someday, not dread the encounter. Now here is the blog entry- feel free to comment there or here- feel free to join Democrats for Life and help out if you are so inclined. If you are a hard-core Republican I don’t expect you to join, but consider my points and move on to sites where you feel more inspired. : From blog

“I believe the time is ripe for the National and Floridian Dems for Life movement to grow exponentially. There are many Democrats who vote for Democrats- especially at the national level- because of the Democratic Party’s longer tradition of caring about the struggles of the poor and middle-class, the minority races, the immigrant, children, and those at-risk for all kinds of reasons. Democrats have a philosophy of governance that is generally much more positive than that offered by the normative Republican Party. There is a reason that the FDR Democratic Party held a firm base among immigrant and social justice-oriented Catholics, and Social Gospel Protestants. There is a commonsensical awareness that while corporations are in service primarily or exclusively to their investors, government is supposed to be the domain of “We the People”. In my own Catholic social doctrine studies, I have found that the role of the political authorities at every level is fixed on one primary goal- the common good. The “buck” has to stop somewhere.

The “buck” actually stops with each one of us- but we can only do so much with the limited powers we have as individuals- particularly if we are individuals with very limited resources, time, or intellectual giftedness. So, we developed representative governance and gave huge responsibilities over to our elected political leaders. Scripture advises us to pray for our leaders for good reason- they have primary charge of ensuring the common good- and they will be judged very closely by God Himself- if we take Revelation seriously.

The Democratic Party has lost a big part of her “soul” in recent decades. To embrace abortion rights and sexual liberalism has been catastrophic for children and traditional families- the very backbone of society. The Democratic Party- as such- does not deserve our continued support, but the Party is not just “theirs”, it is also “ours”. I am a lifelong Democrat, dating back to 1976 when I was just 13 years old and independently decided to volunteer for the first Jimmy Carter campaign for President. I am not willing to let go of the Democratic Party without a big-time fight. I ran for public office as a pro-life Democrat, and experienced the cold-shoulders of both the pro-life movement leaders, and the local Democratic Party activists. What I learned is that there must be a solid grassroots movement among religious African-Americans, Hispanics, and old-school white social justice fighters. We cannot continue to take the abuse from the Democratic Party establishment, which is dominated by Planned Parenthood et al.

The strategy I propose is that each of us in our own communities, attempt to gain speaking engagements in local churches- particularly those with sizeable African-American and Hispanic congregations. We shouldn’t be spending a lot of time trying to convert Republicans over to becoming pro-life Democrats. We should focus on those who are voting Democratic but do so only with severe reservations given the stand of most Democratic leaders on abortion and other social issues.

I suggest we use this blog to report on our progress, to offer encouragement to one another, as well practical suggestions and contacts in the media or churches if we have them. You do not need to be a polished speaker, just try to get in front of traditional religious people and start a dialogue and ask for them to join up with us. Let me know what you think- I am recovering from some health issues, but I plan on getting on the phone this week and setting up some talks. Let’s pray for one another- if it is God’s will, then we will find some open doors in his churches! God Bless, Tim Shipe Vice President. See me on Facebook- contact me for “friend” status.”

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Joe Hargrave
Sunday, June 21, AD 2009 2:34pm


As always, we are in agreement. Though lately I have been wondering if perhpas, as well, conservatives might be won over to the Catholic economic and political perspective.

Perhaps we need a movement on both sides of the spectrum – one which encourages Democrats to accept pro-life, pro-family values, and one which encourages Republicans to embrace new and better economic ideas. Then we might meet in the middle and shift the whole center of gravity, away from liberalism in its economic and cultural forms, and towards a truly communitarian vision in which the state plays a supporting role (as opposed to no role at all, or too great a role).

pro-family Democrat
pro-family Democrat
Sunday, June 21, AD 2009 4:12pm

I somehow found my way here after reading an article about another Christian pro-test about something irrelevant to the mainstream. My instinct is to not waste my time on this, but here it is…STOP MAKING DEMOCRATS OUT TO BE ANTI-FAMILY…just some of us believe that government has NO PLACE IN A WOMAN’S UTERUS…and certainly some middle aged, middle income white MAN has no business pushing for legislation that effect women…pro-choice is not the same thing as pro-abortion. Everyone wants less abortions happening. Only the Catholics also want no birth control, no sex education…gosh, that will work well for preventing unwanted pregnancies…and “family values?”…look at the personal lives of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Riley, Gingrich, the list goes on…hypocrites on ‘family values.’ I teach Sunday school, I pray and I am curious about my faith…but I will be damned to allow the religious right to continue to make abortion a political issue. Keep the church out of my government and I will keep the government out of my church. The Catholic church (and many Catholics) scare me more then any other religious group. So please, do not try to patronize Democrats with this issue. We know the truth…Republicans use it to get single issue voters…it is highly effective. Let the Democrats keep fighting for urgent things that effect the already living…things like energy efficiency, global warming, poverty, urban plight, labor, and health care…

Tito Edwards
Sunday, June 21, AD 2009 4:15pm

Pro-Family Democrat,

You have no right to tell us what we can and cannot do as Catholics we have freedom of speech.

You confuse establishing the Church as the official church of the United States to Catholics speaking up about their values. Just as you speak up about your right to kill children in the womb.

pro-family Democrat
pro-family Democrat
Sunday, June 21, AD 2009 4:24pm


Again, this time slower for you…no one here is pro “killing children in the womb”….(but those are choice emotional words, well done)…I am not pro-abortion…a concept that seems to be void to most ‘pro-lifers’…if you all would slightly bend to include PREVENTION into your cause we could probably work for a common good…but you are limited in your fight.

Again…keep your church out of my government and I will keep the government out of your church…you can’t have to both ways. You should be very scared to continue to blur the lines…church-led government like Iran…or Government led church, like Hitler’s Germany and cold war Eastern Europe…are you really wanting to be like that?

Tito Edwards
Sunday, June 21, AD 2009 4:28pm

Baby Killing Democrat,

Your argument sounds like I’m against slavery but I don’t want to push my views of being anti-slavery on others.

Also I have a right to speak my values, so keep your anti-Catholic views out of the public forum.

Islam and Catholicism are different. It’s also a straw man argument. You, like many democrats, dwell in relativism and think all religions are the same.

Just as Hitler came to power pushing socialism, Obama is very similar. Just as Hitler, Obama is a great public speaker. Just like Hitler’s thugs, ACORN rigged the votes in strategic states. Just like the Brownshirts (who were militant homosexuals) the Black Panthers intimidated voterr. (two can play the “Hitler-card”).

When you start drawing analogies such as you have, you know you’re losing the argument.

If you want to prevent the killing of innocent children in the womb, then outlaw it.

pro-family Democrat
pro-family Democrat
Sunday, June 21, AD 2009 4:50pm


your last rant is what makes me think you all are loony…just more proof…so cool, thanks…

and when you put Acorn, Obama, Hitler and what have into your analogy…your not just losing an argument…your losing your mind.

My guess’s been awhile since you have been laid…homophobic AND a conspiracy theorist…mix in neo-nazi pro-lifer…been awhile since you had a date I bet.

You keep on that crusade of yours…good luck. hahaha…

I need to go wake my baby from his nap…and go meet my family at the pool for some family time…that crazy thing that us anti family Democrats writhe from…hahahaha

you see, freak? I didn’t “kill my babies”….I just waited to have them when I was ready…thanks to being educated and informed about how babies are made…

may the Dear Lord forgive you for being such an intolerant and bigoted ass…

pro-family Democrat
pro-family Democrat
Sunday, June 21, AD 2009 4:53pm

oh one more thing Tito

“If you want to prevent the killing of innocent children in the womb, then outlaw it”

you are so sadly misinformed and ignorant…wow.

We should do this with so many things…let’s start with murder. That should be illegal…then it would finally not be a problem…drunk driving, that’s another one…mmmm….we are on to something here, Tito!…how about drug use? Excellent…that IS a pesky problem. And while we are at it, how about robbery, home invasion…man, if we just made them illegal…gosh, we should have done this years ago!!!

Excellent thought process Einstein…

Joe Hargrave
Sunday, June 21, AD 2009 4:57pm

While I may not agree with precisely the way Tito addressed you, you did say…

“just some of us believe that government has NO PLACE IN A WOMAN’S UTERUS”

And some of us believe that every human being, regardless of his or her location, has a right to exist. It is that simple.

If I believed that it wasn’t a human life inside a woman’s uterus, I wouldn’t care about it. If the unborn human being has no value, then abortion should be legal.

If the unborn human being does have value, then nothing can justify abortion. It is really that simple. The government has every right to protect human life. Seeing as how 99% of pro-lifers don’t care about the 99% of medical procedures that don’t involve killing a human being, it is simply false to make this a women’s issue.

Even moreso in that I think men should be held accountable as well. Please don’t make us out to be misogynistic. This is about parental obligation, not women’s rights. No one has a right to neglect, abuse, or murder their child, man or woman.

Tito Edwards
Sunday, June 21, AD 2009 4:58pm

Baby Killing Democrat,

Odd that you bring up Hitler then mock me for mocking you.

Again, it is God that you are angry at, you’re just a troll throwing vitriol at anyone that doesn’t adhere to your disordered view on life.

I’ll pray for you.

pro-family Democrat
pro-family Democrat
Sunday, June 21, AD 2009 5:20pm

I have found myself in the Lion’s Den…so I ask you. You middle aged men who fight for the unborn…what have you done to help the BORN? Have you adopted an unwanted child? Do you want to raise a minority child born to a drug addicted mother? Please do, it would make your argument credible. Do you volunteer at county hospitals to rock the newborn, who has been abandoned while it detoxes from meth? Do you work in the foster care system to give those children an equal chance in the world? Do you support social systems that provide a family with the LIFE LONG support they will need? Not short term…”here are some bottles, diapers and a winter coat…good luck.” WHAT DO YOU DO to help those children? Those children born, here and now…breathing, living, suffering, hurting, hungry and unwanted. Do you help them? I’m betting on ‘NO’

And again I say to you…prevention is the key. Stop thinking abstinence. Get out of the box. I am NOT a sexual libertarian…or whatever you called Democrats…the most offensive, sexually degrading shows I have seen are on FOX…the “values channel.” Republicans, Catholics, Christians, pro-lifers…you do not have the moral authority. I am not a “baby killer” because I want to see prevented pregnancies for women that do not want to yet be mothers.

You must separate the radical pro-life movement and include prevention and education.

But if abortion were to be illegal…the Republicans will lose too much of their base…they know it. It will never change. Bush didn’t change a thing…why? Because you all came back and voted for him again.

Patronizing your vote.

good luck in your fight to get Dems on board. Single issue voters are pathetic. If they would give up all the important issues we are working on, so they can go hold up a sign and shout at young girls…good riddance…

I hear the pitter patter of my son’s feet…he wants to join his siblings at the pool…


Sunday, June 21, AD 2009 5:30pm

Does pro family include the prenatal?

Donald R. McClarey
Sunday, June 21, AD 2009 5:31pm

Pro-abort Troll, I have three kids, including an autistic son, so don’t rant to me about the demands of parenthood, my wife and I have lived them. I have been active in the pro-life movement since 1973. For the last decade I have been on the board of the crisis pregnancy center in my county that gives assistance to women dealing with problem pregnancies. I am currently president of the board. Many of these women we help eventually come back to volunteer with our organization to help other women. We also have an outreach to post-abortive women to help them heal from the bitter despair often engendered from a “safe, legal abortion.” In short I have done what I can to help women in bad situations as a result of pregnancy and abortion. Do I have all the answers to the complex social problem of unwanted pregnancies? I do not. But I do know that killing the child is not a solution, and that the law must protect unborn children as it does born children, if we are to have any pretense of being a civilized society that values human life.

Tito Edwards
Sunday, June 21, AD 2009 6:04pm

Pro-Death Democrat,

No one here made any claims to “Fox” being the values channel. Most of us don’t even watch tv for that matter. We like to read books mostly.

I am a board member and a volunteer to a crisis pregnancy center and many more other post-natal care facilities. In addition I pray every day for the end of killing babies as well as praying in front of baby killing facilities such as Planned Parenthood.

I am a young man in my thirties, but I am old relative to the movement since most of my colleagues are toddlers all the way up to college students who pray with me in front of abortion mills, volunteer with many pro-life organizations that helps pregnant moms and abstinence programs.

I don’t believe in killing innocent unborn babies and will work until my dying days for the end to the mass slaughter of babies, which is the greatest civil rights challenge in our nations history.

Joe Hargrave
Monday, June 22, AD 2009 12:06am

This guy gives us yet another opportunity to look at how the pro-choice movement makes a complete mockery out of logic.

“You middle aged men who fight for the unborn…what have you done to help the BORN?”

Why would this have any bearing on the argument? Something is either true or it is not. What the person proclaiming that truth does on their spare time has no relevance. The answer to the question may well be, ‘absolutely nothing’. So what? Go back to logic 101. 1+1 = 2 even if Hitler says so. The sky is blue even if Stalin says so. Truth claims have to be evaluated independently of the person making the claim.

“Do you support social systems that provide a family with the LIFE LONG support they will need?”

I can’t speak for the others, but I do, as a good in itself. But again it is irrelevant. With or without those systems, either abortion is murder or it isn’t. If it is, it is unjustifiable. If it isn’t, then who cares if there is a system in place?

“And again I say to you…prevention is the key. Stop thinking abstinence. Get out of the box.”

This is simply not about abstinence. There are plenty of married people having morally licit sexual relations who nonetheless seek out the services of the abortionist. This is about parental obligation. To make it all about sex reduces the unborn child to nothing else but a consequence of sex. It is that, but it is also more. It is a child of two parents and an independent human being.

That said, birth control does not prevent abortion. It encourages abortion. It creates a mentality and a lifestyle of sex without consequences, but it only has to fail ONCE, people only have to forget to use it ONCE for that false reality to implode. Then people are left completely unprepared for the consequences, and the less prepared people are, the more likely they are to abort.

“the most offensive, sexually degrading shows I have seen are on FOX…the “values channel.”

True, but again, irrelevant.

“I am not a “baby killer” because I want to see prevented pregnancies for women that do not want to yet be mothers.”

We all know what a pregnancy is, and what you mean by ‘prevented’.

A woman isn’t pregnant with a kidney or a spleen, but an unborn child, a unique individual with its own genetic code and potential in life. The only way to ‘prevent’ it from being born is to kill it. So, we have a child, and we have killing. Making it sound political or clinical doesn’t change what it is.

Eric Brown
Monday, June 22, AD 2009 2:57am

Tim, as a pro-life Democrat, I obviously agree.

If I lived in Florida, I would strongly urge you to run for re-election and I would work for your campaign.

Joe, this is yet another reason as to why we should run on the same ticket. I’d be willing to be the Vice President for 8 years. So that I can succeed you for another 8 and be in the White House for 16 years (diabolical laughter).

Elaine Krewer
Monday, June 22, AD 2009 4:55am

Normally liberal Democrats are all in favor of protecting groups of people who are seen as vulnerable, powerless, or discriminated against, particularly women and racial minorities. Wouldn’t it be perfectly logical for them to regard the unborn as an oppressed class deserving of protection as well?

I realize, of course, that the main reason liberals seem to have a blind spot with regard to the unborn is their insistence upon absolute sexual freedom. However, most liberals don’t seem to have a problem restricting the “freedom” of an employer to sexually harass or intimidate workers, or the “freedom” of pedophiles to access child porn, so even they acknowledge that there are SOME limits on sexual freedom.

Monday, June 22, AD 2009 8:29am

I think “Pro-family Democrat” is the reason many of us see making the Democratic party pro-life as a practical impossibility.

ron chandonia
ron chandonia
Monday, June 22, AD 2009 10:47am

Phillip raises an excellent point. I have paid dues to Dems for Life, but even on the local level, pro-life voices are made VERY unwelcome at Democratic Party gatherings. The (God help us) “Pro-family Democrat” types treat respect for life as hate speech; it’s hard to imagine any common ground with them.

Tito Edwards
Monday, June 22, AD 2009 12:02pm

I am registered as an independent, but I would not have any qualms voting for a pro-life Democrat. I would even volunteer for a pro-life Democrat and actively participate for Democrats for Life.

In fact I have done those three things in the past, but only at the local level.

This is only the beginning, but we shouldn’t lose faith. Continue working within the Democratic Party to begin a dialogue and eventually a change from their pro-abortion platform.

With God all things are possible.

Monday, June 22, AD 2009 3:23pm

I notice that Elaine Krewer is the only lady who’s commented here, so I figured I’d put my oar in just so PFD doesn’t get the notion this is entirely a hangout for middle-aged men.

Middle-aged woman, here. Mom of four. Doctrinally conservative Catholic with liturgically eclectic tendencies. Pro-life feminist in the tradition of the nineteenth-century suffragists. Have had a crisis pregnancy. Have volunteered with a Birthright center. Been volunteering with kids for a couple of decades. Make regular contributions to those less fortunate.

I bear you no ill-will, PFD, but if you’re going to sashay into a combox and post a bunch of inflammatory accusations and rambling rants, you shouldn’t be too surprised if some of the gentlemen reading forget they’re gentlemen.

Robert Jones
Thursday, June 25, AD 2009 8:11pm

Dear readers-

Good for you! We need to work hard to end abortion by election of more Pro-Life Democrats who will pass laws in this respect and Pray for those who want abortion and have back alley shops they call offices! God will do his thing!


Robert L. Jones
A Blue Dog Democrat

Saturday, June 27, AD 2009 10:56pm

Is abortion wrong because abortion is anti family, against God’s law, and/or coercive?

Tito Edwards
Sunday, June 28, AD 2009 2:43pm


That is part of it. But mostly because it violates the Fifth Commandment of “You shall not kill”, ie, killing innocent babies.

Andy K.
Sunday, June 28, AD 2009 9:46pm

This blog post and the comments are an excellent witness to both the Catholic faith and the “pro-life, whole life” doctrine it teaches. Pro-family Democrat, you are in my prayers. Kudos to everyone here who will doubtlessly be called “good and faithful servants” by our heavenly Father some day!

Monday, June 29, AD 2009 7:33pm

Thank you so much for this very interesting post. I am pro-life, but disagree with the Republican party about just about everything else. If anything, I am probably a bit more liberal than the Democratic party on many issues. I feel in such a crisis about this. I like what you wrote about “limited government” verses “limited responsibility” and the importance of the common good.

I was just talking with my husband–actually in tears–because I have always been political and civic minded and voted since age 18, and yet I feel like I have no one to vote for.

For the record, I am not Catholic, although I am Christian. And also for the record, I am a woman and a feminist and have been pro-life almost all of my life. But that is not what matters. Sadly, I do think that a lot of liberal men who otherwise might be pro-life are bullied by the more radical elements in the pro-choice movement–are told that they have no right to have an opinion about abortion because they are men, which is irrelevant if abortion is murder.

Anyway. Sorry to crash your party, but I wanted to say that what you are doing is inspiring.

Friday, July 3, AD 2009 7:00pm

Should God’s laws influence (if not control) government’s laws?

Lila Cuajunco
Monday, July 6, AD 2009 6:38pm

From: Lila Cuajunco
Date: Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 7:03 AM
Subject: Fwd: FW: Fwd: Fw: OPEN LETTER TO OBAMA

On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 1:38 AM, Lila Cuajunco wrote:
Hi Georgia – Thanks for the Open Letter to Obama. I will send it to my

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Georgia Froncek
Date: Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 1:47 PM
Subject: Fwd: FW: Fwd: Fw: OPEN LETTER TO OBAMA

This letter you are about to read was written by a 4th grade teacher
recently. She even gave the world her telephone and fax numbers. She
is a brave, bright, PATRIOT! We are in dire need of more true American
citizens who are proud of OUR United States of America . WAKE UP
AMERICA . . . Please . . . Before it is too late!

April 27, 2009

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington , DC 20500

Mr. Obama:

I have had it with you and your administration, sir. Your conduct on
your recent trip overseas has convinced me that you are not an
adequate representative of the United States of America collectively
or of me personally.

You are so obsessed with appeasing the Europeans and the Muslim world
that you have abdicated the responsibilities of the President of the
United States of America. You are responsible to the citizens of the
United States.

You are not responsible to the peoples of any other country on earth.
I personally resent that you go around the world apologizing for the
United States telling Europeans that we are arrogant and do not care
about their status in the world. Sir, what do you think the First
World War and the Second World War were all about if not the
consideration of the peoples of Europe ? Are you brain dead ? What do
you think the Marshall Plan was all about?

Do you not understand or know the history of the 20th century? Where
do you get off telling a Muslim country that the United States does
not consider itself a Christian country? Have you not read the
Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States ?
This country was founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and the principles
governing this country, at least until you came along, come directly
from this heritage. Do you not understand this?

Your bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia is an affront to all
Americans. Our President does not bow down to anyone, let alone the
king of S Audi Arabia. You don’t show Great Britain , our best and one
of our oldest allies, the respect they deserve yet you bow down to the
king of Saudi Arabia. How dare you, sir! How dare you!

You can’t find the time to visit the graves of our greatest
generation because you don’t want to offend the Germans but make time
to visit a mosque in Turkey . You offended our dead and every veteran
when you give the Germans more respect than the people who saved the
German people from themselves. What’s the matter with you?

I am convinced that you and the members of your administration have
the historical and intellectual depth of a mud puddle and should be
ashamed of yourselves, all of you. You are so self-righteously
offended by the big bankers and the American automobile manufacturers
yet do nothing about the real thieves in this situation, Mr. Dodd, Mr.
Frank, Franklin Raines, Jamie Gorelic, the Fannie Mae bonuses, and the
Freddie Mac bonuses. What do you intend to do about them? Anything? I
seriously doubt it.

What about the US . House members passing out $9.1 million in bonuses
to their staff members – on top of the $2.5 million in automatic pay
raises that lawmakers gave themselves? I understand the average House
aide got a 17% bonus. I took a 5% cut in my pay to save jobs with my

You haven’t said anything about that. Who authorized that? I surely
didn’t! Executives at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be receiving
$210 million in bonuses over an eighteen-month period, that’s $45
million more than the AIG bonuses. In fact, Fannie and Freddie
executives have already been awarded $51 million – not a bad take. Who
authorized that and why haven’t you expressed your outrage at this
group who are largely responsible for the economic mess we have right

You can’t blame ANY of the above on George W. Bush. WHY are you so
determined to give this country’s dwindling wealth to corrupt
politicians and your corrupt friends?

I resent that you take me and my fellow citizens as brain-dead and
not caring about what you idiots do. We are watching what you are
doing and we are getting increasingly fed up with all of you. I also
want you to know that I personally find just about everything you do
and say to be offensive to every one of my sensibilities. I promise
you that I will work tirelessly to see that you do not get a chance to
spend two terms destroying my beautiful country.

Every Real American

P.S. I rarely ask that e-mails be ‘passed around’…………
PLEASE SEND THIS TO YOUR EMAIL LIST……it’s past time for all
Americans to wake up!

Ms Kathleen Lyday
Fourth Grade Teacher
Grandview Elementary School
11470 Hwy. C Hillsboro,
MO 63050
(636) 944-3291 Phone
(636) 944-3870 Fax

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